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Posts posted by krause

  1. Squid are tricky. Ive hunted them before for kings, with no luck. Might try for them as well in wollongong, the harbour wall is ok for them, suposedly?!?!? As for mullet, whats the idea? Will the milk bottle trap work in and around the georges?

  2. Cheers. I was going to try somewhere in port hacking on the way home from uni, but the georges is also on the princess highway. Might be the go. As a bit of a dumb question, how do you present the baits? It sound dumb, but as much as I look, all I can find is what kind of bait, but very little on presentation. To me as a rock fisherman, a livie is under a float, but are we talking the same here? Or is it free swimming or weighted down. Again, im pretty knew to this so yer. Im going to try for some fresh yakka and slimies down at wollongong and take them with. Thoughts as to whether they would survive the trip? It would be for about an hour in an eskie? If not they will at least be fresh....

  3. There's so much info on here dude, use the search function. You'll see the same themes come-up over and over (e.g. fresh or live bait), take note of these themes and put them into practice.

    Pick one of the 50 odd spots that people mention, actually go there and persist, night after night, day after day, you'll get a feel for how things work and when you crack a pattern you'll be like a giddy goose all hopped-up on the good stuff. And everyone will enjoy reading your report.

    No one gives away all their jew secrets too easy, and besides, when you figure it out yourself it's infinitely more rewarding.

    Cheers. I cant stress enough that im not looking to steel the secret and spots of people, I am truely looking for a simple foot hold. A bait and a rough area to fish. Just so I dont rock up to a sand flat near bundeena with a handful of random baits. I am looking around, but it is also conveniant to ask everyone. On that note id like to thank all the raiders for sharing an opinion.

  4. Good quote, just forgot to comment. Ok, second attempt!!! Awesome thread. But I am starting to notice a trend. The fishing spot is important, so if possible, can anyone point me towards a possible spot, or river even? Lane cove, georges river? Idunno really....?


  5. There's a jewie thread here (http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=36153) that is imo the best repository of information and experiences of fellow raiders which might be worth a look. I've only got a few jewies (but only on bait) and some others might have better info but I'd say pick a known jew spot (any place you KNOW has produced) and stick with it. Imo, beaches are a good place to start if you are not certain of the holes/structure of the any particular estuary. Learn to get fresh bait, especially squid which is the gun bait. Fish the tide changes and you will get that jew!

  6. Hi all,

    I have of late, taken off on a venture to chase new species I havent yet caught. These have included groper, drummer and luderick. Ive had mixed results with that collection. But there is one fish I have never caught, or really tried to.... That being the mulloway!?!?!? I tend to fish the rocks, hence have little chance of a by-catch. Hence im wondering where to start? Ive looked at recent posts, but most are for where to fish, not how. Hence I say, I have a fishing rod, what do i do now??????

    Having never looked into jewie fishing, I have no idea what im doing. Hence if anyone could provide some instructions, I would be most appricative. I am sydney based, with no boat. Im happy to travel around, but would probably prefer to try for jews in an estury before the surf, but suggestions for either are cool! In an estury, where do I start, deep water or shallowish? what bait? pillcard? fillet baits? live baits? what rigs and terminal tackle? floats or bottom rigs? tides? night or day? Any and all help would be awesome! Give it to me like a simpleton!!!! And if any one is willing to hand over there local spot, even in a PM, that would be awesome! But rough areas will be fine, I know that it isnt allways fun to give up your spot!

    So yer, any and all info is awesome!!!!!!!

    Cheers boys

  7. I have two points. The first is, anfortunately, the dog ball thrower doesnt work that well. I went looking for something to lob burley with, and purchased one last season. I then proudly went to though my first scoopful of bread and pillies, and ended up wearing half of it. If its a dense, wet, gluggy mix (which most berly is) then it gets stuck in the scoop, and ends up on a deffinite downwards tragectory. As a quick fix, I grabbed a knife and cut the lip down, and that seemed to help a lot. I have since bought a $2.... well to be honest, i dont know what utensile it is? its like an oversized spoon with holes in it? For removing pasta from water and stuff... I think (i dont cook much) But anyway, the giant spoon is MUCH better, and i have it bolted to a 800mm peice of broom handle for extra range. I would suggest this as the way to go.

  8. hit bondi beach, south end 200 yards up the beach. where abouts in west sydney do you live?

    Both suggests sound good, ill keep them in mind. And im from Blacktown! Cheers boys

  9. HAHAHA, at this time of year, our hopes are low. This is probably the worst part of the year when it comes to fishing, in my mind anyway. I like to chase pelagics of rocks, and they arent there when the water is this cold. Ill try for tailor and salmon of beaches and rocks, but have recently been using light float gear to target winter bream, luderick and drummer of the stones. Some sucess, but there is a lot to learn about that line of fishing. Cant wait untill november, then the real fun begins!!! :banana:

  10. Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone can help me out here. Over the last year, I have used high speed chrome lures to target small to medium pelagics. I have had some good sucess, with bonito especially. I think they are good fun on light gear, with some of the larger fish causing some real chaos! However, I have definately found what chromes work and what dont.... Ive had some simply explode on the cast after extensive use, some cheapies to break in half under the weight of a fish, and some dont hold their colour (turn grey). I stick with the SPANYID range, but upgrade to a single on the back, and add a quality treble to the front as an assist (I find that jumpers like tailor and salmon cant throw the treble when its at the front as they cant get the same leverage over the lure). However, im always interested in experimenting. I heard that drilling small holes in the flanks of the lure produce bubble trails? Has anyone tried this? Any thoughts? And does anyone use/know where to buy SPANYID HP's? Any other ideas?

    The second thing I wish to raise is bonito on squid squirts?!?! I have been told that if you attach squid skirts to hooks, place under a float, then cast and retreive, the bonnies go ape s#!t. is this true? has anyone had sucess using this rig? Any info on trace lengths and distance between hooks and such would be greatly appriciated!


  11. thats interesting I was told the other way around. My local tackle shop held onto the last of 6500 b series and said tvey were the best and strongest ive heard oc, s eries arent as good. But each to their own! I love my 6500b best reel , never failed me caught my ob metre plus jewie on it no troubles:rolleyes:

    Tight lines!, Shakeel

    To my understanding, the OC's are the replacements for the B series, and hence are that little bit more tweeked with the more modern specs. The d series is the bigger and better version. It has a better carbon based drag system and a stronger spool arm. But thats pretty much it. So the OC is equivelent or there abouts to the B's, and a cheaper version of the d's, but with out sacrificing to much... i think?

  12. Yer, im really concidering the OC. They ARE designed for braid, which is good to know. So i think I am defiantely going to purchase one, then let it sit there for a month untill i can afford to put the braid on it :clapping:

  13. Sounds like a good deal. I bought a similar combo 12 months ago but with the B series baitrunner and a shimano rod for 160.

    I sold the used reel last week for 150 and kept the rod, simply you cant go wrong with Shimano!

    P.S i sold it for a stradic as i never used the BR function and was terrible with braid, OC version is deigned for braid i think though?

    ...I hope its suited for braid, thats all i use these days, dont think i could go back to the twisted balls of mono.....

    I run 4 shimmano bait runners. Grab it. It's a good deal. Do you do much live baiting?

    To be honest I dont at the moment, but i really plan on it in the summer. Theres just nothing taking them at the moment so im not botheringg.

    Cheers for all the info though, and if anyone knows if the OC's are suited for braid that would be awesome! cheers boys!

  14. If targeting flathead, something like a 3 inch lure with a relatively heavy jighead (1/8 - 3/8th) will do. Any lure and jighead will do so long as the lure can keep in contact with the bottom. A heavier and larger jig will make it easier to work. Next simply choose a style of jigging that you prefer i.e. one big whip, two hops etc, and stick with it. Just look on youtube for several examples and copy that one. Then just put it in practice - get a long cast out and wait till the lure hits the bottom. Once that slack in the line appears you know your lure is stationary on the bottom. Simply employ your favoured jigging technique and let the lure hit the bottom again and repeat this until the lure gets all the way back to you. If you are unsure whether the lure has hit the bottom or not, just wait a bit longer than you think is required. Something like a 1/4oz may take about a 5 count after a double hop to hit the bottom. Eventually you'll detect a bite. If it's a flathead, take your time - fix your hair, make small chat with the guy next to u etc., and then proceed to strike hard to set that hook into its bony mouth. Actually it would be good practice to strike hard immediately to get your eye in for other species which aren't so forgiving. If no bite is detected, not to worry, you will simply hook into her as you begin to jig the lure off the bottom again. If you are already doing all this, then maybe the flathead simply aren't around nor on the bite. Good luck.

    Thats some useful info.I think my main problem is keeping the damn thing on the bottom. I tend to find it more towards the surface as it gets closer (which is of course inevitable) but i think this is a trend all the way through. Ill take your logical words about weight and apply them, even if i have to learn by dredging the ocean with the heaviest I can find!!!!! Hahahaha, cheers though

  15. This is actually a good question. Ive always tried with sp and stick baits, but ALWAYS get bored and quit. I dont see enough result so clearly im doing something wrong (or am just very unlucky, which is likely). The only luck ive had are a few small flatties.... And I found that all the hook ups were when the sp was in motion. So how do you you work it, and where in the water column. Im with Jawno, HELP!?!?!? :15:

  16. Hi guys, I know that if I post one more question some one is going to kill me, but I will anyway :whistling:

    I have been captured by the idea of owning a baitrunner for some time, and a store near me has a sale on at the moment. They are offering the Shimano Baitrunner OC's (4000 and 6000) for 150 bucks, paired with a System 'S' snapper rod. THoughts? I know that the reel itself normally retails for around 170, but paired with the rod (assuming its good) i think this is an ok deal. So two questions i guess. One, is a baitrunner worth it, I fish from the rocks and will be live baiting for kings and smaller tuna in summer. And the second being on the products. Does anyone have an opinion on the OC's? or the System 'S' rod.

    I would appriciate any opinions, negative or positive!


  17. Hi all, have caught these thing of the stones in the dark. I know them as Beardies, but have heard them called ling and/or bearded cod. Im wondering if they are they poisonous? My father got barbed by what he called an "eel tailed fish". It gave him cold sweats for two days, and it took 6 months for his finger to return to a normal size so he could wear his ring again (nasty stuff!) To me, this fish fits the discription, so i dont touch them, which results in alot of lost tackle. Wondering if anyone knows for sure whether or not they are poisonous?!?!


    (the photo isnt mine, i dont have a pic, so i got this of the net. I beleive it will surfice)


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