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Posts posted by hobbitt

  1. Q) I have a registered tinnie that has rego stickers sculptured from eletrical tape :thumbdown:

    and, as I am not happy with this (previous owners handy work) I am wondering where to purchase the correct type, colour, and size stickers. My tinnie is unpainted so I am thinking black, and I am pretty sure the size is s'posed to be 150mm?

    Where do I get the right gear, and how much?

    Any pointers will be much appreciated, with many thanks.

    HOBBITT, Rebel without a clue.


  2. Hey raiders,

    Today (Thu 3/4/08) was s'posed to be my last working day of this week, with Fri set aside for a bash out of the hobbitt launch in and around The Entrance, then on Sat I was going to come here and brag about how good a day I had, then fix my boat seats up and get ready for work on Sunday.

    BUT, My boss asked me to work my day off........... 15hr shift, on overtime ??

    Looks like I wont be fishing The Entrace !!

  3. Well, the young bloke and I towed the hobbitt launch up to dads to wet a line and generaly take time out from the daily grind. Arrived Sat 23/02/08 and fished justed off from Lauriton RSL drifting over the sand flats. With only one keeper in the the boat (60cm flattie) a pb for my dad, he is so chuffed with himself.

    Well done ol' son, UP YA GO.

    Fished again today in same area, I used plastics, but came up just short of legal as did my young bloke. A great 2 days had, and now back home safe n sound.

  4. Looks like a trip to the waterway will be on the cards!! Hope it is not raining too much up there.

    Heard bad things about the beaches being washed away on the big tides last week, undermining back yards - fences gone etc!



    Yeah, still raining and gusty winds.... hhmmmm.

    Last minute change of heart this morning as far as the boat went, LB @ Swansea instead.

    Karen first on the board, then me and we caught heaps of throw back bream, but, down came the blastard rain and up came the winds. (Im so over this.... Back to work on Monday) Whats the bet that it will be ideal fishing conditions come Monday.

    Still, a bad days fishing, is better than a good days work.

  5. Took the hugs and kisses over to The Entrance today, a little shopping and lunch.

    Then a bit of a walk along The Entrance walkway, where a coulpe of old salts were waist deep in the chanel, after watching these blokes for 10 minutes, we noticed that they were pulling 50cm plus flatties up. So wish we had towed the hobbitt launch over to The Entrance. Still, there's always tomorrow. :1fishing1:

  6. So, post hollidays, kids back at school (YYEEESSSS) and most of the "terrorists" back at work, I have taken the liberty of taking some of, a bucket load of rec. leave. To team up with the old man for several fishing trips in the hobbitt launch.... YEAH RIGHT.

    The poor old bugga 75yrs old... arrived by train, and as I was there to meet him, he stood there in all his glory, with 2 packed bags of clothes etc, at the foot of the stairs from the flatform (Wyong) awaiting my decent to carry the load upto the car, and onward to Gods country (my place).

    Dad complained, as old buggers want to do, about having a sore back. HHMMM, GREAT.

    Went out from Rafferty's resort the next morning and dad managed to boat a little snapper, which was returned to fight another day. I fished using gulp alive, for the first time, and I was getting hit with regularity, cunning little players, chewed my gulps just shy of the hook, so dad one, me nada. Great day just the same.

    Still learning the art of these gulps, but will stick with it.

    Well, my grand plans for a week of fishing with dad came to a back breaking stop, and I have since driven the old, busted bugga back to his home for some R & R.

    Tell me, this is NOT what I have to look forward to ?? PPLLEEAASSEE !

    Oh yeah, by the way... I'm not really heartless, I did take him to his GP and made sure he got medical attention and generally looked after him for a couple of days while I was up there.

    OK, I may have taken the mickey out of him, and made him feel, well.... lousy for being in the broke back club. BUT, ya get that on the big job. :05:

  7. It was a great days fishing , seems like every now and then when we hit the Harbour , we bring torrential rain , but also lots of fish !! ( Remember Easter weekend last year Boof? :074: ).

    Im really lucky to have Brett as my constant fishing buddy , he watches all the fishing shows and DVD's , then tells me what Im doing wrong the next time we go out !! Talk about a learning curve!!

    Brett has pretty much covered the fishing , so I will give the weather report.

    We launched at about 0445 , and the Harbour was like glass . No rain , but there was a bit of cloud cover , and it was quite humid. No wind to speak of ( I hate wind!! :ranting2: ) , and only a very moderate swell.

    Then it started to rain . Then it rained some more. After a few hours of this , we had a slight change in the weather . It absolutely pissed down! From CG , it was impossible to see the skyline of Sydney for the rain! I felt so sorry for those intrepid raiders anchored next to us in an open Polycraft!! Didnt seem to dampen their enthusiasm at all ! :thumbup:

    Headed back to Rose Bay at about 1345 , and Brett wanted some shots of my fish . I assumed the position , holding my 2 fish aloft , when I felt a tug on the fish , and a loud clacking noise ! Damned pelicans ! :ranting2::ranting2::mad3: I dropped the fish , but quickly grabbed it up while beating the wretched bird off with the other kingy!!

    Returned home slightly damp , but very happy with the days fishing , 2 PBs in the one day , one each for father and son !!


    P.S. Stumpy , you are sooooo dead !!!


    Well what da ya know, 2 pelicans at the ramp, one after another.
  8. Hey Roberta, another great post that is very inspiring. I love reading your fishy posts, these stories motivate me. (I need motivation) Anyways, great pics and fish, my dad from Lauriton is train bound for my place early Feb. So dad and I will launch in the lake or The Entrance... SOMEWHERE !!

    I hope to post our results, good bad or indifferent??

    One of these days I'll get up your way, one day :-)

  9. I have had succcess with comp. worms, when I lived at Holsworthy Sydney Sth West.

    Fished Georges River, the good old faithful green prawns ran out, and I resorted to comp. worms....

    Dont know if it was a fluke or not, but bagged a ripper bream, and a couple of throw backs as well.

    I have never used them since..... Good luck though.

  10. Just like to take a moment to wish all a happy (safe) new year.

    Also a moment to remember our loved ones, and fallen fishos.

    Looking forward to reading the reports and posts, I hope we all have a productive time out on the water.

    That said, "HAPPY NEW YEAR"


    AKA, Rod.

  11. Departed my place, God's country (CENTRAL COAST) Fri evening bound for ''Airport Control" @ Mr and Mrs Flightmanager and No. 1 son'.....

    Landed early Fri night, for a few yarns and to take a walk down memory lane. (thanks for the pic Ross).

    Hit the harbour reasonably early, and in my true form, brought the rain with me.

    As mentioned, a first for me. I have only fished lakes and estuaries, a little land based, and some beach fishing. So... this was a first, and truely a sensational experience. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that our city has to offer. FANTASTIC!!

    Well, we managed to take home 11 keepers, and oh so many more releases. We took half a dozen or so flatties some nice snapper, (A PB for me) some whiting and tailor.

    No. 1 son, master of SP reined supreme and, at days end became a celebrity with the Japanese tourists.

    Whilst drifting around, spotted NETIC with a few others, sounds like they had a big day.

    I know I did, and would now like to take a moment to thank Ross and Brett for a top days fishing, it was great. Also, Brett gets a pat on the back from me, what a great young bloke he is.

    Ross, your young bloke is a bloody good hand.

  12. Arrived at my dads place, (Laurieton) Fri 16/11... Arvo.

    Headed off to the fish co op to buy some bait and threw in from the edge, very windy, but that didn't stop me catching some bream. However dad was feeling the cold and and the fact that I out fished him (LOL) so we headed over to Nth Haven where I bagged a nice flattie 43cm on a green prawn, thankfully the old boy bagged a nice bream 33cm and a few throw backs as well.

    Sat 17/11... Had some business to attend in Port Mq. Then it was off to Settlement City, near the punt (ferry) Dad hooks a nice 40cm flattie and I snagged times in a row. HHmmmm.

    That was all I needed, so back to Lauriton, headed over the bridge and out along the road towards Diamondhead Beach, found a quiet little nook, and "BINGO'' I scored a nice 50cm flattie on a 2'' plastic lure, which I attached a small piece of squid to. Poor dad, I thought he was gunna cry. YEAH YEAH!

  13. Couldn't agree more (43) and I am strugling with the eye sight, or lack of.

    I have got a little jem of a product in my tackle box, called hook-eze.

    Got it at the markets for next to nothing.

    Basically, what it is, is a plastic disc about the size of a twenty cent piece, that is hinged, allowing you to open it up. All you do is place the hook inside the disc, close it up leaving just a small part of the shank and the eye of the hook exposed, this also prevents hooking up your fingers whilst you thread tour line through the eye of the hook and spin the disc wrapping the tag end around the main line till you have tightened and dressed your knot. That done, open your disc and away you go.

    I think if you google ''HOOK-EZE''

    You may find more info on this.

    I love it.

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