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Everything posted by MerryFisher

  1. Cheers, will give that a go
  2. Being wanting to try the fad for dollies for a while with all the positive reports I've being hearing. Collected a few livies at middle harbour and made it there by 10am to find three other boats there. There wasn't too much action, got three small fish all around 50cm which went back. I guess it's a bit late in the season and the larger fish might have migrated elsewhere. Surprise of the day was my first pearl perch, which I got just out from Bondi in just 35m of water. I thought it was a pink snapper at first due to it's pinkish scale, how silly of me.
  3. Thanks for sharing, this map is indeed interesting. Might try the orange area between reefs north side of harbour for flatheads.
  4. might be out there early Sunday morning before the wind picks up. Had a great session jigging the artificial reef last time out, though the biggest fish snapped 50lbs leader and took my favourite jig
  5. Mate, how far out did you have to go for the strippy?
  6. Nice rig, now that's what I call a boat. Nothing to rave about last sunday, had the family with me, plan was to catch some bait with my trusty sabiki and go for some kings around blue point, no takers though. So just bottom bashed outside the harbour
  7. For a 5m boat should be very quick. I got into boating since I was given a 4.2m inflatable with 15hp outboard. I soon realised it was too small for what I want to do, which is heading out to coastal reefs, such as long reef. I then bought a new quintrex sea spirit 510 for that purpose and to learn on. It seemed daunting at first driving it onto the trailer, but just a few goes it becomes so easy. It didn't stop there though, soon after the Qunnie I wanted to so further out to sea to fish species like tuna or marlin(which I'm yet to catch), which got me into a 6m glass boat. From my experience the 5m aluminium boat is much easier to handle and forgiving, so a better learning boat.
  8. Yep confirmed sightingthat was me, I recognise your boat
  9. If that's the boat you saw then it was me
  10. Went trolling for some game species yesterday around browns mountain using two skirted lures and two deep diver lures. The weather was fantastic, however there’s no fish to be found in the four hours I trolled. On the way back to Sydney I noticed a lot of baitfish just out from Randwick, so I thought I’ll give it one more go trolling lures. The result was an instant hit on the two skirted lures first. I was a bit close to the rocks at that time, so I steered the boat away from the cliff and a few seconds later one of the deep divers got hit as well. I kept the boat going slowly away from the cliff and started to bring in the fish from the closet lure first. Few minutes later landed all three kings of which one is a keeper. So called it a day and made some king fish sashimi for dinner.
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