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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Those penn combo's seem like pretty good value to me. I've been on a bottom bashing charter before and that was the gear they used. The charter operator said he'd had them all for over a year and they all seemed to be going fine.

    I think a rollered 15kg rod is overkill for bottom bashing, but each to his own. I'd be looking for 6-8kg no rollers.

  2. What about using bore water for those of us who have it?

    Would that do more harm than good? It's a little bit pongy and I don't know, but maybe it contains a lot of minerals or whatever that could harm the engine.

    Do any of you guys know about this and whether it's safe to use?

  3. I used to drive a 1973 LJ GTR torana. It was a beautiful car and had a good bit of grunt too. I sold it last year so I could get a boat. If only I could afford to have both.

    Never raced it on the track, but certainly enjoyed driving it.

  4. They are steelhead blanks. Were you after the model number?

    Yeah, if you don't mind. I'm thinking about building up a luderick rod for boat fishing.

    I don't think I've heard of steel head blanks before. A bit of info?



  5. Any reel will catch you bream, over and over again. I have a $40 Shimano reel in the 2000 series, caught thousands of yakkas,slimies and bream, tailor, etc, still going strong. For these little fish you dont need any decent outfit, seriously!

    But move up to the larger fish and start using reels in the 4000 size and up, for Kings, Snapper, Sharks and Jews, Okuma dont cut it, they feel great seriously for about 2 weeks. Then they start to not feel the same, sticky drags, gear failure and so on. They dont compare in anyway to Shimano or Daiwa these days and even Penn apart from Servicing!!!, and they have had a lot of time and mark up to get better. They are crap if you seriously know your reels.

    All my rods and reels get a hammering and over the years only the above brands have stood the test of time. I fish at least once a week and they all get maximum usage.

    Oh and by the way, i have tried many different Okumas and still use them these days but they are just not as smooth after a while and this may result in a lost fish at times when you have the chance to get that fish of a lifetime.

    I disagree. I've found these reels to be very reliable. I'm not talking about bream reels either.

  6. People always want to bag out Okuma for some reason. Maybe a lot of the guys who do this haven't owned one and are only going on what they've heard from others in the past. So the reputation lives on.

    Maybe these stories were all started by Daiwa or Shimano reps. :1prop:

    I own a couple of okuma reels and I haven't had a single problem with them. Not one. And yes I do use them regularly. And like the other guy said, it's got a 5 year warranty.

  7. Hey Coast Bloke

    I think you got my boat's little brother! I only got mine recently too, and am keen to add a t-top before next summer. Would be keen to know if yours is adjustable/removable. Reason being is that the top of my console only just sneaks under the eve of my carport as it is, so I can't have anything taller on it.

    Mine's a 5metre fishmaster, but they look very similar. I'd attach a pic but the file is too big.



  8. Cheers Fella's !

    Some very valuable tips there, fingers crossed i can get out there soon.

    As always i am very wary of fishing other peoples turf, there is nothing worse than showing lack of respect and treating it like a dump, i can assure you that i always leave the place like i found it and if that means carting other grubs rubbish too then so be it....

    Im thinking of going with some metals for spinning , and also baitfishing with pillies and FRESH squid.

    Is Squid a viable option there or would i be wasting my time ?

    Thanks guys,

    Ian ( who loves the c.coast!)

    Hey Ian

    You can get squid there some of the time. Definitely worth trying.

    Good luck

  9. The rocks at Avoca are okay. It's very easy to get to, which I think is partly the reason it gets so crowded. People do get good fish there, but when you're competing for space with 100 other fishermen, it takes a lot of the fun out of it.

    Spinning off the rocks there will get you tailor, salmon, kings, & bonito. There are always blokes there fishing heavy gear with livebaits, but I've never seen any tuna hooked. Did see a big cobia there a couple of years back though.

    It's a very productive spot for blackfish aswell. You can also catch drummer & groper there.

    Fishing the bottome will get you a mixed bag of rubbish fish, but can also get snapper, bream & flatties.

    Be patient, and the fish will come, but it's not the sportfishing paradise that some make it out to be.

    One last point. Take all your rubbish with you, and pick up a bit of others' rubbish aswell. A lot of inconsiderate people fish this ledge and leave all their rubbish behind. It can get pretty feral at times.



  10. Good luck Bob, I'd love to vote for your party but I'm a bit sceptical of a political party that's willing to show the slightest bit of compromise with the commercial fishing sector. :(





    I think they're going to have to work together and make comprimises if they want to achieve anything. It makes sense.

  11. Hi Captain

    Regarding Bluecod's tip for line untwisting on an alvey. Another way to do it, which is a bit quicker & more practical if there are other people on the beach is to cast out into the surf then wind the line back in backwards! When you cast back out again, the line will be twisting in the opposite direction and the twist will be gone.

    I think I saw a photo of a massive GT that was caught off a beach in South Africa some time last year. This thing was absolutely huge!

    Have fun



  12. Thanks for the tips fellas.

    I did get some photos on a friend's digi yesterday arvo so once I get them I'll add them into the post.

    No Adrian, this was a pre planned day off. No medical certificate required. I prefer to take my sickies mid week cos it looks less suspicious :1fishing1:

    I tried a few spots yesterday and there were poddies at every one. No shortage of bait in the bay!

  13. Hi guys

    I've been pretty quiet on the reports page for a few months now cos I got sick of reporting that I didn't catch anything again.

    I had the day off work yesterday and went for a fish for a couple of hours down at Woy Woy bay in the arvo. I was using softies in red/black and orange/clear. Not sure what the proper names of them were. Some sort of shad I think.

    Anyway, had no luck off the wharves but I tried a storm water outlet into the bay, just down from the boatramp. Hooked a flatty, but lost it near the bank. Then 2 casts later I landed a nice whiting of 39cm! I was thrilled with this. Then 2 casts later and I brought in a nice 50cm dusky.

    Went quiet after that, so I tried a couple of other spots for no more results. Sure was nice to catch some decent fish though. Had em for tea last night. I think I might have to start using lures more often.



  14. Well done Adrian. That fish on your first cast would have been a welcome surprise I bet.

    The speed cameras on the new england are a bit over the top. From about Scone onwards it feels like you're passing one every ten kays! I think they go all the way to the qld border from memory???

  15. Very serious!

    4 of us (their first classic) entered in the hope of winning the boat. The guy who won it Morris, was fishing with me for the classic, who by the way needs all his knots tide for him! Took out the boat. 4 good friends who this summer have access to a wonderful quinny 420 explorer trophy!

    What a prize!


    Well done May Be NOT. From the post you put up last week about the amount of time you intended to fish over the weekend I'll say you deserved to win. Persistance pays.

    Pretty funny that the guy who won needs all his knots tied for him though!

  16. Hey Kevvie

    Any chance of some insider trading with the location of those tailor in brisbane waters? 3kg is a bloody good tailor!

    I've tried a fair few spots around there since I moved up this year and I'm still catching next to nothing every time I go out. (landbased).



  17. Hi guys

    A mate at work is going up to the Whitsundays in November for a week long trip on one of those bare boat charters. He's asked me if I can get some tips for where to fish, techniques to use, and places to visit around the whitsundays.

    He's taking off from airlie beach on 19/11.

    Any tips, or stories that anyone would like to share?



  18. Has anyone got any ideas/tips on keeping the cork handles on your rods looking fresh and new. I have got some new rods that i would love to look after the cork a little better, I do all the normal cleaning after use. Just wondering if anyone has any tips on keeping them looking new?



    Leave the plastic shrink wrap on it :biggrin2: . Or, I know some people who use beeswax on the grip to protect it. Some people also give them a light sand occasionally to freshen them up.

    Personally, I think grubby dirty looking cork adds character. Kind of like new joggers.. They're too white and I just can't wait to get them a bit dirty so they don't stand out so much.

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