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Everything posted by GregL

  1. Awesome!! In tho's conditions I could take the Skeeter out there! Well done a a great capture Greg
  2. GregL

    Spooling Up

    Ceph that Berkely Cyclone one looks the goods! Stylo After doing 6 respools in a row you look for an easier way! Over the last 12 months I also have been on the hunt for a better line. Some haven't even made more than 1 trip! Wind knots and short casting distances are a pet hate in fishing line for me. When you cast over 1000 times in a day while pink grubbin you tend to cut the first few metres off each time you go out just incase of nicks and rubs. Laziness could cost you a win, looking at the small things that you can prevent swing the odds more towards your favor.... How many of us have felt our leaders, you can feel the scuffs but you say "that'll last one more", next fish is a screamer, leader pops What could have been...... Greg
  3. GregL

    Spooling Up

    Question. After reading another post about line twist and some of the replys, I was wondering how others spool their reels up? I remember years ago when I fished mono, I was told to put the spool on the ground with the lable up so the loops come on to the reel the same way or something like that. (hardly ever respooled back then) Me, I use the old screw driver trick threw the spool held with tension and wind on when spooling up with braid or flurocarbon. These days, all the bream rods get done every 6 months to keep them topped up to the lip and the flurocarbon ones every 6 outings.(I find it go's off very quickly sitting on the decks all day and being only 2lb, just don't want to risk it) Is there a better way than what we currently do? Greg
  4. If he forgot to pick the pot up, maybe he forgot to put bait in it to!
  5. I saw one of the race boats parked out the front of the Casino last night. What a beast, twin 300XS Mercs hanging off the back!!! Yep faster than the Skeeter me thinks I'm off to chase some snappers down the coast on Sunday, Monday will have me either back in the harbour chasing bream on surface lures again or out to the Nepean to find tho's big bass. Hmmmm but then there is a weed patch I found the other day, blackfish would be cool to. Man I love this time of year. Good luck to all fellow Raiders in what ever you do, go hard but play safe! Greg
  6. Is this on the Maritimo or Broardbill? Greg
  7. 30lb trace would be used to get the line through the eye of a 6-8 size hook. No way much larger would go through. Greg
  8. GregL

    Manly Lagoon

    Golf club was fined $1m Green keeper fired. This was the second fishkill in the lagoon that I have heard of in about 15 years. If some made the first maybe some survived the second. No harm in trying! Poddie mullet drifted over the snags around the edge of the lake should see if they are there or not. Greg
  9. Well done Rodholder! That will shut up the one that thinks bream are only good for livebaits! Crongrats Greg
  10. Looking off the end of the boat ramp, is it left of the ramp in that set of boats? If so, it was still there on Sunday We got a few squid and even had a king come up chasing the squid jigs right near it.
  11. GregL

    Manly Lagoon

    There use to be....... A few years ago a friend and I use to flyfish it for the bigeye trevally and the herring. Well that was till the golf club up stream killed it There use to be some cracker 50+cm jacks in there. Some great photos floating around the net. The day before the kill I just introduced a friend to flyfishing, That afternoon he tied his own fly, we walked down from his house and he nailed a bigeye within the first 20mins of fishing! He was hooked!! Next afternoon he walks down by himself to try again. I get a call to say the whole lake is a pool of dead fish! Greg
  12. At 9:30 I didn't know weather to go after blackfish(found some more weed spots) , breams or bass. Went breaming cause the river just looked to good to pass up looking out of me bedroom window. It was nice also to go out by myself, havent done it for ages. To get first shot at every spot was GOLD! G
  13. You know what chicks do with their hair???? From that shop The company that makes them is Bassart. They are about $250 or so. Just got some other stuff to soup up my Zillions and Steez's like Hyper long cast spools, handles and knob sets. Man if the Steez can cast further than it does now I'll be able to fish both banks of a river without moving!! G
  14. Great report Greg! I had Steve ring me last week to rub it into me about the fishing..... Hasseled me all year to go down but I'm soft..... Maybe next time. Greg
  15. Dude I got the BassArt handle up grade for mine, made a great reel into something absolutely special. Get the rod with it, it's awesome! A bit over 8ft and it casts a mile, super light and looks sh!t hot to G
  16. Nice Pic of the front of "Long Boat" Greg
  17. Hi Guys Whats the water colour like now? Has it cleared from the rains yet? I was in the mind of bassin yesterday but after a sleep in I went breaming instead as it's so much more local for me. Jewgaffer's comment about the wind change. The bream went nut's!! Most prob the best bream session of the year so far and I had it ALL to myself Top water only and now my rod forearm is killing me! Fishing pain, the best pain to have....... Ever seen a 43cm bream shadow a top water lure for a few metres before nailing it next to the boat? Bloody cracker fishing I tell ya's! Only let down I was alone and had noone to share it with but I'll get over it once I go again! Greg
  18. I must be getting the wrong owners then, mine still rust and break! Best trebbles tho, they stick to anything, especially fingers! Greg
  19. With an exisit being 35gm lighter on the larger spool models and up to 45gm lighter on the shallow spools, the exist's balance out my outfits so much better. If your use to fishing heavy lesser outfits you'll be right Plus I would rather spend my time fishing than undoing wind knots!!!!
  20. GregL

    Outboard Mechanics

    I went to Huett's last week, my GPS said I had arrived but I was still in the bush!!! Bloody GPS...... I was out by about 1km. Long way from the Shire tho! When you go to pick it up, take your rods with you. Good excuss to have a flick in Cowan or the Hawkesbury!
  21. Yeah big green puffer. They bite 6/0's on half! So the rivers still brown I had a tuff one last week, I was on a weed bed in pittwater last week, my sounder said 2ft(from the bottom of the electric motor) and I could only just make the weed out. Made the popper fishing a lot slower than normal. Didn't turn those pesky lure stealing pike off tho! Greg
  22. Not many places carry marine audio. I found only the cheap GME stuff in boating places and only 1 or 2 head units in car audio stores. I ended up just ordering the Clarion with Ipod interface. Mainly because it's MP3, so no skipping and also no disc changing. Make ya playlists up on the Ipod and you can have a full day of your fav vibs and not hear the same song twice. Now I just need more amps and speakers so I can hear it while doing 75mph down the harbour
  23. Some chunky fish there mate! Question, do you bleed your blackfish? Greg
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