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Posts posted by Blackfish

  1. I remember when I was a young bloke we were over on Ocean Beach and saw this great Sea fog roll into Pittwater, blotting out Lion Island then moving up the Hawkesbury. We jumped into our cars and drove over to Patonga. What a eerie site it was.

    This was a day time occurrence and the photo of the fog you took looked the same.

    Great photo.

  2. Make sure you bleed them. Tie a rope around their tail, give them a slit up behind their gill plate. Make sure your doing this over the side otherwise it could get a bit messy. Chill them down and as Slinky explained don't overcook.

    MMMMMMMM, delicious.

  3. There is one called "Coastal Fishes of South-Eastern Australia" by Rudie H Kuiter

    Excellent info in it.

    Books like these make great Birthday/ Christmas(just missed that one) Fathers day presents or with the money that the Government is going to give us buy it for yourself..... or buy it for the Wife/partner/girlfriend and use it when she's not looking at it :biggrin2:

    Hope this helps.

  4. They are all Volunteers, not being paid and spending their own free time on trying to help the Rec fisherman as the Gov't will only listen to statics (when it suits them).

    So be pleasant as they are on our side.

    Don't think they can dob someone in if they have undersize fish ..... I'll try to find out a bit more if no one post today.

  5. The eggy thing I think you might find thats a Swimming Sea Anemone.

    Never knew they could swim fast enough for a SP though. :biggrin2:

    Not that uncommon underwater ............ very unusual on the end of a line though.

  6. hey blackfish ling and beardie are different.. beardie has dorsal and anal fins then gaps 2 tail where as a ling has an eel like tail...

    once u put both next 2 each other u will never be confused in future

    Thanks there Baggin_out.

    Had a bit of a look and can see the difference you mean.

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