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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Your'e wrong mate that is a FATHEAD....different species Anyway congrats on a very special fish. I got one at 96cm a while back and it only went 6.25kg....a jenny craig model ....maybe yours has been on the roids or full of little flatties!
  2. What a corker of a report! Congrats on the 2 thumpers and great pics too!
  3. Congrats Ben and some great pics on a perfect morning for you
  4. I don't target them that often anyway...prefer the pigs on the plate and you caught a cracker just a while back from memory. That's serious gear your using too.... Keep up the good work!
  5. That is a cracking catch :beersmile:Congrats man! It reminds me of one caught on a well known Sydney fishing DVD. I got one last year about 7kg and hesitantly took it home for the table but was very disappointed...dry as so I wouldn't take anything over 2-3kg now. How do you reckon they go on the plate at that size?
  6. What a great post Robbie and congrats on upgrading that lizard PB You must sure work those turtleback worms!
  7. Well done on your first pigs...you will be addicted now don't the bigger ones go!
  8. Well done Peter...I've just polished off some flatty fillets for dinner myself
  9. Great bag Ceph! I'm envious... I only got a couple of mid 40cm models today trying a new spot in my kayak but you have cleaned up...congrats!
  10. Nice croc and well done for releasing her!
  11. Great post Landbased and well done on the PB Flatties
  12. Sure will...the in laws and the brother in law etc. are all coming over on Friday night. I spent an hour last night cleaning, boning and skinning the fish and have about 2kg of prime fish to cook up with a cool drink or 3
  13. Go Jeff, sounds like a good couple of quick sessions out there. The place you discovered the school, of bream might need a very quiet approach and you might snavel a bruiser
  14. Kat well done on the PB flatty and the smorgasboard you produced
  15. Hey Royce, Got them all in a few sandy gutters down near the alley
  16. That is a phenomenal catch on the light gear...you've got all the kingy kooks salivating
  17. Headed down to Cronulla with the F.I.L to fish the last 2&1/2 hours of the run up hoping for a pig or two. After sizing up the muchly reduced swell, decided on Spot Y and burleyed up with bread and prawn heads. After about 15 mins i landed a small bream and then a school of tarwhine moved in. These things really go and I had 4 over 30cm in the bag within the hour. My F.I.L landed one too but he found it hard to get close to the edge (sadly a non swimmer) and battled to keep his bait in the zone due to the incoming waves and snags on the barnacles. I managed another bream a small pig and got a 40cm thumper of a tarwhine on the last prawn of the day. Final tally Me 7 F.I.L. 1 (the inheritance is looking shaky) All in all a great arvo and better than watching the footy on TV. Enjoyed a cool one or two back at the in-law's place We will feast well with the whole family during the week!
  18. The little bloke will never forget suchca great day
  19. Welcome and what a great first post...you know how to build the suspense.....good luck for your next outing and I hope the kings come back and snavel one of you baits!
  20. jenno64


    Nice Fathers' day Platter there
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