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Everything posted by jasper

  1. Stoney, As George said the small boat ramp near the tennis courts at Salt Ash you will be able to launch easy and you will not have the cruiser issues that tadpole had.Its about 11kms from Lemontree Passage. It will be busy that time of year with skiers and tubing if your out in the creek proper you could stay in the passage itself away from all that and at high tide try the oyster leases and around the moored boats. Land based anywhere on sand flats at low tide from the caravan park right around to Lemontree Passage flicking soft plastics into the deeper channels will get you a flattie. Good Luck and enjoy your stay.
  2. Hi Damos, I would try Fenninghams Island you will have to park outside the caravan park unless your staying there walk through to the sand flats or drive another 20m mins to Lemontree Passage about 200-300mm on the right from the boat ramp is a pretty good spot. You may be able to get some at Salamander bay although the best spot there is now in the Marine park make sure you get map as the Inspectors will be out in force in the next 2 months. Cheers Gibbo
  3. G'Day Diver A mate an I tried last 2 weekends in Tilligerry Creek for 5 just legal crabs very slow they are just not around yet in any big numbers. After checking the hats a couple of time a mate noticed one of the floats bobbing up and down I assumed it would be a big ray when saw this cut him free and he swam away. I will have another go this weekend maybe the hot weather may stir them into action. Cheers Gibbo
  4. Havn't tried this season will start weekend after next hopefully will be a lot better than the last season which for me was the worst for quite a few years. Cheers
  5. Thanks guys cant get out for a fish today heading down to ANZ to watch the mighty eels tonight. Also to have a few Cheers Gibbo
  6. Yeah great night i was there too crowd was awesome. Cant wait to do it all again next Friday,I reckon its about time we had 2 Sydney teams in a big finals game. I just cant remeber what happened in 98 but 07 is still very clear in my mind. Go Eels
  7. Very nice pics there.
  8. Yeah pretty impressive, shame about the fishing Sponot, pic of the cabo it did standout Cheers Gibbo
  9. Went down to Nelson Bay for the sail past this morning...........then i went and bought a lotto ticket. I think there is a couple of raiders in amongst these. Overcast conditions didn't help with the photos. Good luck to all fishing the Interclub
  10. Hi Diver1, Attempted humor there seemed to more boats than water in the channel Nice flatties
  11. Nice flatties there i went past Swansea Chennel yesterday and there was a new sign saying Bring your water until Feburary 2009. Cheers Gibbo
  12. Hi Richard, Shoal bay You try for flathead around the moorings. Bream near the hospital. There have been reports of squid around the moorings as well. Nelson Bay Drift along the breakwall (far enough away so the 5,000 people on the breakwall dont get you with sinkers) for bream/jewie you will may see kingies good luck with hooking them . Middle Island Drift the western side deep holes apparently hold jew i have tried numerous times with out success yet lol. Good luck and hope you enjoy your stay. Cheers Gibbo
  13. Wazza, I fished Paddys channel on Sunday with a fellow raider. Top of the tide picked up 1 flattie 40cm and was busted by a much larger one as the tide started to go out we packed up and left. Cheers Gibbo
  14. G,Day fish feeder (sounds like me ) drift between Soldiers point west to Baromee point deep holes jew fish are rumored to be there there are 4 holes up 100ft deep I have been out last 2 weekends without much luck couple of runs but no hook ups. The weather does not look good with 30Knot southerlies for Friday and Saturday.Sunday/Monday should be better i will be out there Sunday maybe Saturday. I advise you do get Marine Park park Map as Fisheries will be out checking this weekend, Marine park locations have a yellow buoy. Hope you have great time Cheers Gibbo
  15. Woy Woy Baths Pelicans Pearl beach on a bad day Pearl beach on a worse day Washhouse beach Cheers
  16. Hi All, Saturday 4 hours in boat 3 just under legal bream......... Sunday 6 hours in boat 2 just under legal bream 3 toads 1 shovel nose....... 5 witches hats nothing. Monday 2 hours off river bank low tide nothing.............. Tuesday text me chops for dinner I reply flathead for me her reply lol yeah sure. Quick session of bank at Lemontree Passage after work nothing for first 120 casts change to a green crappy looking plastic as pink/black/orange/silver/blue didnt work and bingo first cast flattie jumps on and manage to land. Didnt have any thing to compare size with but between my thumb and forefinger is 20cm out strechted, flattie went 3 of those. I will be out there again tomorrow........ Cheers
  17. jasper


    Hi MRb i have a 4.2 stacer with 40hp tiller steer and found the nose would rise too high and for a long time with out a permatrim before dropping onto plane. I fitted one and planes at slower speeds and the nose drops down almost straight away.Heaps better when out alone and steering is much more precise. Could be different having a forward steer compared to tiller steer. Huey may know more about that. Cheers Gibbo
  18. Truly great fish well done. Cheers
  19. Great report as usual looks and sounded like a great day well done Cheers
  20. jasper


    Thanks for your advice fellas much appreciated I'll take the boat and let you how it goes. Cheers Gibbo
  21. jasper


    Hi all, I am going to spend a couple of days at Dunbogan in Feb. I was wondering if it its worth taking the boat up there 4.2 stacer I have never been there before although family has with out boat. I have checked map and seems very shallow and tight in river and most places can be accessed via land. There is a warning about bar so going outside wont be an option. Any advice would be appreciated Cheers Gibbo
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