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Everything posted by harold

  1. I was down the boat yesterday, imagining what it would be like fishing if the gale wasnt blowing when i started to look at all the hooks, sinkers, SP's, lures etc etc i have in a couple of medium sized plastic storage bins. It led me to wonder just what does everyone use to store the zillions of hooks, sinkers, etc that we all end with on a boat?
  2. Count me in, as for expertise, the only fly i have ever touched is the zipper on my pants. Obviously i dont a have any gear at all!!!
  3. Ken that is a fantastic article and clearly shows the scary trend of fish stocks. Makes me wonder what will be left for my little son to catch.
  4. Boppa, i just had a full set of covers made by the guy at church point, a real gentleman, price competitive and he went back to fix a problem with zero whinging or delay. Good job and i would use him again, some of the more expensive yacht importers use him to do the work for them. His name is John 0414796162.
  5. harold

    Poorly Made Boat

    guys i have had a few PM's and have told those people the make of the boat. It would place this site and its administrator at risk to put the name on here. It is a very popular make. harold
  6. I was down at Akuna Bay last weekend, fiddling on the boat and i happened to chat to the bloke who owns the boat berthed next to mine. He has a new 24ft american boat (if you want to know the make pm me) that he bought less than 12 months ago at a cost way in excess of $100k. He told me that 5 months ago he ventured outside to go fishing and he noticed water was getting into the boat, he turned around and headed back to AB and had the boat pulled out and on the bottom of the hull, running parrallel on each side, were two, one and a half metre splits in the hull. He immediately contacted the importer who didnt want to know anything about it. To cut a long story short, the guy is an engineer so he got a thermal imaging test done that showed the boat had insufficient thickness of fibreglass on the hull. Armed with this info he went to the principal of the importer and it took 15 weeks of argument and agro for the manufacturer to agree to pay for rectification work. Would i buy one of their boats? No bloody way.
  7. with 30 knott winds on sat and sun, i sure wont be taking the boat out. My 2 year old is smitten with planes so i think we might take him over to the international airport on sunday so he can see some up close. Saturday sounds like a date with Mr Woolworths at Belrose. Gee i hate that!
  8. i wish him good luck but fair dinkum, 3 guys in a 3 metre boat at midnight, what can you say?
  9. Guys, i forgot to post that last weekend, i had not been at Juno Point for more than 2 minutes when a fisheries inspector visited me to check my fishing licence. I asked him why he had checked me and he replied that this summer they were going to check the masses in Pittwater. I know many of you have a point of principle that stops you wanting to purchase a licence and that is your business but be aware the fine greatly outweighs the cost of the licence. All the best and remember, the great William Shakespeare once said something like "it is better to have fished and lost, than never to have fished at all".
  10. thanks guys and they were dead squid bought from the bait shop at chatswood. Do you hook through the main body only or do you also put one through its eyes? also if you tie 2 hooks together, how do you do that? All the best
  11. you guys were keen, it was crook as today. Definately a day for desperates.
  12. Took a leisurely attitude to saturday and got down to Akuna Bay about 7.30am. On the boat and away and at Juno Point at about 8am. Had 3 sorts of bait, Garfish, whole Squid and Hawkesbury Prawns. Put it all out with the Garfish floating. All of a sudden the rod with the squid is hit and then---nothing. I pulled it in and the thing was bitten off in one bite just below the hook. Rebaited it and damn if it didnt happen 3 times more. Neither the Garfish or the Prawns had a hit all morning and as luck would have it i only had 4 squid!!!!!! Can anyone tell me the right way to thread the hook on a squid? I put a 2/0 through the body of the thing about 1" from the end.
  13. well if the wind stays down we will be out on the hawkesbury over the weekend. The forecast seems to say not much wind on saturday so looks promising.
  14. harold

    Big Cray

    i often wondered what effect the French nuclear tests at the Atoll had on the fish, guess we know now.
  15. so Ankles, what were YOU looking for when you happened to come across this little number on the web????
  16. celebrating my fathers 82nd birthday will probably keep us off the boat. Good luck to those that get out there.
  17. harold

    Hello To All

    welcome to the site, there is a wealth of info on the web site from Ken, the administrator and it covers most situations and fish you will find in the area.
  18. has anyone fished the road or rail bridges with any luck lately?
  19. saturday will be cleaning after a week at Thredbo and playing with my son and sunday, depending on the wind, it is into the hawkesbury we will go! Might try the drift idea from Juno to Lion. harold
  20. "surpisingly enough he said the 4kg specimen was caught on the most ugliest smallest prawn you would ever see." I was wondering, what is the difference between an ugly prawn and a beautiful one??? And how far should a man go with a prawn???????lmao
  21. off to the snow for the week and by the weather report we have picked the week of the season. harold
  22. mate, that is one hell of a fish. Congratulations to you, i will continue dreaming...
  23. If you dont know, dont go! Stay safe in the river and let your confidence and skills grow.
  24. well. if there are a few in agreement on the idea, lets identify the highly experienced fishermen who are prepared to support the idea. Once that is done all we need is to identify a date that works (subject to weather) and lets do it. So who amongst us is in the "leader" category? Harold
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