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Everything posted by harold

  1. well the wind looks like it is going to subside on sat morning so me thinks it is time for a fish!
  2. Ken, thats the $64,000 question. I have a sneaking suspicion my wife is going to con me into baby sitting so she can go out and play squash on saturday. cest la vie as the frogs say. No fishing this weekend.
  3. Excellent, how far were you out?
  4. congratulations to you, i am sure the lizard cooked up just fine.
  5. I heard on the Alan Jones show this morning that the results from testing on Bream showed the fish had up to 400 times the recommended maximum levels of dioxins by the WHO. I am curious to know, when it is all fixed (and i hope that is in my life time), how long does it take before todays infected fish are ok to eat or are they never ok to eat. If that is the case how will we tell a fish with low levels from a fish with extreme levels? I guess we could learn to talk fish language and ask them if they are ok!!!!
  6. Once you start catching fish on SP's you become a convert. They are terriffic and i find them cheaper than bait (unless you use them on Taylor in which case go and buy 500 or so).
  7. I heard it too. Can't remember when that was last put into effect. The article suggests unborn children are at greatest risk and further that the Union Carbide plant is where the dioxins are originating from. It makes you wonder how such a large business can have such a small social conscience. All to do with the profit motive.
  8. I have been checked for licence in the Hawkesbury but never fish size.
  9. Went out at 5am yesterday from Akuna Bay and went straight to Flint & Steel, looked quiet so headed around to Barrenjoey, was quiet so i was looking out to sea, dreaming of other places when i realised the sea was alive around me. I quickly ran in to the cabin grabbed a lure and out i went, 3 Salmon (50 to 55cms) in quick succession, then as quickly as they had arrived, they vanished. Went back in and as i was going past Flint and Steel, the water was on the boil with Taylor so i had a bit of fun with them. Try 24 in 20 minutes, just fantastic on super light gear. Headed off to Akuna and was berthed at 9am having had a great fun full morning.
  10. Breeze, i also have a fishing boat down at Akuna (signature 702L) and i have certainly had more than my fair share of fishless days in the Hawkesbury, but, every now and then, it all goes together and you go home with a big smile on the face. There is nothing like it and the cost is far outweighed by the release you get from all the stress and strains of normal life. I am more than happy to go out with you one day and see what mayhem we can knock up together. My boat is on D arm spot number 5 and if you see an old, worn out guy fiddling down there, come and make yourself known. We have pulled out good sized Salmon, Flathead, Bream and Taylor from those waters as well as every sort of rubbish fish God put on earth and it is all worth it. Consider how nuts this is, even though i know there are no Hairtail in the Hawkesbury, i go after them, in the freezing temperatures of a winters night year after year and whilst i have never had a sniff of a bite, i will be back there this year for sure. Its the thrill of the hunt i guess that keeps me going back. I reckon Nike should change its motto to "Just Fish" CU
  11. HI Neil, i think that is a tough call given there are other sites, fishing magazines, reports in the news papers etc etc. The best way is to get everybody you know or can talk to, to write to the appropriate minister telling him/her unless they fix the problem for recreational fisher people (soooo politically correct) they wont get back into office. Alternatively, we could do a Greenpeace to the trawlers (lol)
  12. I cant believe the King action out of Sydney. In the Hawkesbury we are lucky to see any thing but taylor. Good on you
  13. I reckon we should have a "Weird catches" section. You could definately enter your Seal and i could enter my turtle. I am sure there are many other strange catches to be read lol. Good luck this weekend.
  14. Remember, you cant put in, what God left out and he left a few things out of blokes that keep undersized fish. Congratulations to you with the 3 keepers.
  15. I feel for you as i have had too many days in that area with the same result. The Pro's clean it out and leave nothing untouched.
  16. now thats good eating. Congratulations.
  17. well there is a noticeable absence of arguments and i think that is a good thing. Life is just too short, just ask Kerry P.
  18. harold

    Garie Beach

    Was there this morning visiting a mate, slight rain and absolutely no one fishing. Water looked a bit rough.
  19. if the rain holds off i will take the cheese and kisses and the 2 year old reincarnation of the devil we have out into Pittwater to see if we can bluff a fish into taking a bait.
  20. i must have missed this first time round as well. I would be in
  21. Last week (dont ask which day as it is all hazy) i took a neighbour for a fish out into Broken Bay. We were on the boat at 5.15AM at Akuna Bay and out off Barrenjoey before 6am. The plan was simple, 6 rods, 4 different baits, whack everything out and see what the flatties were into. First off, after an hour the neighbour gets hit and reels in an undersize flatty, about 5 minutes later i am on and in comes a "you could keep if you were desperate" sized flatty (we were not, so back it went). I could tell this was going to be a great day for flatties, we were at the right place at the right time with the right bait. I rebait and drop it overboard (60 feet point) and suddenly i hear those fateful words "i am starting to feel crook" this is followed by that dreadful noise you hear when someone is tossing their guts overboard. I know i am too soft, it has come with advancing age but i said "dont worry mate, we will go in" so off we go and we throw the pick out off the back of the Joey in sheltered water. We got cleaned up there a couple of times and Pilchard was deffinately the bait of choice (it is also what the flatties prefered) but after an hour of nothing you would keep, i pulled up the pick and headed up the river, it was at this time i saw the water boiling with feeding fish so we stopped and started to catch some really decent sized Taylor. It was a great time and we kept 6 of the biggest ones which my dear and long suffering wife cooked up wonderfully in a chinese sauce. All in all it was just a fantastic morning and we pulled up stumps at 10.30 and headed in to clean the boat. I must confess i will think very hard next time i invite someone outside for the first time because having someone chunder and thus put an end to the flatty fishing was not my ideal situation. Having said that, the guy is a good bloke and said he doesnt usually get crook. I hope you also had a great day out there.
  22. harold

    Woy Woy

    Tev, it sounds like you had fun and were relaxed and that of course is the name of the game when on holidays.
  23. good report an welcome to the site
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