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Posts posted by 1975

  1. Thats a top effort mate, and great pics

    I've been catching them on bait but will now resort to spinners and lures, next time i'm in Narromine.

    Can i ask what outfit you use? I only have breamin gear (1-3 & 2-4 kg rod) do i need to upsize the rod and line? I Think my 2500 can handle the medium size ones.



  2. hey mate, I'd like to give my 2 bobs worth

    I took an old EOS 330 non digital to africa a couple of years ago on safari using similiar lens to what you described and took over a thousand shots! and i have played with the digital model quite recently. The Eos range are great cameras


    ? can this be expected from this kind of camera? Yes, but know the limitation

    ? do i have to use the viewfinder instead of the screen? No

    ? can someone inexperienced achieve this quickly? Yes but make sure you play with the camera well before you go on holidays to iron out any problems and get experience with the different settings

    will the camera focus on a spot in the distance and be out of whack when the when the fish jumps? The camera will focus at a any distance but i found that with action shots i sometimes preset the focus for a certaln distance or a better way is to take a wider shot in focus, then crop it later

    or will i have to focus manually? You can choose either way,

    anything else i need to know? Some eos lens are ultra sonic, some have built in stablisers, just ask the dealer to show them to you.

    When using the larger zoom lens any camera movement is magnified ( this will be your bigest problem ) so always have a stable base either a 'pod or leaning against something fixed to the boat. Its better to get the shot at a slightly wider angle but in focus than the have a blurry closer shot. At 10 megapixels you have some leeway with cropping the shot anyway

    Make use of the sports mode or set the camera to shutter priority (at 1/1000 or higher) and keep your finger on the button to take 4 or 5 or 8 or 12 shots in quick succession

    Take extra memory!!!!!!! and batteries!!!!!

    Don't get too caught up in taking the shot and miss out on the moment, Have a great trip,any more questions just pm me


  3. Yep Ive lost quite a few bream lures to mega flatties and I have landed a few luckily hooked in the lips

    I now use 10lb leader for my HBs

    Has your bream hook up rate suffered from using the thicker leader?


  4. Hi Raiders

    Anyone from here fishing the Lake Macquarie Bream Classic thay's comig up on the 19-20th of May?

    I will be up there with my fishing partner Pat.

    Hope to see some others from here;)


    Good luck to all 'raiders entering the comp, hope you bag out and have plenty of upgrades.

    One day i hope to join you guys. :biggrin2:


  5. Thanks for the quick reply.

    Roberta, I'm still trying to digest your encyclopedic reply so give me a couple of Days :wacko::biggrin2:

    Greg, The bow and arrow cast sounds like an advanced skill and should only be attempted for those with more than one rod!!!!!

    May have to get my hand on some flies ( add a bit more weight ) and give it a go.


  6. I'm a learner myself but from all the reading i've done and used in practise, its the lightest jig head you need to get it down to the bottom for the conditions ( current ), which usually means 1/32 or 1/24 sometimes 1/16 with a No 4 hook on a 2" SP or No1 on a 3" SP or worm. Not sure if SP's are categorised by there weight, usually by the size. I think the hook has to protrude somewhere in the front to middle section of the SP ( unless its a worm ). Please correct me if i'm wrong as i am still learning myself. By the way this set up if for targeting bream and seem to also catch tons of flaties.

    Not to sure about the heavier outfit, is it for pelagics or snapper

    thats my 2 bobs worth


  7. Great session there 1975, congrats on your bream on HB. Does fishing from a boat allow you to fish longer, well into low tide? I find being shore based that I'm better off fishing the high tide - wonder if I should invest in some waders next summer so that I can reach further when the tide is low ...

    GregL - your Jeremy is one amazing fisho. Well done.

    I've always fished h&c land based, that was my first time at the bay in a boat and it blows being land based away!!!!! Still can't believe i caught so many big bream :biggrin2:

    as for waders someone told me that the bottom may be to soft for wading but not 100% sure. I have waded out at iron cove and it does give you 5-10m of extra water.

    Pm next time you want to fish and i may be able to join you.


  8. They're strange buggers though, i was throwing sx 40's around after bream yesterday :1fishing1: , and all i could get were squid ( all conveniently dropped just before land) one after the other. I replaced my hard bodie with a jig the same colour...no luck. Then i try green, pink, blue and white....no luck. So the sx 40 goes back on and first cast another squid :1badmood: Bad mood indeed!

    If you don't mind me asking where abouts were you?


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