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Posts posted by adjustedpete

  1. Got on the water about an hour before high tide and made a beeline for patonga creek as I had flatties on SP's on my mind. Rigged up a pumpkin seed 3' minnow and started flicking around for an hour or so, but just had yakka tormenting my plastic. Im thinking i must be doing something wrong, so I changed to a nuclear chicken, then the tide turned and within 20 minutes I had these 2 little beauties. 39 and 40 cm I dont think the other fisho's appreciated my enthusiastic hollering when i landed the first 1. I was the only one drifting with the tide and I didnt see anyone catch anything while i was there. So I was feeling pretty good for a first timer..... I have a question. is there anything that you can dip your sp's in after a few casts. The juice in my sp packet leaked out and I dipped the sp in it after every cast and they just smashed it, or so it seemed. Anyway a great day out and i will be doing it again soon.


  2. A BIG thankyou Gary aka brickman, our site sponser. :thumbup: You helped me above and beyond the call of duty :yahoo: . Trailor is fixed and the boat will be out of the water tonight after I go and torment a few fish. If anyone has any boat or trailor issues, you cant go past Gary. God I love fishraider.

  3. Pete, can you remember when I said your axle might be bent as it keeps spitting out the seals? damm I wish you replaced it then.

    you may be better off looking up boat and trailor wreckers and just buying a complete axle.

    regards Basil

    Ive got a new axle, I just need someone to weld the locating lugs on, noone untill 2nd jan. My boat will sink from the barnacles by then...lol

  4. I have broken the axle on my trailor and need someone who can weld to weld the locating lugs that hold the axle onto the springs. I have tried everywhere but no joy. My boat has been in the water for 5 days now and Im getting desperate. Can any raider help? I live on the northern beaches. PH 0404463766 if you can help

  5. Hi All,

    Just after an opinion on how to keep squid gathered 24 hrs before use.

    Caught a little bag of mixed arrows and southerns last night which I plan to use tonight. As soon as i caught them I placed them in a plastic ziplock bag and sat the bag upon ice bricks.

    When i got home I placed the bag straight in the freezer.

    This morning I got up and checked them and they have that mottly maroon colouring, which I hope is not the 'pink' that everyone says is bad.

    Is this ok or should I not freeze them next time if I'm going to use them the next night?

    Any tips appreciated.

    Thanks in advance & Merry Xmas,


    P.S. Adjustedpete - These are finally droughtbreakers after our sesh. Have targetted them regularly but deadset lost my mojo, up until now. I think i'm back :thumbup: Now to turn them into a Jew or two for Xmas Day :yahoo:

    LOL...... Give me a ring and we will take a spin in the tinnie over the holidays Cam. Lets see if we can do some damage to the jewies. My pb for jew is 0

  6. There are no heroes in this field.

    Saftey is every ones right and concern and you are definately doing the right thing.

    You are taking your time and slowly working out your and your boats limitations.

    You must always check the weather forcast and if in doubt ? DONT GO OUT.

    When the conditions are favourable,you can venture forth and if it does become uncomfortable for you or your crew and vessel,ABORT your mission and head for calmer waters.

    The bay can be a great spot in favourable winds and your vessel is quite at home in good conditions.

    When the BAY TURNS NASTY IN HEAVY WINDS ,it is no place for the faint -hearted or the foolhardy.

    Good luck with your ventures and maybe get some of our fellow bay fishers to go along with you till you feel some what more comfortable.

    Regards Swordfisherman

    That is the best info your gonna get mate. If taken, you will get to be an old salt.

  7. My mates know me all to well as you can see :1prop:


    Hahaha, The photo is a bit blurry mate, was it the lense or the back of your eyes. I just wish I was 18 ...............again

  8. :1welcomeani: Dont do it!. You're Dad is coming over from the motherland and wants to do what he does there. No way I say. Mate, you can take him fishing aussie style. An early morning fish off Darling point wharf or maybe one of the wharfs at darling harbour. hire a tinnie and hit the harbour. There are plenty of places around your area landbased. If money isnt too much of a problem a charter is a great way to give the ole boy a treat. :1yikes: He will go home with a tale to or two to tell his mates down the pub, Im sure. We have a sponser on this site that will give him a day out to remember. Discount for raiders too. Too many choices and not enough time. Carp fishin', only if Im dead. :074:
  9. I had to laugh cos thats what happens to my yakkas, I bring them home live for an early morning session and the wife confiscates them and marinates them and frys them................ :074: DOH. Back to square 1

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