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Everything posted by Toadmaster

  1. A shredded leader is something you can kind of come to terms with when the adrenalin comes back down. What's really heartbreaking is when there's a little pigtail on the end of the line.
  2. Nice seafood basket there! Good to be able to compare the eating qualities of the 3 fish side by side - they are all good in my opinion, but I'd take the whiting any day. That looks like a trumpeter whiting by the way with the strong silver lateral line. Looks like a cracker of a day and a great bank spot to fish from. Getting some nice fish is a bonus!
  3. Sounds like you have a well oiled routine to get them safely into the esky. I was using witches hats in Botany Bay so had to disentangle them first - not so easy in a kayak. They are pretty angry fresh out of the water, so I found it best give them a couple of minutes to calm the farm. The muddy would have been 'interesting' to deal with. The kayaks with a raised seat would definitely be an advantage there!
  4. Thats a great haul of crabs, and gars! Both great eating - what a top notch feed! Especially impressed with catching them all in a yak. Speaking from my own limited yakking experience, it can be a bit hair raising having a cranky crab scuttling around between your legs and trying to avoid being nipped in sensitive areas!
  5. Maybe we can swap our catfish for their marron. Happy days!
  6. My mate caught a similar looking fish a while back off Molyneaux point. I thought it was a previously undescribed species, so as owner of the boat I had naming rights, Maybe Seriola acaudatus (no tail) or Seriola Picklesii in honour of the kingie master?
  7. Haha, thanks for the kind offer. A mate told me many moons ago when they used to fish off the Hawkesbury bridge, there was an old timer there with a chopping board and a cleaver and he would walk up and down and promptly dispatch any unwanted by-catch. By all accounts he dined better than most of the anglers there. Maybe he was also immune to pain.
  8. I read somewhere that Westralians are very partial to catfish although they are despised in these parts. They call them cobblers apparently over there. After reading that I was curious and actually kept the last one I caught after (very) carefully removing and discarding the head. And I have to say crumbed and fried it was delicious, I also found a video on how to fillet and skin and it was quite easy once it had been 'disarmed', But it is dangerous work as you can testify, so I may be better to follow your advice from now on.
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