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Everything posted by ARC H

  1. no worries mate good luck
  2. ahh thats what they are its i have seen them a couple of times
  3. ahh well at least you got stuff i would be happy to spend a morning that way whiting are hard fighting buggers for their size
  4. i would use a yakka cutlet on 2 hook rig one hook running this will keep away annoying pickers LMK how you go cheers
  5. dont fish around your area but fish the spots you usually fish you may find you get more solid fish
  6. if they are noones mate finders keepers you are lucky good on you for asking
  7. nice bag and feed mate to be honest never went for blackfish with all the reports coming in thinking i might haveto
  8. ARC H

    Cooks river

    nice mate frig i wish i could get consistent jewies
  9. ARC H

    Cooks river

    yeah it is amazing the places fish live
  10. ARC H

    Cooks river

    well done mate that tailor looks pretty solid
  11. ARC H


    shit nooo hapens every important game like this
  12. haha nothing beats j braid i love the stuff you can buy cheap mono and spool a bit of your reel with that then put the braid on that's more cost effective and u know you can still have quality braid.
  13. ARC H


    come on blues yeah time do this Have fun all going haha screw cronk
  14. yeah ok dosent look like the fighting type
  15. yeah wirrah cod catch em off the rocks
  16. yeah im with rick stargazer did it fight?
  17. cod fishing hmmm something i need to do
  18. good session mate i have heard wales are musical
  19. Sizewow thats big for off the sand well done
  20. nice rats kings are cool at any size
  21. yeah same as savit definitely need leader mono floats so will keep surface lures on top and fluro for the rest of the lures fluro carbon is way less visible than any type of line
  22. yellowfin pike same as blackfish
  23. At least you can see the ocean from your house
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