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Posts posted by hobbitt

  1. Yeah, I hear ya about the rain situation, I know we need it and all, but why is it that whenever I'm on rec. leave............. IT RAINS !!

    Didn't get to go up to either Lauriton (dads) or Forster (fater in laws)

    and to top it off, the first week end off, we were going to stay at Karuah, but NO.......

    the van park was fully booked out. BOOKED OUT.

    They had a wedding in town, and so were all booked.

    Do you believe that.

    Hope you do better at the ''Bar'' and look forward to reading your posts on this. I would also like to have a go up there, but I'm not making any plans, with my luck.

  2. Call me ''mean'' BUT...

    $40 for the priv. to park the car and enter ?? OR... :mad3:

    Stay up here @ Gods country, pack a bit of tucker, grab some bait, some fishing gear and drift around in the hobbitt launch -- hhmmm -- gee I dunno'.

    Sydney traffic..... Parking, Entrance fee, Cost of food and drinks................

    Central Coast..... NO Parking worries, Fee free boat ramp usage, Packed lunch and drinks. FISHING! :1fishing1:

    Nah, think I'll give it a BIG miss.

    But, for those who go, have a great time, and I hope to read all about it in up coming forums.

  3. Hey there Roberta,

    what a great time you guys had. As I have previously told you, my father in law has a van up your way, and my father lives at Lauriton. I know where that break wall is, as dad and I have fished there ourselves. Dad and I boat fish and do a little LB near the fishing co op. I love it up there, sounds like you all had a hoot.

    Have 2wks Rec. Leave from the end of Oct. and hope to get up to both, Forster and Lauriton, if I know for sure, I will let ya know.........

    Maybe catch ya on the waters edge. :thumbup:

  4. I lost a good work mate (Rod Gillard) in a boating accident a few years back.

    This post brings back memories of my mate Rod, and makes one think, just how we so often take our short lives for granted.

    This is terrible news, and I urge all to take care when out and about.

    My sympathies to all concerned.

  5. OH BOY!!

    Knowing the flightmaster so well, for so so long............. As I do.

    Well, a safe bet would be to say............

    What goes on in the room, STAYS in the room!!

    OH, and "SURE" ..........................

    Ross, it never happened hey....................... LOL, LOTS OF LOL.

  6. Today the luvvly & I took the hobbitt launch out on Lake Mq, after we organised the tin lids off 2 school, woohoo!!!

    I must say, the seats are 100% on the old jiggers.

    Hell, we even caught a heap of fish, all returned to fight another day, due to the fact that they were under size.

    To my absolute horror, upon retrieving the launch, I noticed that my boat trailer was.................. oops out of rego :ranting2::(

    Oh well :05:

    Looks like the hugs n kisses is off to the RTA tomorrow.

    No pics here today, photos of seats to come later.

  7. Hey B Bouble you,

    good to see ya out doing the old man, (not that it's hard to do) Oh soo sorry Rossco!!

    PB and all eh, well good on ya, full on !!

    Maybe this week end might be my turn, cause On Fri and Sat, I'm rostered on.... BUT.

    What with this nasty virus going round (43rd B'day virurs) I just might have to put the hobbitt launch in.

    Yes Ross, I AM TAKING A SICKIE, wwoooo-hhoooo!!!!!

    Well done Brett.


  8. hhmmmm, much the same, happy birthday to you on the day, and like you I will be couch bound, but my birthday will be on the following Friday, and I will be breaking the rules (more than 1 ctn per person, lol)

    Oh and, the rules will be broken by an all holden team. Go Holden !!

    Have a great week end.


  9. Hello raiders, spent the best part of the day wetting a line at the beach, north of Lakes Beach today.

    The water was flat and crystal clear, there appeared to be some tuna in a feeding frenzy a little to far off shore to hit, so I found a spot away from other keen fisho's, a nice gutter to work.

    I chucked a couple of hand fulls of home made special burley out, and to my surprise a heap of whiting whipped up the goods. You little beauty I thought.

    Well, that was as close as I was gunna get. I tried bait, I tried SP's, I tried hard lures, metal lures, single hooks gang hooks.....................

    What did I get? NUTHIN!!!

    Not even a bite.


    Oh well, a little bit of Rec Leave coming my way early November, time to launch the Hobbitt launch.

  10. Yes, welcome to "raiders"

    Like you, we moved up to Gods country several years ago, and haven't looked back!

    This site is informative, and all round good site.

    Maybe we might catch up on the Lake Mq.

    It's All Good.


  11. Thats my local fishing spot, and that flattie looks like the one that got away from me last year, lol!

    I live in that area, and am very pleased to see and hear about your catch, it has made me even more motivated to get my act together.

    WELL DONE! Now thats what I'm talking about, it's ALL GOOD.


  12. Thanks so much for your input guys, I am now happy enough to spend time up around those parts. I was a little undecided, but thanks to the spirit of "raiders" I am set to up there and brag about it here in yhe forums. THANK YOU.

  13. Hey "raiders" just wondering if I could get a bit of input, I'm toying with the idea of putting my Stessl Edge Tracker 9.9 tinnie in the water around Karuah, I've only seen a few boats on the water up there, mainly the oyster dudes. I thought....... oysters, oyster beds, BREAM, shallow water, FLATTIES.......................

    Can any of you blokes, ladies point me in the right direction please??

    I am also planning staying weekends at Karuah on my weekends off, if the fishing is half reasonable, as I live an hour and twenty minutes from there. Anyway, please help. Thanks a bunch...


  14. Managed a weekend leave pass, "good behavior bond" last Fri, Sat, and Sun. 24th, 25th, 26th Aug.

    Slipped up stream and fished from dads tinnie on Sun. 26th.

    Now, the river was dirty brown from all the rain, and we got out late and it was dead low tide, but the weather was sensational.

    I flicked various plastics around, to no avail and the old salt fished with cooked prawns. First the old bugger landed a 39cm whiting NICE. Then a 41cm flattie, hhmmm !!

    Time to re rig hobbitts gear.

    Well, guess what............. I landed a 42cm Bream. Yahoo.

    All in all a great day out, and to think, we both had it in our heads that we were coming home empty handed.

    In the mean time, my boat is ready to hit Lake Mq. The donk has just been serviced, the bearings on the trailer have been replaced and I have thrown together a couple of rod holders for the tin can.

    See you on the lake, and tight lines to all.

  15. Sydney Water plan to discharge 700,000 ltrs of treated effluent daily into Hawkesbury River. The Brooklyn Dangar Island Sewerage Scheme is underway. Sydney Water has already begun building the treatment plant at Brooklyn to service Brooklyn and Dangar Island- Pop. 500.

    It will connect to an output pipe about halfway along the underside of Hawkesbury River Bridge where the treated effluent will be discharged into the river. The sewage system for Chero Point and Mooney Mooney will hook into the discharge pipe when it comes on line in 2009.

  16. Hi Hobbitt

    Any reason why the council closed it off? Is it roped off or got an explanation sign? Is it permanent? It isn't part of a marine park is it? There May have been a spill of some sort further upstream!

    Hmmmm - could be worth giving them a bell!



    Hi Roberta, (ROD) Hobbitt here, the area is sign posted as "CLOSED" Gosford Council. Council have roped the area off. The area concerned is the southern end of the camping ground, a small reserve that feeds onto the beach and the point where the beach and river meet, my fave spot for flatties. Not to sure what the go is, but there was heavy earth moving machines dotted around the reserve, Im thinking a mop up after the June storms maybe??

    Anyway my tribe might venture up your way soon, up to the father in laws on site van @ Lakeside Resort, near the keys.

    So bring on the warmer weather, and "tight lines" to you all.

    Hi Hobbitt

    Any reason why the council closed it off? Is it roped off or got an explanation sign? Is it permanent? It isn't part of a marine park is it? There May have been a spill of some sort further upstream!

    Hmmmm - could be worth giving them a bell!



    Oh yeah, no it's not a marine park, and I don't think there's been any spills down there, but who knows, Flightmanager may have had his boat down there, (thats a joke Ross) lol.

  17. Gday Hobbit, which area was closed off? Was it the wharf?

    I've got a camping trip organised for Patonga in September (APEC Weekend), and in the past we've always been able to fish wherever we want!

    The area closed was the southern end of the camping ground,where the beach meets the river.

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