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Posts posted by krause

  1. Ok boaties, yakkers and other smaet people. My options are;

    -little manly for a paddle to north head etc

    -bundeena for a paddle to jibbon head

    -or long reef which i have no idea where to the reef is, but i guess id follow the boats

    What would people advise. Trolling hard bodies for kings.  Pm me if you've got any pointers or warnings :) dynabolt are you keen? Is be a 5.30 start 

  2. We'll get the numbers, im sure. As long as everyone doesn't wait for everyone else to commit first haha.

    Location will have to be somewhere central in sydney id assume, though port kembla and lake illawarra both boast plenty of space, and depending on confidence levels somewhere sheltered. We tried yowie bay last time but it was a bit of a flop. Pittwater and middle harbor do generally have limitted parking. Anyone with suggestions please throw them forward! :) pm questions if you wish, or if you have concerns about location, confidence etc.

    Looking forward to it

  3. Hello all,

    What do we think, time for a kayak meet? How's February the 5th sound? It's a Sunday, 2 weeks notice, and i personally promise the weather will behave ;) so there's no excuses. I know we've got a more than a few knowledgeable yakkers and just as many learners, so lets hit the water. Don't make me pm each of you haha. Location to be decided on depending on who's attending. Admin might even throw their weight behind us (but not their liability :)) and create a notification/reminder if we're lucky.



  4. ^^ as above, you're biggest issue in the port will be the authorities and pilot boat wake. I kayak fish there no issues, but i don't know how a tinnie would take the wake. If you go out of just be wary of the pilot boat and their requests as they'll get short with you, especially if you're running 8hp. You can fish the inside of the south wall for kings and hide from the ocean swell. Stay safe and learn the boats capabilities elsewhere first maybe? I'd think your biggest issue would be you're 8hp, but im no boatie :)

  5. Grab the 4m version, carry what you're comfortable with and go from there. Ill generally run 3 rods of varying weights but will only ever fish with more than one if im trolling. Tie them down! Anchor is a personal choice depending how you'll fish, and middle harbor has high and low traffic areas, so keep that in mind.  However with a bit of balance you go over boat wake no worries



  6. If your kayaking its an easier (and fee free) launch at swallow rock ramp.  From there you can pale pack the Audley and wave at those paying the parking fee :) nice paddle, ive had luck there with plastics and trolling little shallow divers begind me

  7. Unless you're running top end gear (someone correct me on this because im always interested in the mechanics of it) you're not going to get more than 10kg of effective drag. A line weight above you're drag is excessive imo because it's pointless. Yes you gain abrassion resistance but to a kingie its still not much, especially if like me you run braid.  If a kingie wants to bust you, it will haha. But beast up that leader and learn good knots.

    Ive been busted on 20lb leader and said 'f#$@ it' have some 80lb leader, and they've busted me even faster. Kingfish plus rock equals snap. Id go 30lb main with a long (8-10m?) 40/50lb leader. Make sure you can get the knot through the rod guides though. Everyone will have their own view, but the thing you need most with landbased/kayak kings is luck. Just hope the bugger plays fair :)

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