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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Gday Tim - sounds like the day ended well. Whereabouts on Ettalong beach did you get the bream? I have fished a couple of spots along that beach, mainly the southern/open end, and only ever picked up a few flatties.




    Hi Simon

    That's where I was. The southern end about 100m up from the bar. I think there must be a patch of reef there, as I got snagged a couple of times.

  2. Hi guys

    I woke up at about 6.30 on sunday morning, so decided to make use of it and went fishing.

    Took a few lures down to the reserve that runs parrallel to blackwall road, and walked along the bank casting into likely looking spots. Got a couple of hits but no hookups. One very visual hit which got me excited... Cast out over a weedbed and was winding in when the bow wake zoomed straight at my lure from about 5 metres away, and there was a big splash but no hookup. Oh well. Returned home at about 9.30 and nobody was out of bed yet, so I got my bait traps out and went to try and catch some poddy mullet that I'd spotted for an afternoon session. The little buggers wouldn't play the game and I went home empty handed... again.

    That afternoon I went to Ettalong beach with the family at about 4pm for a relaxed fish on the sand. I got one 26cm bream, and my brother got a beauty. It was longer than the ruler we had but I estimated it to be around 37cm. He got it on a tiny little hook that I would probably only have used for catching yakkas. I was going to tell him that he should be using a bigger hook, but then I looked at the scoreboard and kept my mouth shut :wacko: . Both fish were caught on squid.



  3. Can I add to that tip? Retie old knots. I use a full blood knot for tying on hooks, etc. They are great, but old knots can slip. Ofcourse, I learnt the hard way.

  4. I use a 12' wilson beachmaster rod with an okuma epix eb-80. A lot of people talk down these reels, but I've never had any problems with mine fortunately. Spooled with 20lb mono. I tried fireline off the beach once, and ended up with a massive clump of weed caught up in it and had to cut it off, so I won't be doing that again, too expensive.

    The other setup I have is a 13.5' wilson live fibre graphite rod with an alvey 650c & 20lb line.

    Both good setups but I find myself using the spin combo more often than the alvey, mainly because I can do more things with it.

  5. Well now I feel bad: I've started a wife bashing thread (Not literally). Let the record show that I stayed home because I wanted to... Nahhhhhh!!! I wanted to go fishing!

    All you single fellas just might change your minds when the right lady comes along. Unless ofcourse you're ugly, then you have no chance!

  6. Hi DAN

    Yeah go for it. You will need a fairly big filter for a tank that size. I have one on my tank that pumps 240 litres per hour, and it's only a 2 foot tank.

    I'm no expert on this, but I have collected mosquito fish before and put them in a tank and they survived (until my axolotl ate them, that is).

    Just have a good filter, give a fresh supply of water every few weeks, and use a water conditioner before adding new water to the tank and you'll probably be alright. If not, try again and do everything the opposite of what I just said!



  7. :1welcomeani:  to the kingy club tim :1clap:

    Did u catch anythin on chris's boat last week?



    Nah, not much Colin. We ended up with a couple of flounder, a bream and a leathery in the bag. Chris had a live yakka out that got bitten in half, but it wasn't the half with the hook in it. It was a nice day though.

  8. What did you think of the Sherwater gear. Top notch gear hey!!!


    I caught the rat on my own rod. Allen's got some great looking rollered game rods. I was really hoping that I would be getting a chance to use one on a big king, but that's fishing hey.

    Allen really knows his stuff. He was also pretty patient & explained things to me about trolling & working lures properly whilst trolling, because I have no idea!

  9. Nice work Tim

    You should have seen the smile on your face putting it back in  :1clap: Bloody typical though, put out a live squid/yakka and half the time they turn thier nose up at it, then take the 3kg livey rig - got a small hammerhead that way once - on a livie handline  :1yikes:  and a size 8 long shank hook.

    Things were quiet out there on Saturday, I went back in, found some kings in Pittwater bu they didnt want to play, couldnt even get a flatty :(

    Thats fishing.............

    Well done



    Thanks Adrian. Normally I would have been using a handline to catch yakkas, so I was glad that I didn't have it with me, I don't think it would have been as much of a thrill if it'd been on a handline. Did you get cut hands when you caught the hammerhead?

  10. Hi guys

    Allen Glover took me out on his boat for the day. We met at the boatramp at 5am, and headed over to pittwater in search of slimies. We couldn't find any, so then we went after squid. We got one in, and lost one at the boat. Then to barrenjoey headland to catch some yakkas.

    I was using a 3kg spin stick with a teeny tiny little hook & a wee little bit of pilchard on it to catch some yakkas. There were heaps of them around, and then a small king swam in amongst them. I said, "oh, there's a little king down there too", then I watched him swim straight up to my bait & take off with it :1clap: . Although he was only about 40cm long, it was good fun on light gear. I was very pleased with it, so Allen took some piccies and then released it.

    After that we trolled some livebaits around the ovens (I think), but had no luck there. Then to a reef called the apartments (I think), where Allen got another king just below legal size.

    We trolled a marlin spread for a while, then tried some fads for dollies. Allen caught 2, but I had trouble hooking up :1prop: . Gotta love the colours of them in the water, very spectacular.

    A big thanks to Allen for taking me out with him, and also for letting me have the dophinfish he caught. I cooked them on the bbq for tea last night, yummy :biggrin2: .



  11. Please be aware what you say will be used as evidence in my case against the missus. Cheers ED


    I suggest something ridiculously expensive. Second best just won't do the job! :1clap:

    Where is Swaine's reef? What sort of fishing would you be doing there & what species? I probably can't help, I'm just curious.



  12. Tim's point re line twist is very pertinent with Alveys. With the swivels, make sure they are of a size consistent with the breaking strain of the line ie do not use huge ones for light lines. Also make sure that one of the swivels is above the rig, not part of the rig. I have also found that a sinker attached to a seperate trace attached to a brass ring running on the main line down to the swivel works well and allows the bottom swivel to turn properly.


    I just remembered one more thing aswell - Ballbearing swivels are worth the extra expense. I don't chuck them out after each session though. If you rinse them in fresh water after use and add a drop of oil to them they'll last well.

  13. Hi Mark

    A couple of other tips...

    You can get a lot of line twist on alveys. I usually wind the line in backwards every few casts, cos when you cast again the line twists in the opposite direction and it makes a huge difference. I also use 2 swivels to help alleviate the problem.



  14. Good work tim. So how u liking central coast so far. Its good fishing but brizzy waters today most boats i have ever seen in there in my entire life so im not going out in my boat tomoz :ranting2:


    Hi Tyrone07

    I'm loving it. I haven't had a lot of time to get around & do some exploring yet, cos there are a lot of things to keep me busy at home at the moment. The only downside is catching the train to sydney for work. I'm going to try to get a job a bit closer to home and then I'll be content.

    By the way, I ended up getting some poddies near the baths on Monday, but didn't convert into any bigger fish. That's okay though, I've got a lot of exploring & learning to do yet.



  15. I hope so ankles. Cheers. The flattie I saw was about 45cm. I guessed it must be a good spot... There were quite a few people there when we arrived. In fact there was no room to fish the spot I really liked the look of, so we just settled for a stretch of sand that was not already occupied. I'll get up earlier next time B)

  16. I went for my first fishing session since moving to the central coast. It was a very relaxed outing. We tried to catch some poddies at the baths in Woy Woy, but had no luck. There were plenty there but the little toadies & bream kept beating the poddies to it and it seemed to put them off. Oh well. Tried around near the boat ramp too for no luck so we went to the petrol station and caught some pillies & worms. Then across to Ettalong beach, near the boat ramp.

    My mate caught a nice whiting that would have made 30cm but he "released" it when trying to put some water in the bucket with it :1prop:

    It was pretty quiet the rest of the time though, but there was a good variety of fish there. We got whiting, tailor, bream, squire, aus salmon, and witnessed a nice flatty, blue swimmer, and a sting ray.

    Might have another fish tomorrow, but don't know where yet.



  17. I've survived 20 years in a centre console in Sydney & 3 years in a Hornet here in Caloundra without any problems  :biggrin2: 

    Maybe you need a better hat  :biggrin2:  :1prop:  & more cold liquid  :beersmile:

    Still there's an old saying "no brain = no pain"  :1prop:


    Haha, maybe it was because it was Christmas and I'd been having plenty of "cold liquid" all week. A sober day was just too much for my body to handle!!!


  18. My brother had the same problem with an el-cheapo Jarvis Walker baitcaster reel from KMart. As I recall he ditched the dodgy reel and fitted a slightly more expensive reel. Fixed the problem in a second.

    I guess the thing we didn't try was to spool the Jarvis Walker reel with braid. Maybe that would have worked as the factory fitted mono seemed to have plenty of memory.


    As braid has a thinner diameter, if you're casting ability isn't very good with a baitcaster then I would have thought it would be more likely to get caught behind the spool.

    I have this problem occasionally on an abu reel that I have and I can really only blame my casting ability for when it happens. If you try tightening up the bearing cap or whatever cast control it has maybe that will help. Possibly the only way to overcome the problem is practice?



  19. Thank you all for the tips and opinions. Much appreciated.

    The boat I buy will be purely for fishing. I'm not into skiing, and my wife is extremely uninterested in boats (that means I get to buy a toy just for me and don't have to take anybody else into consideration... Yay!)

    Ken, you reckon a bit of suncream & a hat, or a raincoat is all I need. I thought that too, until I spent a day out on a boat off Fraser. The heat really bothered me and I ended up with the shits by the end of the day. Maybe I'm just soft! haha

    Cost is really a factor here, so I appreciate the tips on different makes & models that have been suggested here.



    P.S. I just noticed that I've become a "regular member". This website is becoming an addiction!

  20. Hi Adrian

    Pity about the rod building club. I was getting into it too, but to be honest it was pretty easy to get there from Hornsby. I'm not sure if I'd handle coming in from the central coast, I'm a bit slack that way.

    Anyway, thanks for the tips with the poddies fellas. Now all I need to do is get a chance to go fishing! It's been almost 4 weeks now and I'm starting to lose it!



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