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Everything posted by SquibblyDibbly

  1. I ate a lot of pipis growing up but have seen signs at beaches warning about eating them and potential poisoning and death ha. Any idea what that is about?
  2. Yeh I'd imagine most would be hesitant to take greenhorns out to sea, you can only imagine the bad experiences some would have. Perhaps trying to get some experience on a ferry or smaller charter would be a good place to start.
  3. Sea school are good mate, you can get your exemption 38 (lowest level coxswain) in a day. If you're not in a hurry you can jump in a with a group and get it done using their boat for not a ridiculous amount of money. They can do the boat license at the same time if they dont have that either. The lower level coxswain is pretty limited as to what you can do as a captain (no paid passengers, no working at night, boat size limitations) but would be a good start. From what I've read that cert 1 in maritime operations is what you need to start as a deckie on a 12m+ boat. Like most industries revolving around physical labour they will struggle to find good people these days. I'd be calling and speaking to companies, I'm sure if the person has work ethic and presents well it wouldnt be hard to get a start somewhere.
  4. I'd complain about it to them and see what they say. info@jarviswalker.com.au There is no valid excuse for a spool of line having a join in it.
  5. Rovex is owned by Jarvis Walker, once a good brand but these days more interested in making the cheapest gear possible to stock the shelves at Big W and likewise stores. Rovex is supposed to be their premium brand but hey, perhaps not.
  6. You're the first person I've ever known to want to catch toadies 😂 If you're at port mac I would suggest heading to Camden Haven, one of the best estuaries in Australia. Grab yourself a coffee at the boatshed and take the kids fishing from the shore. (Not the wharf the coffee shop is on, they will crack it). Plenty of good bream there. https://maps.app.goo.gl/kFRbKMeX7WJjd6om6 The cheapest rod you can buy paired with a little float and small hook. Smooshed up bread balls for bait and burley. Or if you'd rather a beer than coffee try the other side of the river at high tide opposite the bottle-o. https://maps.app.goo.gl/N7Wm4tjxZzRiyyKQ9 Peeled prawn for bait, change the float for a sinker and a longshank hook, fish the sand bar and channel off the shore there. Bream, whiting and flatties.
  7. If only every fishing trip was that productive. Hopefully the kings get a bit bigger next time!
  8. No mate, zero tax on their earnings. Ask any seller on Ebay, ebays fees do not include GST as they "realise" the profits overseas. The Aussie sellers on there are paying tax but Ebay isnt paying a cent on their revenue in Australia.
  9. It's worth noting that eBay, PayPal and Gumtree are all owned by eBay and despite operating in Australia, with staff in Australia, facilitating sales from Australians to other Australians and taking over a 10% cut of all sales (earning over $7 million in profit per day) they pay ZERO tax in Australia. Makes you question who the real scammers are.
  10. The not talking on the phone is another tell tale sign of a scam as they are not actually in Australia and don't want you knowing that.
  11. It's a scam Frank, they will provide a fake payment receipt hoping you will allow them to take the car before funds clear. Another version of this they will want to use PayPal so they can reverse the transaction once they take the car. Gumtree (eBay) do not care. You can report scams at the below link. www.scamwatch.gov.au But even they will do nothing.
  12. The holes change how it moves when worked. Further back holes are for trolling with more of a flat action and the further up holes send it upwards towards the surface when worked, jigging style.
  13. Yeh blade/vibe same same. I'm a fan of the 15g metal ones as I can get them on the cheap at my local tackle place. Either would work great I'm sure.
  14. Went down for a flick yesterday arvo once the rain cleared up. Tried the plastics but after the tails on a couple got chomped I switched over to a blade. Caught 1 nice keeper flattie that was dinner, 1 undersized released to fight another day and a couple lost. They are very productive lures.
  15. Go the noisy minors. I swear many birds know full well what the cuckoos are up to. The other day I watched a pair of curawongs harassing a cuckoo that was interested in their nest. The battle went on and off all day long.
  16. I see a lot of the azure kingfishers at work, they are unreal. The lyrebirds are also awesome when they are singing their repertoires.
  17. It's very true that not all foreigners are poor swimmers and we are very lucky to have grown up in Aus. However, we shouldn't allow our fears of being labelled racist prevent sensible educational measures that could save lives. I have always wondered why there isn't a brief water safety message played to passengers on the plane on their way over. There are hundreds of millions of people in mainland China that have next to no experience in the ocean and plenty of tour groups that pick them up at the airport and take them straight to the south end of Bondi beach. A recipe for disaster. Likewise many sub-continent and middle eastern peoples who go swimming fully clothed. Only yesterday I watched 2 fully clothed Chinese parents take their 10 year old kid down to the beach with an inflatable shark and send him swimming in the rip in 2m+ swell and the tide starting to run out. He was knee deep but another couple steps and he would have been gone and they would have both likely drowned if they went after him. Thankfully a surfer walked over and had a quick chat to the parents sending them down to the flags.
  18. The black cockies are beautiful birds but those cuckoos are evil. Do the other birds harass the cuckoos?
  19. Yep, I've caught a heap of fish using them. You can get a lot of different sizes and shapes as well to suit different scenarios. There is a smaller prawn looking one that has trailing assist hooks that goes pretty good estuary fishing if you're after bream and flatties.
  20. Yeh the nibblers can be annoying, they really love the tails on nuclear chicken grubs! Depends a bit on what you're chasing but a hard body like a double clutch can be a good option for flatties and metal vibes/blades can be another good options for when the plastic munchers are around.
  21. The only thing I don't like about the yeti beer coolers is they are so heavy you always think your drink is full, even when it is empty My beers dont last long enough to need such a good cooler either!
  22. +1 for the cicada poppers, a great choice for bass. If they aren't hitting the lures off the surface I usually switch over to long tailed soft plastic and slow work it along the bottom (bottom permitting) or a spinnerbait. For bass I try to match the colour of the lure to the conditions, light colours when its bright and sunny and dark colours when its dark/overcast. Have fun!
  23. Hey mate, I've been giving the technique you described a go but as yet no luck. I grabbed a couple clear/sand colour sugarpens, straight steady retrieve bit of a rod wobble. A mate did say that the choppier the better so maybe it's been too calm. Do you still get them like this in calm conditions? Cheers!
  24. And put your gear on the dry rocks if you dont want the ocean to take it. I'm glad your alright Henry.
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