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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. 22 minutes ago, back cruncher said:

    Hi all…..what a memorable day it was.we got smoked a heap of times.very tense times while Jeff was trying to land that cobe on snapper gear.my stuff up with the gaff had me feeling sick in the gut,thinking if we lose it,its my fault.but Jeff’s a master fisherman and knows what he’s doing,so all was good.


    well done mate…

    Was a memorable day indeed mate! 
    Cobia are notorious for dropping gaffs and I did think it was all over. But we finally won one in the end! Your up next champ! 🤙

  2. 3 hours ago, Hoods said:

    Well done Scratchie. How sweet it must be to get one in the bucket.

    It seems to be a big year for Cobia. A report last week of a double hookup up this way last week however one was taxed. The one boated was about 13kg. The wings went on the BBQ the other day.

    Keep up the good work. Hoods

    Now I know what they fight like I reckon I lost a couple of bigger models in the last 3 weeks 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    47 minutes ago, Scooter0069 said:

    Great fish Scratchie and great photos 

    Cheers mate! 

  3. 1 hour ago, Yowie said:

    Thank you Scratchie.

    Not a lot to catch, but better than a wet bum and no fish.

    Around this time of year, there are normally a few pannies to be caught but the continuous fresh run-off and dirty water has scared them off.

    Yeah the reds were scarce yesterday for us too! Mick scored a nice one and got dusted by one but the bites were few and far between. They obviously don’t like that fresh water! 

  4. 3 hours ago, Restyle said:

    Yeeww what a fish and day to remember for sure


    Thanks. It sure was! 

    2 hours ago, LuckyFil said:

    Congratulations to you and Backcruncher - two magnificent fish, especially after being done by several fish beforehand!

    Those cobes go hard and never give up right till the last. I got a good one trolling up around Rockie , it came to the boat fairly quickly when we called it for a shark (common mistake) but we realised our error when we saw the white stripe and then it went deep and slogged it out for ages.

    Well done guys


    Thanks FIL. It was a slog out that’s for sure! 

    48 minutes ago, Rebel said:

    Congrats. Well done.

    Super photos.

    Great report.

    Cheers Rebel 🤙

    18 minutes ago, Ledge said:

    Congrats Jeff, that is awesome! Bucket list fish for sure.

    An obvious question maybe and you’re clearly a much more accomplished fisho than me… but if you’re losing so many fish to pulled hooks and snapped leaders why aren’t you upsizing your gear??

    Thanks mate! 

    To answer your question it’s the balance between getting the bite and not! The primary target of the day was snapper. But then once we started getting dusted, we upped the leader size to 30lb. And still got dusted. It’s a sporting game out there 😂

    • Like 2
  5. 13 hours ago, Fisherlady said:

    Wow! I'm excited for you. :1clap:What an amazing experience.

    Thanks 🙏 unbelievable feeling! 

    13 hours ago, Little_Flatty said:

    At last! The one species that has eluded you this whole time!

    Well done Jeff!


    13 hours ago, Isaac Ct said:

    Yeww!!! Well done scratchie. And a cracking snapper Jeff. Awesome job boys.

    Cheers mate! Mick got the snapper and it was a beauty too! 

    13 hours ago, frankS said:

    Mighty fine fish there young feller, and about time.

    My nemeses is a humble little Red Morwong yeah I know who would want a Red Morwong , it's just one fish that others have landed while in my boat but I have never caught one. I know where they are but so far they have just stayed away from my hooks.


    Thanks Frank! Yeah it’s funny how it can happen. I’ve never been on a boat that’s caught a cobia. And I’ve been on plenty! Hopefully you can tick your nemesis off one day too! BTW, I’ve caught a red mowie before 😂😂

    12 hours ago, Larkin said:

    reading your report - felt as if I was there with you. 

    Well done scratchie 👍 great fish! 

    Thanks mate! Well I’m glad there was another fishraider there with me! 💪

    12 hours ago, Welster said:

    Congrats Jeff I can imagine how much that capture meant to you.   You will probably catch a heap of them now. 

    Cheers mate! Now that I’ve fought one and landed it, I understand the fight. I reckon I’ve lost heaps of them before 😂😂😂

    11 hours ago, Aerialangler said:

    Well done Jeff!!

    Great to see a smile on your dial !

    what was the fight like? 

    Did it go deep or go towards the top?  

    Or bit of both?!! 
    Great catch cheers 


    Thanks Kent! It actually did both. First deep, then hit the surface and then after the gaff attempt went deep again! I was worried on the silly gear but all good now! 

    9 hours ago, masterfisho7 said:

    Top stuff you have some top fish there love the photos 

    Cheers mate! 

    12 hours ago, dirvin21 said:

    That's awesome Jeff!

    Thanks Dave 

    8 hours ago, big Neil said:

    Congratulations Scratchie on finally getting a Cobia into the boat. Hard to believe that it has eluded you when you have caught so many good fish over the years. What's next on the wish list?


    Thanks BN! The next is a 20kg plus king. But not on a snapper stick please 😂😂😂

    4 hours ago, bessell1955 said:

    Good size fish.  Well caught.

    Thank you 

    1 hour ago, Blackfish said:

    Excellent Fish there Scratchie, congratulations on such a hard earned fish.

    Cheers mate! Hard earned alright! It took 20 plus years! 

    7 minutes ago, Yowie said:

    good work Jeff, you finally landed a cobia, a nice one at that, however, it needed to be landed with a handline to count.  :074:

    Hahahahhaahah thanks Dave! Yeah good luck with that on a handline! I’d still be there fighting now 😂

    • Like 2
  6. G’day raiders, 

    This post is 20 years in the making! 
    Whilst catching snapper is my most favourite fishing target, there are plenty more fish in the ocean so to speak. 
    I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many places chasing different species including an epic trip to Darwin with a bunch of legend fishraiders and tick many species off my list. Trips to QLD and northern NSW have seen me add to those lists but one fish that has eluded me my whole career and my nemesis is the dreaded COBIA!!! 

    Well today @back cruncherand me hit the island after a promising trip a few weeks back that saw us lose a heap of fish. 

    The day didn’t start out well and to be honest was looking rather bleak. We struggled to catch a livie and our first few drifts in two different areas only yielded a few bonito and some rat kings. 

    So we headed back to the area that we copped a dusting previously and it wasn’t long until I heard the reel screaming. Mick didn’t hear it cos he’s half deaf 😂😂 but he heard me yell at him to start the motor. After a few runs and a couple of winds, snap goes the leader. Not again! Undeterred we kept casting and Mick loads up and this thing heads for NZ and snap goes that one too! 

    We reset the drift and I cast out, about 10 seconds later and it’s screaming again! This time I set the hook and set it hard! I lose about 100m of line and call for mick to pull all the lines up! An epic battle ensued and about 5 minutes or so later, I get my first sight of the fish in the surface! It’s a friggin COBIA I call. The knees begin to weaken and my arms are shaking. I slowly compose myself and settle back into the fight. Another 10 minutes or so and I’ve finally got it boatside and it’s decent. Mick leans over and gaffs it and it’s almost in the boat. Then it rolls around, spits the gaff and heads back for the depths! Nooooooooooooo! 
    I take another deep breath and start the fight again. Easy, easy and begin to wear it down as it’s doing the same to me! Lol 

    Another 5 mins later and it’s within sight of the gaff and in she goes and into the boat. The relief was immense!!! A fish if a lifetime had just hit the deck. A few choice words and Hi 5’s then back to fishing. 
    Not long after Mick pulls a good snapper, followed by two sharks and got dusted by another good snapper! Didn’t manage to find him his cobia but we know they’re out there! 

    Overall, what started as a pretty ordinary day turned very epic in a turn of a reel. 
    Sometimes it’s not just the fish either, it’s the company and Mick……. Your a legend mate! 

    Broughton Island @9:31 mid tide 

    gear: Okuma ITX 4000 

    Atomic ARROWZ offshore 10-25lb 

    20lb Dangar braid and 20 blackmagic leader 

    Thanks for reading, 

    cheers scratchie!!! 





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  7. 15 hours ago, Rummers said:

    Thanks mate! Unfortunatly I’m off the Jew for a bit - need to find some day time fishing the next couple of months to work around work and childcare. Any ideas? 

    Hahahahaha have the same problem! Too much work and too many kids 😂😂😂

  8. 5 hours ago, Brendan Monks said:

    Yes for sure!, Rick was on our boat again just over the weekend...I'm guessing you've already heard!!?? 🤪

    Still trying to process it all! 😂

    Hahahaahaha yeah messaged me! Epic fish and hope it’s a world record! 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Smobaby said:

    Can't really be totally disappointed about that catch conciderating the water conditions. Hopefully the water comes good for the tournament in a couple of weeks, can't wait. Fished Port Kembla yesterday for 2 small snapper and a heap of bi catch water hot but dirty plenty of debris.

    Mate, I was really surprised how the fish turned on! But we had to move a fair bit to find them. Not much debris at all 🤷‍♂️

    1 hour ago, jenno64 said:

    Your bar is pretty high Scratchie! You still managed some very nice fish and I'm sure you will tame the next brute to taste you plastic or bait:)

    Cheers Rob. Yeah I can never get use to losing that many fish 🥲

    48 minutes ago, Little_Flatty said:

    Agreed! I'm just waiting until you have a 'good' day @Scratchie. Suspect it will end with Whiskers in the ice box!

    Hahaha! The day I catch whiskers there will be a quick photo, a stern talking too and I’ll send him on his way! 

    28 minutes ago, Peter Nelson said:

    Good to see you and Mick out there.

    The current made it difficult to read the drift, I was surprised how there was bugger all debri floating around.

    I could hear you cursing from over where we were fishing, I knew you must have lost a good one.

    Good to see you too! 
    Im just glad Mick is half deaf lol 😝 

    To lose one or two big fish I can handle, but today I lost 5 and there was nothing I could do about it. No gear or angling failure, they were just too big! 🥲

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  10. G’day raiders, 

    Headed out early this morning with @back cruncher to go and chase some reds and see whatever else was out there. 
    We were surprised to find the water temp was around the 24deg mark but it was still pretty green and dirty. The wind was a bit up on forecast and with a strong current running downhill, it made it a difficult decision where to start. 
    We pulled up to the first spot and after two casts we both looked at each other and said let’s move! 
    Found another area to work and got our drift set. A few casts and not much doing and then suddenly I loaded up and a screaming reel and then I lost wait! The snapper had swallowed my plastic and crushed the leader. Damn! A couple more drifts and finally a pannie into the bag.  Then the live rod goes off and I’ve got wait of a good king. As Mick clears the lines the fish runs under the boat and into structure then gone! Damn! 
    Time to move on, and another two areas are devoid of bait and fish! 
    Our next spot had a good drift and finally Mick comes up tight to a fish and into the bag. We kept casting our plastics but it just didn’t seem to be working, so I chucked some yakka fillet on a jighead and fished it the same way and finally, it loads up and with some line peeling, I finally stop a decent red (75cm) 

    We both now switch over to bait and cast out fresh and old fillets and started getting a couple! We adjust our drift once more and I cast out and get absolutely smoked by a brut and almost lost my spool. Damn! 
    Reset the drift, cast again and bag I’m on! This time I managed to stop its run and there was enormous weight. It takes another run and I stop that too. Now I need to get some line back, so we chase it down and as I’m about to get on top of it, Pop! (The next few sentences I made will not be repeated on this site 😂) DAMN!!!! 
    Called it a day not long after that. It was good to see @Peter Nelsonout there and share some info! 
    Me and Mick had a cold beer on the travel home just thinking about what might have been! Oh well, you can’t win them all but yes I will be having nightmares for a while. 

    Thanks for reading, 

    Cheers scratchie!!! 



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