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Posts posted by krause

  1. Wow, how did you end up with that, solid effort! I use what ever i can, usually lost sinkers that I find on the rocks, supplemented with spare lead that i have acess to. Save the environment and get free sinkers at the same time! :banana:

  2. photo-25620.jpg?_r=1388627682

    Hi all, my mate caught one of these suckers on the sand the other day. Didnt have an original photo and couldnt fing one on google, so I stole Longfish's (fellow member) DP. Sorry mate, but cheers at the same time! :biggrinthumb: So what is it....? Been a while since catching something i couldnt id. Are they eadible? It was a very thin fish, not much meet there.


  3. Have to agree with sordfisherman. Ive really gotten into the sand of late, with the pelagics being away and all. Used to run 3 hook (2 surf popper, 1 gang) paternoster on 55lb trace, but have recently switched to a running star sinker and single gang on 20lb trace. Fishes like a dream, casts even better. Catch many more fish on the running rig as apossed to the patternoster. Placed them side by side on different rods in the same conditions and the running rig allways out fishes. I think it is the extra movement that does the trick.

    I use a 80g sinker, but that is more because i cant cast much more on the rods that i have. It serves just fine for ganged pillies, mabey trying the lighter sinker for salmon and tailor might help, then step it up to the 140g for the slab bait. Vary your pattern and see what works.

    I was on curlcurl the other day. There is a messy gutter (full of holes and sand bars, only good for high tide) on the north end. Nothing there that night, though i did get distroyed by somthing. Spooled me on locked 20lb drag in about 30 sec. Most likely 150kg+ of black ray, still good fun. It has been slow on all fronts reccently.

    Wind sucks, but we make do. N/E/S/W is no good as a reference as beaches face different dirrections. Wind less than 10 knot is what i prefer, however ive fished 20+. Dont do that, its no fun.... I think the stiller the better as there is less wind interference upon casting and no wind slack issues. A tail wind, that being one heading out to see, can be usefull for cast distance, but you get sand blasted of the dry dues behind you.


  4. Hey boss. Hate to nag but could I grab a more exact location for 'browns rock'? There is alot of rock at la perouse. Id be keen to find a good spot in sydney. Tend to find my self traveling for rock fishing.


  5. You might be to far into the river system for yakkas. They prefer bluer water. Just a thought. Grab a tiny hook and some bread, and try that. Mulch up the bread in a bucket of water and throw it out in small scoops. Then throw out a peice of bread on the hook with a small sinker.

    I think those traps are targeted more at poddy mullet


  6. ^^^ got to agree. Fish will hook them selves more often than your action will. If the hook gets in the mouth, then good chance the fish will hook up. If the fish is holding only the bait then theres little chance. Best to let it sit and see if the fish will take a second run at it. Ripping it is only likely to spook tge fish.

    Anyway good work and keep it up. Your learning curve will be exponential, as this is addictive stuff. Enjoy.


  7. Solution? 50m of heavy leader, big weight, and a treble. With that rig you might just "accidently" cast over their net :clapping: . If someone is an @#$! to me then ill be an @#$! back, fair is fair. Same thing rock fishing, first in, first served and keep to your stretch of water. People get what they dish out.


  8. Thanks man. How would you present a live bait. Normally i fish the rocks so a live bait goes under a float. Should i just cast it out allown, or with a sinker? Any help on the subject?


  9. Hi all, if I were to say go to the parra river in the hope of a jew, where would I start? Say abbotsford or kissing point wharf. Sp's? Bait? Live mullet? I dont expect a fish first go, but a little info might help

  10. Yer I am hesitant to buy fireline again, unless they have a new, much better version. I cant find power pro below 5lb, but that is from shop info, havent looked online. They make bight action which is <5lb and bright orange. Might end up with that

  11. I used a fireline the very first time I used braid. I chose it because it was cheap, and hated it. It unraveled and split, and had a waxy coating that drove me insain. Are all firelines like this?

    Cheers for the input

  12. Hey boss, cant coment on gordons bay, but i can help with garies. If youre catching cod there then chances are youre fishing the wrong bit.

    First thing i have to say about garies is be bloody careful! Thats a slipery self and the waves can be deceptive. Watch the swell for a while, and be smart. If in doubt move yourself back from the edge, you can easily fish a few metres back with a 12ft rod, just watch your slack line doesnt hit the rocks. If it un fishable then just go of the beach, just as good as the rocks on an average day. If you were catching cod, then youre likely to be fishing the north or south side of the self over dark (rocky/reefy) bottom. This may produce a bream or drummer, but will ultimately end in snags and cod, kelpfish, eels etc. Good fun for a beginner, but nothing beats a silver fish! Try going of the east edge of the self. It is sandy bottom and typically holds a constant stock of trevally and salmon. Most guys aim square for the middle of the sand and cast as far as possible. In my oppinion, you have better luck casting south-east-ish, where the rocky bottom meets the sand. Still try to hit the sand but being near the structure can really help. Stick with the patternostter if thats what you like, but most rigs will do ok in such an environment. Pillies or prawns will work well, try both and see what works.


  13. Hi all. I've recently bought a shimano siena/catana combo and am looking to spool it with braid. It is a 2500 siena reel and im thinking of throwing 3 or 4lb braid on it. Problem is that I normally use power pro. But it's lowest rating is 5lb.

    I know that they make a 'bite action' variant in lower ratings (3lb). Has anyone tried this? Any other suggestions. Would be used for estuary/sand flats. I am also a fan of colored line that is visible on the cast. Also does any one know how much 4lb braid the 2500 siena holds (150yd vs 300yd purchase), or is there a store in sydney that will spool from a bulk source? Any help would be awesome.


  14. The product I bought from the tackle store was a one part, solvent based solution. Not a 2 part apoxy. That might be the problem. Can I buy flexicoat from a hardware store? And yes I let it dry for two and a half days, same result

  15. Great threat full of not so great stories. Sorry to hear the loss of any outfit, especially that one.... Seen 3 rods go in the drink over my time, and always teather mine so I dont join the list. Cheap piece of rope and clip privide a cheap and easy solution. It has saved one of my rods, but from a wave not a fish....

  16. My in laws are both butchers and bought me a Swibo filleting knife, first time I used it I sliced my ring and little finger and didn't even know it until blood came out lol

    They are great and very sharp, but with all knives, you do need to sharpen them as well, I use this long round sword looking metal sharpener.

    You have to love those cuts, no idea that anything has gone wrong till you see the blood. Did one yesterday bleeding a salmon. Dont know about the fish, but i certainly bled :mfr_lol: Still cant bend my finger though....

    As for the knife, no idea. I declared id never buy a costly knife again because i keep dropping the darn things in the ocean! Steal the one at the house to fillet the catch. Off what i have been told by others, the Swibo's are right up there. There is also a brand with a trademark red handle and blade, cant recal the name though. Theyre spose to be good as well.


  17. Cheers for the help, one more question though. I have finish everything and I am just finishing the binding on the eyelets. To do so I have bought two products. A thread filler/sealer and a high gloss finish.

    I have applied many coats of binder, as per instruction, and have applied one coat of the finisher. When I proceeded to apply the second coat, it 'Wrinkled' the first layer, creating air bubbles and ruining the look of the rod. I stopped after the first eyelet, thinking that I had rushed it and that the reintroduction of the solvent had been to soon. I let it dry for two days and tried again, only to get the same result. Thoughts on this and a cause for it?

    I think the product is a dud, and hence ask what fisher do others use. Even a heavy duty varnish from bunnings? Any thoughts appreciated.


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