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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Top action there and a hefty trevor!!!
  2. Pete that is a brilliant session on the poppers. With results like that you don't mind losing a couple!!
  3. Scored some poddies with my son yesterday and was hanging out to get out there again after a two week lay-off. On the water by 6:30am and conditions were perfect, the tide had started to run out and I headed to one of my deeper spots with livies out both sides. At the end of the first drift, a flatty nailed one of the livies and came up a tad under 60cm. Fish from this spot are an unusual colour and almost look like sand flathead. Pedalled back upstream and repeated the drift with another mid 50s fish only 50m from the last. Apart from unsnagging, the next two drifts produced two more fish. I had a great bag and it hadn't hit 8am yet! Couldn't resist hitting another couple of favourite spots but not much more action apart from a few small flatties released. By 11am the wind was blowing from the south-west making it no so cruisy out there so I returned to the original productive drift and on my last livey, a good flatty smashed the bait and took some line. The hook pulled as she came up to the yak and she headed south for next time. All in all, a great action packed hour early on and looking forward to succulent boneless, skinless flatty fillets during the week!
  4. Great action on the squid=kings! It was great out there early today.
  5. Superb shots of some beautiful fish and the kids looked like they had a ball too!
  6. Now I see where you research comes in! That is a cracking photo of a very fat fish there too. It's head looks like the lid of an esky. Keep me informed of new findings!
  7. Dusky, I love your formulas! Mate this one was very thick and broad and went like the clappers compared to some big fish I have caught in the last year or 2 including 2 in the 80s and 2 in the 90s. One I caught last year was 97cm and must have dumped her eggs as she was pretty lean. I did take one 5 years ago at 96cm (never again) and it weighed 6.5kgs so I reckon every cm over 80cm would increase the weight exponentially as they get broader before they get longer! As I said in the post, when I saw this one's head I thought I had cracked the metre!!! Here are a couple more shots!
  8. Hard to believe that's just off Sydney...brilliant captures there!!
  9. I hadn't been out for a serious fish for a few weeks after doing lots of mini-trips with my 6yo over the hols but yesterday I caught some nice sized poddies and I was keen to hit the Georges this morning. Found out there was a huge bream tourney on so I canned fishing under Captain Cook Bridge and surrounds. Instead I launched further up the river just before the high this morning. First couple of hours was very slow and only picked up one small flatty in the channel. As the run out gathered a bit of pace, I found another couple of small flatties in a new stretch I haven't fished. Next drift with two livies out, my T-Curve/Stradic set up gets slammed and line is peeling off up current. I quickly got the other lines in and started on the fish which took off on a couple of sizzling runs and sent some serious headshakes up the rod. It's behaviour had me thinking decent jew and after another run towards shore, I pedalled outof the way of moorings in case it went hard. After about 5 minutes I had leader coming up and was expecting a golden flank but no....a cracking flathead surfaces! I could see the wide gap hook in the bottom jaw, which allowed me to take my time and slip her into the silicon landing net. My first thought was that I had upped my PB of 97cm and maybe cracked the metre but prescription sunnies can be a bit generous! I started thinking about taking some quick snaps and looking for a release plan. Only 100m away was a perfect sandy beach in front of a house so I headed over. As it happens, my camera was low on power so I had to use my phone to get a few snaps and put a tape on her as I had left the brag mat behind. A very fat 84cm!! I gently slipped her into the water on sand but she didn't want to move much so I spent a few minutes swimming her until she became nice and restless.....slithering away into the depths. I would love to have weighed her as she was the fattest flathead I have ever caught by far....extremely healthy condition and fully roed up. Ended up taking 4 fish around 40cm home for a feed and I feel my mojo coming back after a what seems like way too many drinks between decent fish. Chatted to a couple of extravagent bream boats on the way back and felt pretty good about the fish my little Hobie helps me get onto:)
  10. What a great story and well done on your mate's and the boat's first marlin!! How were the steaks?
  11. Restores faith in human nature (although fishos are generally great people!)
  12. That's a great feed and a top action pic that you shoulput up on a canvas!
  13. Another fabulous day out for you and another raider Stewy. Had the Cooks sussed agin and managed a few kings outside too! Top stuff!!
  14. That's a thick looking bream and no wonder you thought it was a jew!
  15. Great action as usual Stewy...were you up in Woolooware bay or thereabouts?
  16. Big Congrats and it looks like you are a pretty stylish air-jewy player too!!
  17. Great fish...what gear were you using?
  18. Nice seafood platter there...sounds like a cracker session!
  19. Great catch and I'm glad your new rod performed well. I bought a 2-6kg snapper version for my heavier yak fishing and I'm hoping to test it out again soon.
  20. Great catch and release....SHE'S A RIG!
  21. Man have you got the place sussed....Incredible catch you must be doing everything right....top stuff!
  22. You probably thought it was a school jew when it came into sight!
  23. hat is a magnificent fish. I caught a good sized jew and took it toa fishmonger to cut into cutlets. He also sawed the head in half lengthways and the jewels were sitting in jelly just on the cut so I got them out easily.
  24. Swordy, That's a besutifully marked flatty there. Well done on the breambos too. Were you fishing morning or arvo? I was reading about the ipilots and they sound fabulous...a must have!!
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