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Posts posted by Tim

  1. swapped a rod with a fellow fishraider (i wont mention names) and have found that it doesn't have sufficient number of guides and they are positioned all wrong. when fully loaded, being a baitcaster the line touches and pulls down below the blank.

    anyone know the best method of removing the guides and residual epoxy?

    the rod is a daiwa procaster z light baitcaster (freddy's) and i'd advise anyone interested not to buy one. even though it has a nice action and quality finish/componentry, this just shouldn't happen on a rod in this price range


    Use a flat file. Just file down the epoxy & thread above the foot of the guide, so you don't damage the blank. Once you get through the thread you'll be able to peel it off and the thread will unwind with the epoxy. You'll probably still have some of the epoxy left on the blank, so use a rasor blade to scrape it off.

    You'll find it to be pretty easy.

  2. Hi guys

    This is probably a really simple question, but don't laugh at me please! :1prop:

    If a boat is 4.75m according to the manufacturer, is this the measurement from the front of the bow to the transom? Or, if there is a step at the back of the boat, does the measurement go to the end of the step?

    Or, is this something that can vary between manufacturers?



  3. G'Day Tim

    Brooker boats are built to a budget, thats why they are a little cheaper than others, however they are made strong.  Look around at alot of the rental tinnies and you will find they are Brookers.

    Mine is a brooker, good boat, but does basic, and it aint the best looking boat out there either. Mines the 4.1 open, and youve seen where Ive fished regularly.

    From memory, a 475 brooker cc with a 50HP 2 stroke mariner is under $20K brand new.

    What time Saturday you going fishing (oops, boat testing) ?



    Hi Adrian

    I don't think I'll be testing it on Saturday, just having a look. If I can't get it out on Saturday then I'll go for a run the following weekend.

    It sounds really good on paper... Got all the bits I want except live bait tank. (But it's got boxes built into the gunwales at the stern that could be turned into live tanks)



  4. Hi guys

    Just wondering if anybody might share their experiences with Brooker boats? I'm looking at a 2nd hand 475 centre console on Saturday so am keen to hear some peoples experience with them, as I haven't heard much about Brooker before.



  5. Hi Allen. I almost felt sorry for you not catching anything. Then I remembered that I spent the day at work.

    I've only seen whales in the flesh once. A mother and a calf about 50-60m out from the rocks at Avoca. They hung around for about 15 minutes. It was a real thrill. Must have almost made you forget about the fishing being slow.

  6. Thanks for your input fellas. Sounds like it really comes down to personal preference. Kind of like holden vs ford.

    Got my boat licence today, and I'm all fired up to get a boat now. Hopefully it won't take too long!


  7. Hi guys

    Just wondering people's opinions on 2 stroke motors. I'm looking for a boat at the moment, and I thought I wanted a 4 stroke because I've heard they are more economical, quieter, better at low speeds, and blow less smoke.

    Is there really a major difference, and if a 2nd hand boat came up for sale that had everything you were after in a boat except it was 2 stroke, would you consider that to only be a minor drawback or would it be a deal breaker?

    I'm talking in the 50-60hp range if that makes a difference.


  8. In some countries a 10cm fish is pretty good!! :wacko: I was in China last year in a poor country town, and they were fishing in a canal catching fish about 5-10cm  in size (this was the max size the fish grew) which was to be their dinner.  I think that some migrants just find it hard break old habits when they come over here. Only thing we can do here is to try and keep educating them.



    But how do they eat them? Do they just cook em up in a stew & throw the bones away as they're eating, or grind it up somehow and eat the lot? It must be dangerous eating such little fish with so many tiny bones in them.

  9. Can anyone explain to me what is the difference in performance, flexibility, or other, of rod blanks with different 'IM' specs? eg: I see advertising for IM-6, IM-7 and IM-8, but what does that mean??


    I'm no expert, so I may get this wrong. But I think it relates to the modulus of the carbon fibres used in the blank. The higher the modulus, the stiffer the blank, and as a result, it makes for a lighter, thinner blank?

    Higher modulus is good for transferring power to the lure when casting, but it can break more easily.

    Okay, now maybe somebody else can give the correct answer. :1prop:

  10. Well fellas, I just bought a car. A 1992 Toyota Hilux surf. It's a 4WD and 2.4L turbo diesel. Not a fast car by any stretch of the imagination but it should tow just about anything. Plus it will be good for camping & getting to some of those more out of the way spots.



  11. My boat is bloody heavy and I've never had any problems towing it with my Falcon. I don't think 2WD will be a problem at all.


    Falcons have more weight over the rear wheels, and I believe (I might be wrong here) they usually have a limited slip diff too which would make a world of difference. I think that most 4WD vehicles would have limited slip diffs aswell.

    Anyway, it sounds like I'm probably concerned about something that won't be an issue at all, so I should just get over it. :1prop:

  12. Am I the only one who thinks this is back to front :wacko:

    1: decide on the boat you want

    2: find the right vehicle to tow it

    Seems logical to me but I guess I'm on the wrong side of the ditch :1prop:


    I already know what kind of boat I want. There's no point buying a boat though if I can't get it home. Seems logical to me.

  13. Thanks for all the replies fellas.

    I'm in the market now for a 2nd hand hilux, so I'll see how I go. If a 4WD drive came up in my price range then I'd grab it for sure, but the 2WD's are cheaper so I want to just make sure they'll be up to the job. As soon as I get the vehicle, I'm in the market for a boat! Yay!!!!



  14. Hi guys

    I know this isn't really a specific boating question, but I'm sure there are some people here that will be able to share their experience.

    Just wondering if any of you use a 2WD hilux or similar to tow your boats? I'm thinking about getting one, but I'm wondering if I may have problems getting traction on a slippery ramp.

    I used to drive a hilux, and can remember how slippery it was on the back wheels due to no weight in the back. Does having a boat attached remedy this?



  15. Never actually set it up myself, but I've watched it done before.

    The way I saw it done was with a 2 hook rig. I guess they were about 5/0 or 6/0, but can't really remember for sure. The front hook in the tail end of the squid, and the other just below the head (on it's back). The squid was towed tail first at a very slow speed.

    I'm sure some others will give better detail than this, but hey, I haven't posted here for a while & need a fix.


  16. is the feller in the photo with Peter Pakula' Malcolm Florence?

    dose any one remember his Big Fish Down Under? and if you can still get them.


    Pretty sure that's him. I saw some of his videos at Freddy's about a year ago, so they're still around. Maybe www.campbellsprotackle.com would also be worth checking.

  17. Thanks for all your replies fellas.

    There are a few things mentioned that I hadn't already thought of, so I really appreciate it.

    As for beer, I think I'll be running a dry boat... Much to the disgust of some mates!

  18. Thats mostly it.  Service will be yearly and a couple hundred bucks.  The main problem is you always want a bit more.  Better sounder, better rods, reels, lure collection like Swoffas, etc etc.

    But provided things stay stable then the costs aren't too bad.  Pick a ramp close to home and don't do huge distances on the water and it ends up pretty cheap.


    Thanks Pedro.

    Fortunately I've already got a fair bit of gear. Perhaps a good 15kg & 24kg outfit & I'll be setup & ready for anything.

  19. G'Day fellas

    It's been a while since I asked one of my "novice" questions, so here's another one!

    Let's say I buy a boat, and it has everything I need in a boat, and I don't need to add or change a thing. What costs are involved?

    All I can think of is:


    Rego (Is trailer rego separate?)

    Running costs (petrol, oil...?)

    Servicing (How often is this required on, say, a 50-60hp 4 stroke engine pushing a 4.5-5m tinny? I know this will probably vary between motors and the way it's driven, but I'm just looking for ballpark figures.)

    What sort of other costs should be considered before buying a boat?



  20. Hey guys

    I saw an ad for these in a mag, and I wanted to see how much they're worth. They're not on campbellsprotackle.com, or even shimanofish.com.au.

    Aren't they available here yet? Anybody know anything about them? It's an australian magazine that I saw them in... Are they just teasing us before they become available?



  21. I got mine yesterday too. I've watched some of the DVD. Good fun to watch, even though it really is like sitting down & watching just ads on the telly.

    Bit disappointed about the mag though. The plastic it comes in was torn & it got absolutely soaked in yesterday's rain. I might have to give em a call & see if I can get another. It's a nice fat issue this time.

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