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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. 2 hours ago, Welster said:

    I have my kids half the time and run around after them, I try my best to keep up with house chores and my building business.  There’s always more to do than time.

    With my spare time I alternate read business or investing stuff (yeah I’m a bit weird), dream of being on the boat fishing or when I can get out next.  

    But at the moment my spare time is directed at the car I have had for over 25 years.   I pulled the engine out to fix an oil leak and let’s just say that job is growing.   Now thinking about how to build air conditioning into it, different gearbox and diff.   You know all the things people do when replacing a seal.?

    I like having my car out of the garage and in the work shed,   the problem with that though is the boat is less likely to get used. 



    Fairlane 500 is it.

  2. 52 minutes ago, GoingFishing said:

    Didnt know u could find Mantis Shrimp in Sydney or NSW.

    Learn something new every day! Thx all

    I was reading there's about 125 types in Australia and recorded down into Victoria ....... also down to 1500metres.

    Tough little critters.

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  3. 2 hours ago, blairy69 said:

    Hi Sam, I notice there is a Pigfish but whats the other Red fish it looks like it has the head of a smaller groper nut the colour is way different and its not a Pig fish

    Looks like a Foxfish. Bodianus frenchii.

    If you look closely I recon you can see the 2 White dots on its side. Certainly not to common around these parts.

    Nice catch to.




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