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    Jervis Bay

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  1. Yes, you will get a receipt number online, and anyway its all in the system,so no problem if you get checked.
  2. Yeah no problem I was up around the Drum Canyons in 160m, I started at the Kink and just headed North zig zagging around that depth looking for some good bait, I found a heap in that area. The lure was a 10inch JB lure,not exactly sure what head (maybe a dingo or chook) in a purple,green gold and silver color. The water was 24 degrees
  3. Finally got some good weather, so went out to-day for a look. Glad to say there are a few fish about, ended up with two Striped Marlin. One on a lure about 90kg and dropped one as well. Jigged up some slimeys (fair bit of bait out there) and got one about 150kg (maybe more) on a slimey. Somehow the line had lassooed around its shoulder (so not hooked in the mouth at all) i was wondering why it was so a hard long fight (about an hour and a half) and really had a hard time getting the fish up pulling it sideways like this. Anyway i was stuffed when i finally released him, so i called it a day at about 2pm as i didnt have the energy for another, but i reckon i could have hooked a few more if i had stuck it out.
  4. Get a Permatrim, not just any old foil, never tried one myself but been told by knowledge people that they work great
  5. If the Southerly stops as forecast on Sunday, you could try down Elmoos Rd (right just after the ranger station) there is alot of area down there good for throwing soft plastics
  6. Try around Scottish Rocks area, it will be blowing Southerly on Saturday so will be protected there.
  7. You will have to do a last minute re-schedule of that wedding, I am sure the missus will be sympathetic and understand !!
  8. If you fish outside (doesnt matter how far) especially alone, wear a PFD ( personal flotation device) with a PLB (personal locator beacon) same principal as an EPIRB and put it in the zipped pocket on the PFD (check the brand has one) , Log in the Marine resue, tell someone your plans and then if worst comes to worst, you will float and someone will be alerted. I game fish regularly alone and the PFD and PLB is my lifeline if i go overboard.
  9. Use a trailer roller over the ram, if you look online under "Mywedge" you will see what i mean, pity they are not available here, Yamaha make one so they must know something (but at an expensive price). Dont use a transom saver bracket as if the boat moves at all on the trailer, the weight shift all transfers to the motor leg.
  10. Fished off JB yesterday 3/11, firstly drifted a few Slimy's over the Banks for a few smallish Kings (legal though) and a small Mako. Then went wide to just inside the shelf about 160m and found acres of Slimy's and masses of Bluebottes, so many i didnt want to put the lures out as the lines would have been covered. Spun up a few Slimy's on lures but didnt drift one as the schools were just feeding on small stuff and nothing feeding on them. Went a bit wider away from the Bluebottles and put out two Marlin lures and a couple of deep divers (in hope of Tuna) and trolled wide and back to inside of the shelf to the Kink (big zig zag) for unfortunately nothing, Saw a Sunfish, some big dolpnins but not much else. Give it a few more weeks and hopefully the Beakies will show up because the bait is there. Temp got to 21 degrees.
  11. I saw to-day in a tackle shop that Alvey have a machined aluminium centrepin reel, not sure how long that has been out as i havn't looked at Blackfish tackle for quite a while. But i gave it a spin and it felt smooth and looked good.
  12. The "Islander" steelheader looks like the bomb!
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