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Everything posted by my03

  1. whe's the next carp day? how far upstreme are people catching bass? fiddens warf or further down? i know fiddens wharf is where land based fishing starts being permiitted. do you guys fish on the fiddens wharf side of the LCR park road side? are there any good land based spots futher upstreme such as where de burg bridge is or is that too far upstreme? im a local and it would be great to ultilise a local river as long as it holds fish, i can access the fiddens wharf side easily, but doesnt seem to many many good spots from land. can you guys share some good spots? thanks
  2. thanks for the replies guys, there is a real assortment of carp in the river, from what i can see, koi, and common euros, obviously there're so cross bred that you wouldnt get one with pure strains on either sides if you were to do a dna test. from judging by the bodies of some specimines, there is some nasty inbreeding going on there as well. i will try to burley up with pieces of bread, but guys, when you mean bread, do you mean a chunk of bread on the hook, or just the white section, rolled up and compressed into a dough like ball and then onto the hook. some of these carp are seriously big. we are talking average size 40-60cm head to tail, i would not imagine the weight of these as they are fat suckers and from watching the excitement in spawning, they would put up a big fight!!!
  3. hey guys, whats the best way to catch carp in shallow 4 feetish water, bait or sp? is it possible to catch them on sp or fly? if so what kinda rod would you need? and also, when do they usually stop spawning? i know its unusually this hot early and they've been spawning a while now.
  4. sorry to dig this thread up again, but i'm a local too and have fishing the saltwater side growing up, would always pull in good sized mullet, bream, lizards, taylor, herring, and even small gar, have even lost a couple of rods rested on the weir! ive take a recent interest to the freshwater section, can anyone give more advice on bass and carp? went down to a spot a few k's upstream of the weir and there were heaps of large carp spawning, not interested in a feed at all, does anyone know when they'll stop spawning? also where and which part of the year is good for bass? ive seen bass taken from or along side the weir, but fishing is not allowed there. any other good spots upstream around fiddens wharf? thanks
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