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Everything posted by Holmesie

  1. Yeah it was an outgoing tide David, that's definitely what made it so messy - I'd normally try and avoid crossing on the runout, but the conditions weren't too bad and I have plenty of HP, and sometimes with the timing of the tides it's unavaoidable Anyway our aim was to be safely back inside well before the dead low of the tide, which we achieved, and we'd caught some fish too! Cheers
  2. Thanks Mik, it's good to be able to see it from another perspective (rather than IN the boat)... and yep, David you're right about it being shallow on the left at low tide but like you say with the swell (and current) pushing up towards that North wall (RHS) I was certainly aiming to stay away from that side... It looks shallow Brickie, especially in that 3rd pic, but there's a good depth of water underneath her Cheers Holmesie
  3. My Dad sent me some pics he'd taken of us coming back in over the Narooma Bar when we were there in January... At the time there were some big sets coming in, but from the photos it doesn't look so bad!! Anyway, I thought it was a good series of pics worth sharing Cheers! Holmesie
  4. Congrats on the Pajero Stewy - you won't regret it for one SECOND - the DiD motor is an absolute gem (I have a DiD Triton and it pulls like a train) by all accounts it's magic when combined with the Pajero 5-speeed auto too You probably don;t need any more forums, but here's a good Aussie Pajero site - Pajero Forum Funnily enough a white Pajero Exceed is high on my shopping list too - I will send you a PM Cheers Holmesie
  5. An update, I raised the whole transducer by about 12mm, and levelled it out relative to the hull and have gotten much better results. Still some fine-tuning required as at high-speed the reading becomes garbled, so there could still be some turbulence/cavitation happening. Thanks for the suggestions all, I hope to have it sorted on the next outing Cheers Holmesie
  6. What's the problem with Navman units netic? PM me if you like, I just bought a Navman/Northstar one Cheers Holmesie
  7. VERY nice new toy your mate has himself!!
  8. Got it sorted thanks to those who offered suggestions and PM's info - much appreciated I've gone with simple construction ply (mainly because that's about all I could get locally), but sealed the timber before gluing the carpet on. I have yet to mount the rear box/seats but will be using silastic or something under the screw heads to ensure water cannot leak from the box down thru the timber floorboard along the screw (as happened previously). To look at the re-carpeted floorboards (I was able to save the old carpet), you'd be hard pressed to see they'd been replaced so I'm happy with the outcome so far. Thanks all, Holmesie Manky old rotted boards New boards, with carpet re-glued and in place. Gee in parts it looks cleaner than the carpet on the other boards!!
  9. That's good advice thanks russ - will send you a PM now
  10. Sounds interesting, thanks. I've was trying to track down some PVC/poly sheets, but didn't have much luck - and since I'm out in the NSW sticks and not near any major suppliers of stuff, I might just put in some new marine ply and be done with it
  11. I have checked the other (forward) floorboards and they appear to be structural ply, and not marine ply like the two rear boards - perhaps they've been replaced before, although I can;t see any indication of additional screw holes in the aluminium supports underneath. Dtox, what is allycore, and is it cost effective? Cheers
  12. I'm hoping to head up to SWR in late March/April - hope to do better than you guys. Glad to gear you didn't come to grief on the bar Cheers Holmesie
  13. thanks guys, achjimmy what do the later model Quintrex boats have as floorboards? Cheers
  14. My family and I could not agree on a boat name, nor the intended purpose for the boat. Wife and kids think it's for skiing with, but I know it's for fishing from... So we called her 'SKISH"
  15. Hi guys/gals, I have to replace the two rear floorboards in my Quintrex Sea Raider - they have marine carpet glued to them (which I have successfully removed and saved). The floorboards have rotted because the previous owner screwed the rear boxes/seats into the floor without sealing the holes, therefore allowing water to get inside the marine ply and causing the rot (from what I can work out anyway). Am I just best off replacing it with marine ply again, or should I be looking for a PVC/poly sheet product to do the job? Each board is roughly 1000x1000mm and 12mm thick. The rear boxes/seats will still need to be attached to each floorboard, and the carpet re-glued. Any suggestions or experience would be appreciated. Cheers Holmesie
  16. Holmesie


    Good stuff Dean, just came back from Narooma myself, still wishing I was there, I have the Narooma live barcam playing regularly on my screen at the moment, looks like a beautiful day there today too Beautiful Bream mate!!! Cheers Holmesie
  17. i don't see the pic fisherboy
  18. Another vote for the Mungo Brush/Hawkes Nest area We always head up that way in the Apr/May school hols Cheers
  19. certainly does explain it well, thank mate
  20. whats the idea behind trimming the tail-fin jewgaffer?
  21. I didn't realise this? Do you know how soon chopper? Cheers
  22. I think I need some help in that area too!! Haven't had much luck on the Kingies!!!
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