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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. Caught up with Neil and Ryder(Andrew) on Sunday morning for a Luderick fish.

    Great to catch up with the Big Fella and to meet Ryder. Also a "Big" thanks to Andrew for lending me a rod as I wasn't going to fish, just duck down and catch up and say Hi.

    Sorry I had to duck away just when it was getting interesting, both in fish and random people dropping in but I made where I had to go with perfect timing. I hope you fellows got a few more. Bloody one more cast disease.

    Have a good one today Neil but I guess you have already left and it looks like the weather has turned out a tad better.

    Thanks again both of you.




  2. Not arguing about the pressure on fish stocks and Im all for management, plus fish stocks are under threat   , but ...........

    1)Who Run the  Aquatic Conservation Journal.

    2) Quote  "Over-fished stocks include the eastern jackass morwong, eastern gemfish, greenlip abalone, school shark, warehou and the Grey nurse shark

    Grey Nurse  Sharks haven't been commercially caught for many years

    Gem fish have made a come back since they have been managed (every one old enough remember the late 70's to the Early 80's where they were smashed)

  3. Found one in the Shed today.  3/8 OZ. Might just put  a new split ring and treble on it then take it away in a couple of months up NW. Little fella may not survive. :lol:




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  4. First fish.

    Ok, this one is hard because of Colour variations.

    I've heard back from the Uni and the only definite thing it's a Weedfish.

    Their closest guess is either,

    1) Whitley's Weedfish, Heteroclinus 


    2) Ogilby's Weedfish, Heteroclinus heptaeolus

    Second fish is a Eastern Kelpfish, Chironemus marmoratus

    Thanks for posting this up CT.


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  5. On 5/15/2018 at 3:44 PM, Black Bandit said:

    The first fish is a crested weedfish, Cristiceps australis, very common in seagrass beds and rockpools.

    Colour highly variable.

    I was thinking either Cristiceps australis or Cristiceps aurantiacus but someone more knowledgable than I said the First Dorsal was to far back. (I've seen other photos of this fish)

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