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Everything posted by paulg

  1. I think the plastic type trap with holes either end may be the cause of me not catching any poddies.. I will try and make one up using gutter guard.. We will see if that works. Mr RB
  2. paulg

    Outboard Flaps

    Thanks for some very good opinions... From memory... I remember trying different situations when trying to get on to the plane... and i do recall cruising very slowly and giving it some stick... didnt help with abit of head wind...... What did help was doing a very sharp turn with the wind... boat got up on the plane... boat can take 5 people.... I only had 4 on board, all under 75 kgs. I will experiment further... but i am liking the idea of: getting on the plane quicker increased fuel economy and more stability. with the use of the foil... Has anyone felt the above characteristics or is it a sales gimik.?? Thanks again Mr RB.
  3. tumra, I have tried this spot several times.... the fish simply do not want to swim in the trap... there seem to be alot of fish in this area. Is your trap floating ? or at the bottom ? how deep ? Is your trap the plastic type with two holes either end ? I have used an orange juice container sitting on the bottom in about 300mm of water, with plain bread inside - no result. I have used the plastic trap with two holes either end with bread inside - no result Specific info would help and would take alot of guess work out of the equation. Thanks.
  4. push it off the trailer onto grass.. leave the cable attached onto the boat and release it slowly with the winch as you push it off. support the trailer at the front end just as the bow is sliding off. then wind it back up the new trailer.... raise the front of the trailer as the boat is being pulled up. its very easy...
  5. paulg

    Outboard Flaps

    Hi tuffy, Is it made of aluminium, or plastic... I have seen some plastic two piece ones for about $30-00.. ... from department stores.. Do these ones work or do they flex... or are they crap... thanks MR RB
  6. Thanks tricky.. I will let you know if they are still there. regards Mr RB.
  7. During the day, morning or evening ??? I'll give it a try this weekend.... thanks again.
  8. paulg

    Outboard Flaps

    TIlt - motor in or out did not affect anything.. Problem was that i already had 2 people in the front swivel seats. and two poeple on the rear bench seat.... Boat planed instantly when one person got off the rear bench seat and stood directly behind the two people in the swivels.... ..I heard ... making a really sharp turn before straightening up gets the boat on the plane... is this true ? Also heard the hydro foils get the boat on the plane quicker and help with fuel economy.... on the down side... they may cause the boat to tip..... I was just wandering if anyone that has used the hydrofoils can comment on their pros and cons and whether they would help my planning issue.. Boat can accomodate 5 people legally . Any info would help .....
  9. No have caught zilch so far .. I have tried kelso beach in the georges river... I can see heaps of tiny fish but they fail to go into the trap.... they are not mullet though .... I will give monash reserve a try.... as its near my place....... are poddies their at all tides, which tides ? thanks for the advise .
  10. paulg

    Outboard Flaps

    I own a 1 yr old 4.5 m Brooker Front steer runabout.. beam 2 m. Last time i went out with 4 people in the boat, the boat would not get on the plane. The nose lifted and rear dug into the water.. even at full throttle. and even at different tilt settings of the outboard... I had to ask one of the pasengers in the rear to come forward and the boat instantly started planing.. Outboard is a suzuki DT 50, 50 HP ... it is the max this boat can accept. Are the outboard flaps/hydrofoils of any benefit to this situation.... ? I have heard that they may be dangerous in turning .. is this true... ? thanks Mr Rose Bay
  11. Can anyone offer some advise as to where i can set up a trap to find some small poddies ? I have tried under captain cooks bridge( georges river), also the ramp near the airport (Brighton, Mutch avenue) and upper Georges River... I have had Zero luck... Any Good Spots around this areas ?
  12. Went for a cast on saturday afternoon. Dropped the boat in at rose bay boat ramp at 4:00pm. Hit spot 1 for tiny reds. ... released all Spot 2 .. wife was on fire.... she caught them all.. 1x 55 cm flathead 1 x 40 cm flathead.. 2 x snapper 30cms Wife caught this monster bream ...... looked 40 cm atleast... dropped it as she went to lift it in the boat. Only differenc with the wife was the sinker i put on for her was smaller than mine. bait used.... prawns and squid... Photos to follow. Mr Rose Bay.
  13. Great report .... well done..... i think the kingies should run for cover when they see you coming ! lol....
  14. Thanks for the info .... How long do you leave the trap in the water for before you pull it up.. ? Do Ileave it for half hour or 10mins ? Do the poddy's hang out where there is current or only in stable waters near jetties or boat ramps ? Thanks.... for the info again... greatly appreciated .....
  15. Can anyone offer advise on catching live poddies... I have been trying for a while but havent had any luck... I have used the plastic model with the two holes either end and an orange juice container with a hole on top.? Info, like type of trap... Depth of water etc bait ?? etc would be well appreciated..
  16. paulg


    Snapper is also missing.
  17. Well down suffo.... what bait did you use ? looking forward to breaking the kingie virgin drought soon....
  18. Can anyone pinpoint a spot for catching squid in rose bay or near by.. ? Want to target some kings...... All this king talk........
  19. Headed out Sat Morning to spot x Managed ... 1 bream 28cms... 3 snapper just over legal. I carpet shark approx 70 cms long.. 1 x 48cms flathead and a monster sand crab Caught heaps of small snapper thow backs..... Not a bad day ... we where out just before the wind picked up around 11:30 am. It was a very very calm morning prior..
  20. Thank you... will post photos tomorrow.....
  21. Hi all, great forum. This is my first report. Hit Rose Bay last Thursday night. Boat was in the water at 4pm. First Spot Managed 1 snapper 38 cms and 1 flathead 50 cms on pillies on the first two casts in about 10mins. Went back to ramp after half an hour and picked up a mate that came with fresh prawns, the red cooked ones ?????? : Then headed to spot two. at about 5:30 pm. By six o clock pm, tide was starting to run in. We managed 4 extra snapper 32 - 33 cms, 2 bream 28 cms and 31 cms, and 6 tailors over 30 cms. Got a huge hit on the 6 kg outfit, but it took the lot.... Also managed 15 - 20 snapper around 29 cms that were thrown back to fight another day... Bites dropped off at about 9 pm, then we packed it up. All in all a great in the bay. PS: red cooked prawn caugh zilch. All fish were caught on last weeks pichards that were supposed to used for burley. ???
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