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Derny Driver

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Derny Driver last won the day on January 14

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  1. Live bait I use 50 / 65 lb braid with 50lb leader, live bait hook (strong gauge) and a small pea sinker to keep the livie heading downwards. Otherwise it swims around on the surface. Squid strips 80lb braid with 100lb leader, single circle hook halfway down the leader. I use a breakaway sinker held on with 10lb line. Dont know how you can land a kingy on 8lb. The advantage of strong line is that you can drag the fish up a bit before it heads to the reef and cuts your line.
  2. I headed out from Greenwell Point before dawn Friday, got out wide as the sun rose but the wind was horrible. There was a pro trawler chasing kings with 5 or 6 boats running outriggers ... I just turned straight back towards shore but it was slow going and I was prepared to call it a day without even wetting a line. Found a reef in close and decided to drop a line, and next thing you know, it's calmed down. Stayed out till 1.30pm.and was able to run home at full throttle it was so good.
  3. Hate to reply to my own post but its half time at state of origin and its going to script. First time nsw get in qld s 20 metre zone they get two 6 agains and score. So they are the favoured team. Penalties 3- 1 blues and 5 minutes to go in the first half so ref gives qld a penalty in their own 10 metre zone. Then another one for a lifting tackle. Penalties 3-3 at half time, Qld buggered from tackling all half, 34-0 score and its all over. We have a live decider. Ref will help the maroons a bit this half but its too late Edit: 3 penalties and 6 again early second half to Qld in an attempt to make the score a bit respectable.
  4. Murrays does get a surge and is quite bad on dead low tide. Woolloomai ramp is excellent, dual ramp with good pontoon both sides, can get a bit of tidal flow but is generally a piece of cake to launch and retrieve. Only thing is its a good 10 minutes doing 6 knots to get to the bay, then you have another 5km to get out to the heads. Looking at 30 minutes boat travel time. If heading outside Greenwell Point is best, great dual ramp, heaps of parking, and you are outside in very quick time.
  5. I think Moses will help NSW, he's a clever player. Be interesting to see how Latrell goes.
  6. I can hardly stand to watch the games these days due to the refereeing. Maybe its my imagination but I see the ref give all these 6 agains to a particular team when they are near the opponents try line, its a massive advantage and always ends up in the team with all the extra possession scoring. Penalties and 6 agains to the favoured team, the other poor buggers get tired from tackling all game. Then with 20 seconds left before half time the ref gives a penalty to the unfavoured team, which of course is useless to them as theres no time to utilise the advantage. And toward the end of the game the ref will square up the penalties by giving the team which is down 20 to nil some 6 agains, on their own goal line, on tackle 1 so that the final penalty count is not so lopsided. You can watch any game and within the first 10 minutes tell who the favoured team is, and then it plays out. Penalties and six agains late in the tackle count, in the attacking zone to the chosen team ....and after one team is miles ahead on the scoreboard, some pathetic square up penalties which are 100 metres from the try line and on tackle 1 or 2. State of Origin is the worst. Whats the bet NSW win this one so that we have a live decider for game 3? $$$ Is the referee told by the NRL who is to be helped win? Are the ref's being bought by Sportsbet? Am I a conspiracy theorist ???
  7. Youre a lucky man on many counts Basil
  8. Hynes is not up to it, far too predictable throwing hospital passes .... need Moses for Game 2. Lomax was great as was Stephen Crighton and Leniu. Teddy needs to go. QLd have the luxury of having Ben Hunt and Cherry-Evans, the best two halves in the game. Both had great games. And that was never a send off. Pretty boy slipped into that and it was a total accident. No intent at all. Should have been 10 minutes. Klein then tries to make up for his decision which ruined the game by not blowing the whistle again, which gave NSW no breaks to recover. I thought NSW tried hard. Qld would have won anyway but having them run through massive holes in a 12 man line was not a great look and blew the scoreboard out.
  9. Noel I hit your Windang Island spot at dawn , quickly got an undersize reddy then not long after caught a 33cm one. Not huge but happy to finally get one. I used all the tips on here which definitely made a difference. After persevering for a while I tried trolling for Bonnie's off bass point without success. A flathead drift in closer scored one 38cm. I threw back 6 large red rock cod, 2 sergeant bakers, 4 wrasse and took the snapper and flatty home. Thanks everyone for your tips. Thank you Noel for your local knowledge 🙏. Appreciate it.
  10. Legend Noel, I will be out of Shellharbour before dawn. I have the MinnKota so can electric anchor. Thank you !!
  11. Thank you Blaxland, I appreciate the advice. Cheers mate
  12. I believe the reds are starting to bite at the moment, and I'd like to catch some. But I really have no idea where to look. Ive tried the well known snapper marks around Jervis Bay with no luck .... if snapper basically live in the same area all their life, then these spots may be fished out? Am I better trying to explore and use my sounder to find my own snapper patch? This could be time consuming as Im not great with the fish finder. Any general hints as to where to find them? My local tackle shop said they are "inshore" at the moment ....I take that to mean not too far out to sea. I'd love some advice from the experienced people on here. Cheers.
  13. Yes Geoff's doing. It gets a few comments at the ramp. Not sure about luck as the boat's been out of the water more than in ... but should be right now. Certainly won't be changing the boat name!
  14. Cheers Dunc, yeah the 12 pitch prop really jumps from the standing start. Need to check the passengers are all sitting down and holding on before I gas it. Less top speed is the trade off but it's not a speedboat... its plenty fast enough. Also put hydraulic steering on it ... feels amazing.
  15. After breaking down 8km outside at Easter and getting towed in, I've bitten the bullet and upgraded to a new F90 Yamaha. Needed a lower pitch prop and a Permatrim to set up for the Twinfisher ... but I'm very happy with the performance. Got the MinnKota mounted too so looking forward to the weather clearing up.
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