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Posts posted by adjustedpete

  1. ............The State Government says the Review of Marine Safety Laws is to designed to modernise and strengthen the state's marine legislation as well as improve safety on waterways.

    It says safety risks are rising, with the number of collisions in the past financial year replacing drowning as the major cause of death associated with marine accidents..........................

    This statement is just stupid. If collisions are the biggest problem why dont they do something about closed waters, which is where almost all collisions happen. What has that to do with any boat going outside.

    I am a fisherman and I vote. Take care

    I hope all raiders will band together and protest this unfair situation

  2. Went out to the headlands yesterday, dunno if the boat was acting up or I was(big night out) but decided to look for some quiet place to fish. Lion island was lookin' good. Drifted down the southern side for probably 20/25 undersized tailor and a throw back kingie plus a nice flounder. I spun for them with hard bodies and slices, used bait. They took em all, it was great fun and well worth the effort. :04:

  3. a rubber band the thick ones that are about 5 mm wide will do as a quick release thats what they use on out riggers chasing marlin

    cherrs gary

    Thanx Gary, just what I needed to hear, That will work out just fine.... Right, now where is that big jewie. come to papa

  4. What a great read........Pity about taking a knife to a gun fight :074: I have been doing LB lately and Im in the same boat. Just upgraded to 30lb mono and 60lb leader off a 12' 6" surf caster. Now.............. where is that big kingie? :drool:

  5. Im thinking the same. I want to use 100lb mono on a hand reel with 7 to 10lb bomb. I am only thinking of using this set up in strong current, not for trolling. (ie juno) Will this work? And what shape of bomb would be best? Also what kind of quick release would suit this application. Any advice appreciated

  6. days like that you will remember for the rest off your life and you will be telling your kids about this session with your dad

    golden moments well done on the light gear to

    cherrs gary

    Your right Gary, moments to die for............

  7. HEY....... leave him alone.. He was out fishin with me.. any fish is a good'n.

    Dont listen to them Jack and :1welcomeani: to fish raider...

    PS ..They taasted great and I made a hot and sour soup with the frames.............Mmmmmmmmm

  8. Apparently he is of Aboriginal descent so it makes him legal , thats what I have heard anyway.

    Lets not turn this into an Indigenous bashing session though.

    We should not condem what we truly do not understand.

    They may have rights beyond ours as recognised traditional owners of this great land of ours.


    GoFish Pete

    Onya Pete, my sentiment exactly.

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