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Everything posted by HenryR

  1. 1pm sounds pretty managable. I like the sound of trekking up to Smiths Creek too. Tho, from Apple Tree Bay, in my little tub at least, it's about an hour of paddling. We'd only just catch the tide. Then need to be back at Waratah by 5:30, if not earlier - sunset is 5:pm. Wind, might be absolute decider. The forecast has eased but there is still some predicted.... Meet 1:pm and see how we feel and what conditions are?
  2. jtp, 9:am way too steep for me. I had a few shots last year at fishing all day before sitting out the cold and the dark and I never lasted very long in to the night doing it that way ! What time other thinking of starting ?
  3. I had to dig to find this pic (and be sure I wasn't fabricating memories). Smiths Creek, Hawkesbury, September 2016. footnote: In my ignorance, I imagined something must have bitten a chunk out of it's back and that it'd somehow survived. Now I know. I've learned lots of good and interesting stuff from Fishriader - thanks Holls!
  4. jtp, i believe from 10-20m. Happy to go halves in the block of pillies
  5. I love the ever changing audience you get !!
  6. Dynabolt is on the money. Apple Tree Bay is a much better launch spot. Apologies from me, I think of both bays as Bobbin Head.Am pretty sure the closed after dark business refers to the park, not the boat ramp and parking. Lots of people use the Apple Tree ramp, there's almost always cars there overnight.
  7. Yes, absolutely fish the arvo! Jewies for me has been further down the river. Round Bobbin Head I've only ever really fished for bream and the like round but I have chatted to a few people (yakkers & shore based) who get them in there.. As well as the arvo, low tide at 8:pm be worth having a live bait (not just a dead pilchard) out too.
  8. Wellzy, I haven't logged in for a while - belated thanks for the reply. And, I think good news. I have a fondness for bull mullet. Haven't caught any for years but used to catch them as a kid. When they'll bite, they fight hard ! They've been one of the things on my to do list since I started fishing again. Might have to head west come summer.
  9. Kayak Korner needs to know ! Reports from the weekend ?????
  10. Awesome me too. Once a year I think this is a must and it's much, much better with company. Krause is right, lots of great little bays to visit on the way there. It's a nice paddle.
  11. Wellzy, bull mullet? Are they a regular thing up there?
  12. have to ask krause re. sounder - strange, I believe, as in not kingifsh. Or maybe someone else here has been good enough to grab a screen shot of some? Lungfai, There were ton's of them, well worth paddling out to see if they're still there. There were so many I actually ended up fishing around them. Couldn't get a hook up - I think big sinkers might have been part of that problem, that and not realising what they were until too late. arthur, ta for the trebles tip. I have heard since that they do turn up in the port from time to time.
  13. On a budget: some 5' jerk shads - will get you flathead, jewfish, tailor, the requested bonito and tons else. 2.5' z-man grubs - will get just about anything that swims (only a slight exaggeration). And, and Atomic 3B Fat Dogs are great intro to hardbodies and a bargain for the price - loved by bream, bass, flathead and even whiting. Along with, of course, a range of jig head weights and hook sizes. The caveat is, it's mighty hard to stop there. Lure collections feed on bank balances and grow all on they own!
  14. if you're using pieces - smaller than half, pin the hook carefully through the backbone. It only takes a little bit of practice and when you get it right they sit pretty tight on the hook
  15. went with krause to try for some early morning kings in pt kembla yesterday, no real luck there, a couple of rats and krause picked a up a few flatties. Of more interest were the way livies disappeared all morning. Couldn't figure out what was going on. There'd be something obvious happening at the rod tip but no matter for no matter how long it was left noting more ever came back except bits - bitten in half, or shredded, with pieces hanging off - of ex-yellowtail. We had no idea what it was. Then, not even the last cast, merely reelilng up a livey after releasing all he unused ones, there was a big heavy weight on the end of the. Surprise, surprise, surprise! The amazing sight of a big midday hairtail squirming back and forth under the yak. A few swipes with the net and it threw the hook. Mystery solved and anyone down that way in the next few days, might want to keep them in mind. Most of them came from just off the end of the northern (the one slightly back) break wall. Anyone know, are they normal down there? Are circle hooks (what we were using - with no wire trace!) any good on hairies?
  16. great vid - it is cool to see what goes on at the other end of the line
  17. which favourite !!! Narrowing it down to decide on a balance of how much fun it is to work and how much I actually use it. ZipBaits Skinny Pop. The small ones for early morning bream. And, the 90s probably provide the fishing I most enjoy. Salmon on the surface, in quiet waters, on light line. I like the cheerfulness of the yellow and white ones
  18. i can't make the 13th - going houseboat on hawkesbury and don't get to pick the date. A bummer, I would like to do both. Tuesdays are out too jtp, but you are lucky: for sure it is the best day of the week to be on the water !
  19. i got no idea - don't know south at all. I do know, so far, he's made some pretty okay calls !
  20. C'mon people - nobody out there thinking of going fishing in or around the 6th who could cope with a change of spot and company? nobody ??? krause has a cool offshoreish (not quite offshore, just not inshore) plan for down south, if anyone's game. Or Port Kemba again. Friday's wind and swell forecast looks very nice... Or maybe somebody would be kind enough to show us a spot or two in Middle Harbour. Or, Pittwater Friday, when there's no so many motors churning the place up? You heard it already on FR, there still be kings swimming around in there, and there ought to be bream and jewfish this time of year and probably salmon and bonito, etc... A collective explore of some bit of Sydney Harbour? Dunno about everyone else but I've fished almost none of it from a kayak. .... ?
  21. bass love a lure that sits in the same spot, only just moving. Even with divers, at least if they float, it's a good idea to let it sit where it landed for a few seconds before starting any sort of retrieve
  22. 6th or 13th, either weekend okay by me. If windang is a go, someone post here?
  23. ha-ha, how many people going to be out shore jigging this weekend ? That is a totally excellent fish - congrats !
  24. at least until it gets privatised NSW Land Titles map is generally a better reference for NSW than Google - check out Six Maps
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