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Posts posted by Ryder

  1. Welcome back fisherman.

    That lure will still catch more, but I can understand you keeping it.

    But I would keep it on the boat for those times it's called for.

  2. I met up with fellow raiders Dan and Trevor for another crack off a

    wharf around Balmain.

    There was another group already fishing so we had to take

    a secondary spot.

    We got the berley going and I soon got a down and pulled

    the hook on a nice fish. Then Dan hooked a good one and

    expertly played him out and into the net.

    The other group moved on so we switched spots. Then

    Trevor pulled out a fish around 40 cm. Then it was my

    turn for a fish that went mid 30s

    It was a bit slow between bites. We managed one more

    when Dan spotted the Barra just cruising the surface

    I grabbed the net and scooped him up



    He was around 45cm

    With 4 Blackfish and one Barra it was pretty good day.


    Thanks guys Im learning heaps and got a good feed.



  3. Forster.If the winds up fish the lake for Flatties and blackfish ,Out the front in the washes for Bream and Pigs,Night time Jew on the breakwll.And Salmon and Tailor off the beaches.Just my 2 bobs worth though.

    I'd go Forster for blackfish. The Breckenridge Channel,

    If you surf as well, Crescent Head and the beaches down to Plomer fish well for tailor, bream whiting and Jewies .

    If you jump the fence to Qld, just in time for the Tailor run on Fraser but its 4wd

  4. That looks fantastic. Pity about the result.

    The water is so clear everywhere, we need rain to stir it up.

    What about the vibes or blades?

    Especially when things are shutdown .

    With a bit of stink added..slow lift and retrieve , annoy them into a strike.

    If its not working change it up.


  5. I saw someone on the wall today. He had something in the bag.

    I stepped off the wharf onto one of those stabilisers.

    The boat and ferry wash turned me off.

    I really appreciate your advice.

  6. With the leftover weed and berley, I went back the same spot as yesterday.

    The wind had turned sw so it wasn't that protected.

    I berleyed up and got zero, not one down.

    I then tried Chiswick ferry wharf, for the same result.

    I move over to Hunters Hill, same again berley berley no takers.

    Getting cold and frustrated, I thought stuff this.

    One last cast, and I chucked all the leftover berley and weed, packed my bag and about to wind in when

    my float took a dive. After a short fight a 37 cm specimen was in the net.

    I brought a tape measure with me, but left the phone in the car.

    That kind of day

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