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Everything posted by BDbrooker

  1. Thanks @Scratchie Photo removed 👍
  2. Got this too if anyone knows what it is?
  3. Hey Raiders, Heading out with my daughter about 2pm on Tuesday, weather was predicted to be windy but it was great out on the water. Pumped some nippers and tried for some whiting but no luck. Moved into the deeper water around Lilli Pilli and my daughter had a great time catching a number of snapper just under legal. Just as we were about to pack up my nipper got smashed and the initial run of the fish was insane. It was a big fish and unfortunately took me into a reef area and broke me off. Not exactly sure what it was, possible a ray or jewie. Couldn't stay any longer as had to get home for dinner. Action was starting to pick up at that point though. Thursday. Took my dad out for some action, he was keen to get a kingfish. We fished the deep water near Lilli Pilli. There was a lot of surface activity around so we decided to throw some lures around. I was using a little metal slice and my dad was using soft plastics. We had multiple hook ups and landed a few fish. All kings around the 58-60cm mark. No keepers unfortunately. Caught plenty of slimy mackerel too which I took home and salted. Funnily enough no kings on the squid that I caught recently. Surface action was starting to die off but there was plenty of bait on the sounder still. Dropped some squid baits over and pulled out a 75cm jewie. Was very happy with that. Went and pumped some nippers and got a nice whiting and 2 good sized bream. Back home by 1pm. Awesome couple of days fishing.
  4. Really wanted to get out into the Hacking this week but the kids brought home the flu from daycare. Hopefully next week but the weather is not looking great. Did you get any squid?
  5. Some good sized flathead there mate.
  6. If that happens, keep the hooked fish in the water and drop another line with a soft plastic or bait out. That has worked for me.
  7. They're definitely there, you might need to move around to find them. We caught five in amongst the moored boats at Lilli Pilli on Friday. Find the bait on your sounder and the kings won't be far away.
  8. Long time reader, first time reporter. Plan was to head out early today and try for a jew after reading all of @Yowiereports. Got a call off my mum last night who was now unable to look after my daughter. Damn! Change of plans, decided to take my 4 year daughter out for a fish after breakfast. Hit the water around 7.45am. Sounded up some activity near Lilli Pilli baths. Defrosted some of my left over squid heads from last week, baited up my daughter's pink rod which is rigged up for whiting with 6lb trace. Threw it out whilst I got my rod ready to go. Bang, my daughter is on, brings up a snapper just under legal. As it's coming up a 4 or 5 kingies follow it in. She keeps the fish in the water and I throw another squid head out, bang I'm on. In comes a king at 62cms. Release the fish and straight out goes another squid bait, bang, on again. Another king comes in about the same size. Move the boat back into position and throw my daughter's pink road out again. Couple of minutes pass then she's on to a small king, I help her reel it in and get a quick photo. She was stoked, first ever king for her. Bait up her rod again and cast it out. Wait another minute or two and bag she is on again. This time line was peeling off her little pink rod. I took over for her like a good dad, took me about 5 or 6 minutes to land the fish, unfortunately it came in just under legal but still happy. It was a great little morning session with my little girl. We then headed out in search of some squid but no luck. All up, we got 5 kings and the one snapper, all released. Missus isn't happy, no fish for dinner tonight.
  9. Hi KanTec, My advice would be to get out very early, it will be extremely busy on the Hacking over the weekend. Where are you launching your boat? Cheers, BD
  10. Cracking Jew! Always posting a good report Yowie.
  11. Thanks so much mate. Heaps of good info @Welster
  12. Thanks for all the info. I'll be heading out one day next week to try my luck again. Cheers
  13. Hi everyone, long time reader of the forum but first time posting. I'm a fairly average fisho, although I've been fishing most of my life. I moved to the sutherland shire 2 years ago and only fish out of the Port Hacking these days. I regularly read Yowies posts in awe. The fish he consistently catches amazes me. I've never cracked the hacking code, however last summer landed some cracking whiting. I have a 4.2m tinny I fish out of and launch at Grays Point. I'm looking for some advice regarding squid. I've never caught one and have recently been putting in the hours trying, but have not been successful. The places I've tried are, out near jibbon, salmon haul, lilli Pilli baths. I'm not after people's secret spots, Just more of a general how to from someone with a bit of experience. E.g. what size, colour jig works best, are time of day, tides important? Slow retrieve, fast retrieve? Lots of jigging ect? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks, BD
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