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Posts posted by krause

  1. Hi all, 

    Yakkers! Let's do this, it's hairtail time.  Last year me and henryr joined the annual fr meet and had a ball, so let's repeat! I'm looking at this coming saturday, the 17th of june (pending weather) and have contacted a few people already, and good news! We have 3 conformed attendees!!!! Record numbers. 

    Plan will likely be a launch down at bobbin head at mid afternoon, and head to warratah bay for a sunset anchoring. For there we will fish till bored, cold or sick of each other! Departure time depends very much on the group who attend, so please contribute your opinion.

    So if youre keen for an adventure that's something a little different from your norm, then tag along. And bring a jumper! But really is pretty snug in a kayak seat, so don't fear the cold.  COME ON YAKKERS!!!!



    P.S. let's make this a chat about who's coming or how to get them interested, not a discussion about it being too cold!!! :)

  2. I agree with the above essay by derek :P gluing the bastard in is a b#@$%, deciding to take it out is far far worse. I would suggest (if you're installing through hull) that your first attempt be with sikaflex or silastic, not goop. If you stuff it (which people do, including myself) those products are easy to remove, goop is not. Then second attempt you have the know how and confidence to do it with goop.

    As for a sounder, i have a hook 4 gps combo and love it.  Nice clarity, practical screen size without costing a fortune, and the gps is very practical for finding marks or taking bait schools. Assuming the 3x users the same sounder tech then it would be good, i would suggest thinking about screen size, whether you want gps, and whether that unit has a color screen or downscan. 

  3. Cheer guys

    PaddyT your my hero, thanks heaps.

    G.T. i fish with a headlamp, no anchor lights. I keep to the sides and out of the way and make sure people now im around when i arrive. You don't need fixed lights of less than 4m, but you do need a readily available light to signal with 

  4. Hi all,

    Ventured out last night in the kayak all rugged up and ready for hairtail. After picking up a few tailor and flaties along the way we anchored up at the hairtail spot (take a guess) and set out the baits.... and put on another jacket :) after a bit of waiting i was onto my first hairtail of the year and my second ever after last year's social. There was much celebrating as we had our first in the esky, no easy task in a yak let me tell you.  The first was closely followed by a second larger fish and with that we had a meal, smiles all round. 

    With an occasional bite here or there it quitened up, until i realise my sinking bait is no rocketing off to the west. "That's a funny looking sinking pattern...." i say to myself as i reach for the rod. Flip the bail arm but tangle my leash in the spool.... the line went tight and the line went snap. Bugger, gone with the wind, and a nice fish to. Took the bait on the sink and flew off with it, not like any hairtail bite ive seen.  Maybe a small shark? A little while later i had another solid hookup to what was definitely a hairy, and boy did it feel solid.... for all of 30 seconds before my crimp let go!!!! Anyone know where to buy small crimps (very small) for 20lb wire trace? And with work the next morning, that was all for the night. Paddled back and played with the bio luminescent algae in the water, and man that is really something special.  Pitch black in a kayak, no motor, no speed, just glowing water.  Awesome! Home by 11



  5. Disclaimer: most of my kings are yak based haha

    I think jonD and his mate have got it right, it's a fluke. Lots of muscle, no muscle, if that fish wants to reef you it'll damn well do it, especially land based where all they have to do is arc down into the rocks at your feet. You just need to hook a king that doesn't work it out fast enough haha. 

    The one thing that is fact is that if you go hard, they'll double your effort. So be smart and choose when you pull hard.

    As for the original question, i like my 20lb for dead baits, 40lb for livies, and i run my drag at an unknown value that feels right.

  6. Well me and razz hit long reef, with him getting a few nice snapper and smashing his pb. He got a rat as well, where i chose to feed the kings and land sergent bakers ;) good day out and a taste of what long reef can offer. Ill deffinately head back

  7. Hi all, goodluck tomorrow.  I still have no idea where this event is being organised on fr so i figured id just post here :D hopefully someone included thaichilli in the plans.  I have managed to secure the morning off, but with the forecast and fishing report of late im headed to long reef for the morning in search of kingfish.  Goodluck, looking forward to the report!!

  8. Depending on squid size and your objective, you could probably cut superfresh squid down. A half hood has the same profile as a whole squid but 1/4 of the weight. Thought this doesn't help with live squid

  9. I run a hook 4 combo in my yak and im very happy with it.  Ive had no issues with it, or the elite 4 i had before it. Nice clear images, gps is reliable and charts or good enough. In saying this i cant compare it against competitors as i haven't used anything else

  10. Im bored, fish on the mind.  Hairtail tomorrow night, short paddle, anchor up.  Sunset to whenever it's boring/cold.  Any takers? I doubt it but it's worth a shot :P



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