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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. Went up to Woy Woy/Central Coast for a couple of days over Easter and took the Father-In-law to a old crab spot of mine I haven't fished for 25yrs, its a very small spot just enough for 1 boat. Lucky for me the Crabs were on the chew, so we ended up with 11 crabs in just under 1-hr. With the F.I.L. getting a monster of one.

    We were home by 8-am for Breakfast, with the Mother in Law :wife: also very impressed.

    So fresh Crabs for lunch and a couple of :beersmile: sitting on their Veranda.

    Now the in-laws think I'm a good bloke...................... what can i do to dispel this miss information :biggrin2:


    Max with his Big Blue Swimmer


    End result



  2. From the N.S.W. Fisheries Web Site (I cut out the Crap.)

    Note 2: The Port Hacking (enclosed by a line from Hungry Point to Cabbage Tree Point) is permanently closed to the use of all nets and traps (except the dip or scoop net, landing net and bait trap) by virtue of Schedule 2 of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulations 2002. Schedule 4 of the Regulation also makes it unlawful to use underwaters, underwater guns or similar devices to take fish from waters of the Port Hacking (enclosed by a line from Glaisher Point to Jibbon Point).


  3. We have been told a pack of lies (they will twist it around though)

    We pay our fishing license, which I totally support 100% ,so we are in a user pay system. How come we are being locked out of fishing spots.

    Have a look at the Election Results.

    Lake Maquarie Big swing against Labour.

    Manly.. Liberal gain

    Pittwater..Liberal gain

    Tweed.. National gain

    Port Stephens, big swing against Labour.

    The labour Gov't are the ones locking us out.

    Now I'm not trying to political but lets tell any sitting gov't that proper consultation before shutting down areas is the way to go.

    A big thanks for the guys that helped put that show together.


  4. No such thing as a silly question, Ya never ask ,ya never learn.

    Here's a quote talking about Demersal Fisheries Targetting Dermersal Fish.

    What are Demersal Fisheries?

    Demersal fisheries target species which live on the or near the seabed and feed on bottom-living organisms and other fish. Although fisheries may be directed towards particular species or species groups, demersal fish are often caught together and comprise a mixed demersal fishery.

    Or just have a Goggle around.


  5. I spent more time on Masthead and Wilson islands

    Hi Iceman, they have closed off so much area up that way,Wilson, Tryon, North Reef just to name a few that were spots we fished.

    but where the bloody hell is North west Island?

    Off Gladstone. QLD. Capricorn/Bunker Group.

    99% of those fish were taken just off camp and just mucking around, nothing to serious.

    Thanks for the kind words, but the Missus did that one and plans to do part 2 soon.

    I did the Shark fishing one ..... big angry critters that took a bit of 24kg.

    Thanks again I'll let Mary-ann know people liked it.


  6. Me thinks they are Red Rock Cod rather than estuary.

    Red Rock


    Estuary Cod.


    Still fun using soft plastics and better than being home painting :1badmood:

    Good eating the Red Rock Cod.


    P.S. You beat me by seconds Kingsrule :biggrin2:

  7. Thanks for the kind words Guys .

    The footage was shot up at North West Island off Gladstone on our Annual trip up there, mates, family etc . One of the Sharks was a Sandbar and the other was some type of Whaler, Silky maybe ? on another day I forgot the camera and of-course we hook a BIG angry critter that Jumped clean out of the water,not like a Mako but lurched ,then smashed the surface to foam before taking off on a screaming surface run...we all watched this unfold and said something like"GOSH" mmmm...." I said something like" :1yikes: . Big animal that we eventually got up to the side of the boat.

    Wow that sand bar in the beginning looked pretty tretchourss,

    Wasn't a Sand Bar but a Coral reef, the Mtr pole gives you a idea how deep its on the lip of the reef.

    I'll get the Missus to post a vid as she got a few nice fish as well as my 6yr old, she had to let them all go as she doesn't like hurting them.

    The trip is not a fish destroy type but a kick back and enjoy a bit of a :1fishing1: , have a :beersmile: and see the kids enjoy themselves.......... me, well... I just work to put fish on the table for people to eat...don't enjoy it MUCH :074:

    Thanks again .



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