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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. What can I say? That is the finest flathead I have ever seen in the 6 years I have been chasing them. Congratulations on the capture and the healthy release. It makes me even keener to crack the magic mark myself. By the way my biggest is 97cm and estimated 6.5kg, I reckon yours would have gone 7.5kgs at least if it was roed up. My hat goes off to you man!!!
  2. Took some good sized poddies out on the lower Georges this morning and drifted livies with the last of the run out tide. Scored 4 flatties in the same drift in an action packed half hour then things went a bit quiet as the tide came to a stop. About an hour after the tide turned, I picked up another four, including 2 on hbs while trolling. Also caught a legal sized tailor and threw it on live for a while but no Mr Mulloway today. Looking forward to a big family cookup tonight!
  3. That's a great session and pulling flatties from near the racks can be action stations!!
  4. Stewy, You are the king of the midweek sessions. Another brilliant day with some corker fish!!!
  5. That's a bag and a half...top effort!
  6. Great stuff Ray...if fishing can't cheer the boy up then nothing can! Great looking brag mat too!
  7. Great fish and well done on upping the PB!!!
  8. Top morning and go the Sharks!!
  9. Humesy, I work in an area surrounded by water. I am a non teaching deputy principal so I have a bit of flexibility and can take the ten kids as it doesn't impact on staff back at school while the other kids do a variety of sports. Some of the kids have additional needs and I take the school's GA with me for assistance (he's a mad keen fisho too!) I have done all the risk assessments based on some fishing groups that specialise in taking school groups. I nominate 3 or 4 spots that we alternate betwen depending on the conditions and tides. PM me and I'll send you some info and we can chat.
  10. Good on you Stewy, You would have been busy as usual!
  11. I've sen turtles recently a couple of ks up the Georges too. They appear just in front of my yak and then disappear, never to be seen again!
  12. Each week I take 10 kids from my school down to one of the local spots for a fish. Yesterday, we tried a new spot and some of these kids had only ever fished once before (with me last week). As the tide was low we headed to a large public wharf on the Georges and threw unweighted peeled prawns out on size 4 suicide hooks. All was pretty quiet until the drag on one of the girl's reel was screaming. She held on for a while until my assistant and I passed the rod around the pylons trying to keep the line clear of structure. about 5 minutes later a nice little king came up and we tail grabbed it up onto the wharf for a quick pic before spearing it back to give us a real thrill next year! Needless to say the kids were pretty excited! Sorry about the photoshopping but I haven't spoken to their parents about a media release just yet!
  13. You sure hit the spot there and what a big girl! She looks like a sand flathead and one of the others looks like a dusky, or are they all sandies? Great release too!!
  14. The fishing gods will shine on you.....great fish an d well done on the release!! Great GOB shot too!!!
  15. Robe, Your reports always have an X-factor! Great post once again and I'm glad Keith is on the road to good health once again!
  16. What a brilliant couple of sessions...jew on the chew and incredible crocs ....98....so close!!!
  17. You have jsut joined the Hoodlum Gym!
  18. Tha's afamily feed flounder if I've ever seen one...check the records...quick!
  19. What a cracking sesion Ceph and a superb king to top the list. Autopsy info is always useful too!
  20. Love it when the tactics work!!!! Top fish!!
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