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Posts posted by adjustedpete

  1. Just found a 2 piece 6' 5" berkley buccaneer glass spin rod at vinnies ($5). It has 5 stainless guides.I want to try plastics and lures for flatties and bream. I am an absolute novice at this game and was wondering as to what reel I would match to it and line . It has a very soft action. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. Well done to council/the port authorities for building the facilities for fishos. The narrow space between the 2 floating wharves can be easily overcomed by designating one ramp a launching ramp and the other a retrieving ramp hence boats need not bump into each other and it would be a more time efficient way of launching and retrieving. Boats launching would tie their boats off at the first vacant space furthest from the ramp so as to allow the next person launching easier and safer passage.Retrieval of boats would be the reverse process of launching and hence a defacto queuing system is then set up and hence less frayed tempers all round.

    Just my 2 cents worth on the subject.

    regards Kit

    Nice idea Kit, unfortunately we live the real world here and there are some people that think they can do what they like. You know the ones I mean. They run straight through the schools on the surface, they sit in your burly trail, they cut off your $25 popper etc etc. :mad3: I for one am going down to this ramp with a cut lunch and watch the fun :beersmile:

  3. Went out yesterday with my oldest boy for a quick session. Launched from bayview at around 11. Pittwater was really nice so decided to head around to flint and steel for a flattie. Bad idea, as soon as I turned the west head corner the wind and swell were up, and I mean UP. I needed shelter so I thought I would go into patonga creek. After stopping for a feed of fish and chips at patonga (best in town) went into the creek. Rerigged my abu workhorse, I had been using it for the tailor a few days ago, and dropped a chunk of pillie on. The tide had just turned and was running out, perfect. Put my rod into a holder and started to eat. What a mistake!!, I didnt even get 2 chips into my mouth before the rod just buckled over and the reel was screaming. I managed to get the rod out of the holder just feel a couple of head shakes and gone. :mad3: Rerigged and sent it out again, chips now forgotten. Did 2 drifts for 2 nice flatties, 1 each, both caught on pillies. Well, that was dinner so decided to pull the pin knowing it was gonna be a long rough haul home. Got back to pittwater much later and what do I see ......Tailor boiling everywhere. Ahhhh, a chance to teach my son how to use lures and slices. Rerigged the abu again with a small slice ( see the trend here)(note to self, need more fishing gear). Then I let him loose :074::074: You just had to be there. He nearly threw himself off the boat in his eagerness to cast into them. A quick lesson and he was away. he smashed 14 before I dragged him away. You couldnt get the smile off his face and he wouldnt shutup. So being the great dad I am, I made him buy the beer on the way home. What a day, 1 to remember. Heres a photo of the flatties and 1 of the tailor. The tailor were all about the same sizepost-2999-1257542880_thumb.jpg

  4. I have an older quintrex with two rubber bungs.

    Does anyone know if it is easy to replaced these with the screw-in type?


    Too easy, just unscrew them, if screwed in or just pull them out and silicone new ones in. Use plenty of silicone on the inside. I did this job in about 15 minites :beersmile:

  5. Psssst... Dont tell anyone I said this, but darling point wharf is a start. And its easy to access. light gear and little or no weight. Evening,night or early morning. Think about the tides too. half tide rising is my bet. Good luck. I hope your untangeling skills are :074: up to scratch

  6. Hello raiders.

    I am fairly new to boat fishing and hope to get out in the bay some time over the next few days.

    I am reading many reports of salmon boiling up and as i have never chased these fish i could really use some info, in particular:

    What spinners are people doing well with on the salmon? (specific brand, size, colour info would be really helpful)

    Is it ambitous to attempt to land them on my 2500 stradic and 6'8" 3-5kg shimano rack raider or should i one of my heavier outfits? on 10lb braid mainline what leader should i use?

    What is the best method of fishing for the salmon if i see a boil? (i know, dont drive through the boil!)

    what poppers/ surface lures are people using to tagert kings with sucess? (again specifics would be helpfull). are these best fished just like i would a bream popper around the various markers?

    Thank you all who help me with these queries as i am reaaaaally itching for some good action.

    Regards, Dave.

    Hi Dave, I cant say that Im a good fisherman but my experience with tailor is they take anything especially a slice of any colour. Iust toss out whatever your using and reel for your life, you cant miss. Salmon on the other hand can be picky, usually they will take only lures the size of the bait ball, but my mate always seems to get them with a pillie on a ganged rig(3x3/0) My trick is to just throw a slice into them and just reef it, usually I jag 1 and haul it in. Great fighting fish but not much chop to eat, so catch and release is the go there. I take 1 for fishcakes and leave the heroes to the rest. (Thai fishcakes yummm) I usually get bonito on hard bodies shallow or deep diving, trolling. I dont think colour or size is important(only my opinion) As for kingies I will leave that to someone with more experience than me. I hope to change that this summer!!! Any outfit is good, its just how much time you want to spend getting it to the boat, as for leaders that would depend on the size of the fish. On your 10lb braid I would use 15lb mono, but others would use heavier. Good luck, half the fun is trying.

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