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Posts posted by hobbitt

  1. :( Due to the :1badmood: crap day, I was just watching the idiot box, and over in America (only in America) they have started up a modelling agency for............................................

    wait for it..........................


    Geez, I can just it now, picture this, I'm down at the boat ramp with my learnard friend, FLIGHTMANAGER...

    And some yank talent scout approaches me and Ross wanting to take advantage of our...........

    (scoff scoff.........good looks)

    Hey Ross, ya never know mate........ we just might make our first million here.

    Me thinks I should publicly appologise to my friend Ross, right now, right here.....


    Your ''MATE'' Rod.


    Yep, great stuff. Currently in between boats at the moment, BUT.... Come the fathers day week end it all changes. LOOK OUT Brother, I'm coming out on the lake, WOO - HOO!

    Nice catch, and good report, see ya out there, and here's to all the dads out there ''happy fathers day''. :yahoo:

  3. Look at the lump on its melon :1yikes:

    That's a bloody beaut snapper, mate. :thumbup:


    "H".... That's no lump on his head, that's a baseball cap....... OH, you mean the snapper, yeah I see. LOL.

  4. great pics , hope in a couple of weeks we can do the same , have you ever fished dora creek cause thats where we will be staying is it worth going up the creek for a fish or head out into the lake , and your right we went for a drive up there to look at some accommodation today and the weather was awful , fingers crossed for better conditions on the 22nd



    Hey Tony...

    I have fished up the creek, caught undersized bream and whiting. Also, when driving Nth bound up express way, I have noticed a small tinnie up there from my car, Ive seen him a few times flicking about, maybe there's something in that, at days end, I would probably head out into the lake itself.

    I use the ramp at Dora Cr a bit, it has a tap there, I use it to wash and flush my tinnie. ( I bring my own hose etc)..

    To get to that ramp, come Nth over Dora Ck bridge, turn right (keep the shops to the right of you) head east, go right to the end of the road, you will end up at the ramp and the parking area.

    Good luck and enjoy yourself.


  5. DUDE,

    I'm in the process of selling my tinnie and buying a bigger tinnie, which is due to happen at the end of this month. SSOOO, I will also be out on the lake, Pulbah Is. sonds the go, and I to will be flicking plastics around.

    Sounds like you had a great day.

    See ya out there.... Tight lines.


  6. G'day All ,

    What a weekend !! We had the best time with the lovliest people , and we even managed to catch a few fish !!

    Met up with everyone at Brooklyn and started the mammoth task of transferring all of our gear / food/ grog onto the mothership!! No small task , it took Dan , Stewy and I 2 trips each with 2 carts at a time to get it all onboard !! :1yikes: Donna and Vannessa then had to sort it out into some semblance of order , while we 3 men did blokey things like getting the 3 boats ready for the water !!!

    We set sail and leisurely motored along the Hawkesbury in intermittent drizzle , Stewy and I electing to navigate our own vessels , radios blaring , and doing circles etc to let Dan and the girls catch up to us. An hour and a half later we had arrived at Jerusalem Bay , and moored the vessel up for the weekend !!

    Finally had the galley set up to my liking , every available storage space was packed with yummy comestables for our gustation and delectation ( the place was packed with good tucker for us to eat and enjoy) , and I made a couple of trips to Parsley Bay to collect Mrsflightmanager and #1 Son .

    Once we were all on board , it was time to have a few pre dinner drinkies , which was then followed by some dinner drinkies and dinner , and finally the post dinner drinks and chat/ dancing / hilarity!! Copious amounts of chocolate were also consumed , it was comfort food central !

    We all surfaced pretty well on Saturday morning , and I set about getting brekky ready for our hungrycrew !! It was a beautiful morning , and there are few things better than cooking on a BBQ lookingout over the magnificent Hawkesbury early in the morning !!

    Soon enough , it was time for lunch ( and some drinkies for the cook ) and the first of our Saturday anglers began to arrive to register. Fortunately we had ample supply of food and tea/ coffee , and all memebrs were made welcome and fed and watered as required !!

    Time to get our fishing acts together , Stewy and I making our world famous burley , and #1 son trolling in the rowboat !! Time then for afternoon nibblies and associated drinking , welcomed more members , and had a few fortifying drinks to keep us going !!

    Everyone on the mothership was quite relaxed by this stage , with much laughing / eating / drinking being the order of the day ! I had been preparing braised lamb shanks for most of the afternoon , and we all tucked in with gusto , nothing better than a hot meal at that time of the year when you are on the water !!

    With everyone well fed , we had a few small libations to keep out the cold , then we decided some dancing would be a good idea . Many photo opportunities , gales of laughter and a few more drinks and it was time for bed.

    Awoke on Sunday morning to another glorious day , and , low grade hangover notwithstanding , I prepared breakfast for a somewhat subdued Mothership crew! Did the tidy up as Stewy mentioned , and set sail for Ripples base , there was much conversation about how well the whole event went .

    It was wonderful to meet Mrsswordiesdaughter , Vanessa , who is every bit as lovely as Mrsswordy herself !! She partied in true Fshraider style , and we were so happy she was able to join us !

    Id like to thank Stewy and Donna for organising the houseboat , MrsFlightmanager for the million and one things she did to make sure it all went to plan .

    Here are some of the pics I took ( well , the ones I am allowed to post anyway :074: )


    Did someone say food?


    Anyone for a chocky??


    Our winning fish!


    Stewy and Vanessa ( #1 Son trolling in background)


    OutdoorDan and #1Son take a break


    Stewy in action


    Mrsflightmanager and OutdoorDan


    Stewy fish whispering


    Dan attacking a Lamb Shank


    Vanessa and Mrs FM


    The 3 Girls !


    Thirsty work this partying !!


    Yeah, as per PM sent to you Ross..... wish I had of been able to make it.

  7. Hobbitt,

    I had a look at their website (aus boating) for the one you saw "wavecatcher". Most impressive, I think I found my next boat to upgrade my 4.8 Stacer Bowrider. The missus liked it too, but its a "when we win lotto" boat (WaveCatcher Trailer & 115hp E-TEC Evinrude outboard package indicated at $38.000.00).

    Looking at the others in the range, I think I will get one of each when the lotto win comes through. Loved the storage/options on the 17' Pro Catamaran, love at first sight :wub:

    I might have to go and lust over it today, might even take the :wife: to show her what luxury she is missing out on.

    Yes, I hear ya. The sales bloke gave me a dvd on the boat. (The same one they had playing) Yet to watch it.

    The missus reckons, if I go down that track.......... it would be grounds for divorce. I told her, be carefull what ya wish for, you just might end up with it....

    But for now, I have to make do with the hobbitt launch (tinnie).

  8. Hey ''H''.........

    Stonker !

    Now thats what Im talking about.

    With any sort of luck, some of your talent may wash off onto me, by looking at these pics.

    That would have been one hell of a rush!

    Oh, and minnie me is here with me as I type this.

    He is flabergasted, as am I.


  9. Just a quick birthday wish for my young bloke (minnie me) aka Cameron

    The little man turns 13 tomorrow Sun 20/07/08 :1happybday::yahoo::1yikes::1prop:

    I am feeling ssoooo old, one 15yr old daughter and one 13yr old son, sixteen and a half years of blissful marriage.

    Oh 2B twenty yrs younger.


    Love Dad.


    For those of you here, that know what I do for a crust, you will understand how funny this pic is to me.

    lol lol lol, lmao big time

    (NO...........I'M NOT A COP)

    RZEP and FLIGHTMANAGER, I think you lads will understand.


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