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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Hi guys

    Can anyone tell me a spot to collect some poddies near Woy Woy?

    Also, will they stay alive overnight if I have them in a 20L bucket with an aerator? I've only ever used them on the same day, and when I do that I give them a fresh supply of water quite regularly so I don't know just how hardy they are.



  2. That's a similar looking reel apart from the drag. Mine's got a different handle though. They really built them to last back then didn't they! My Pa was a really keen beach fisherman so this reel would have had a tough life, but internally it is like new. All the gears are in excellent condition.

    I don't know if anyone here will know about this, but there's a bit of green oxide growing in some patches particularly around the reel mount. If I polish this off, is it going to come back worse?

  3. i had a graeme dolphin which i sold to a collector in SA for about 70 bucks.  He works for jarvis walker and I traded him for a $70 new reel.  They aren't worth a great deal, anything from $50 to $100.


    Yeh, but it's sentimental value is through the roof! I don't think I'd ever sell it even if it was worth a lot.

  4. Hi guys

    I was recently given my late grandpa's fishing rod & reel. The rod is a beautiful 2 piece split cane rod that he made, and his overhead reel to match.

    The reel looks quite old, and I was just wondering if anybody may have heard of it before. I think it's all stainless steel, and on one side it is stamped with "Manly Engineering Ltd", and on the other side it is ingraved with "The Graeme" (atleast I'm pretty sure that's what it says). The gear ratio is around 4.3:1. It could do with a polish, but other than that it is in very good condition inside & out.

    One other question re the reel is that it has no drag. Is this common on old reels? The only drag would be my thumb on the spool. I could imagine getting bruised knuckles from a fish making a sudden run whilst winding, as the handle spins when line is being pulled from the reel.



  5. Tim, freddy's will try there very best to not sell Penn for some reason, they tend to make heaps of excuses why.


    That's a good point. I've noticed that they really want to sell you Okuma & Daiwa reels. I've experienced this a couple of times. I remember once I was asking them about lever drag reels. They showed me a couple of star drag daiwas and some okuma reels. The sales guy didn't want to show me the shimano TLDs. Go figure.

  6. Penn slammer 560. a few more$$$ than you state but its a classic in the making.

    makes all the others look agricultural in comparison


    Hi Allen

    I don't know much about these reels, but a sales rep at Freddies warned me against them, as he said that they were making them cheaply these days and that the spinfishers were a better option.

    I ended up buying an okuma eclipz anyway, but thort I'd add my 2 cents here.



  7. Hi guys

    I've been doing a bit of looking around on the net to get an idea of the kind of boat I might buy.

    These quintrex's seem pretty good. Do any of you own them, or have an opinion on them that you'd like to share? The 510 freedomsport seems about right. Does quintrex have a good reputation?

    I was originally thinking that I'd like a centre console, but then got to thinking about long days in the sun, or driving home in the rain & maybe I'd prefer a bit more protection from the elements.



  8. Sounds like a fun day Lance, well done.

    I read an article in a mag last year some time about lake macquarie. The journo was saying that over the years he has caught tarpon and some other trevallies or something that you normally wouldn't see this far down the coast.

    Have you ever had such luck there?

    By the way, it sounds like your daughter & niece would outfish me with lures any day!



  9. G'day fellas

    I'm seriously considering buying myself a boat. I'd like to get a second-hand centre console in the 5.5 to 6m range with around 70-90hp on the back. Probably aluminium. I will mainly fish around broken bay & brisbane water, and then outside later on when I get some experience under my belt.

    The only downside I can think of in doing this, is that I will have to sell my beloved Torana to get the fundage for it. :thumbdown: . As much as I love it, I know I will get more use out of a boat. I reckon I could get about $9k for the torrie, so that will be my approx price range to look at.

    I've been checking the trading post & other classifieds but at the moment I haven't really seen what I'm after. For this price, I'm assuming that I should be able to get something fairly young & in good condition. What do you guys reckon?

    Any tips on buying a boat, and also about how much it would cost to run a boat like this would be greatly appreciated.



  10. Hi everyone

    I went on a charter today (Foreshore Fishing Tours) with 2 mates. We were picked up at Roseville at 6am. First up we got about 7 or 8 squid around balmoral. There was some surface action there also so I had a cast with a 15g raider but there were only choppers in the 25-30cm range.

    We then went for a bit of a troll, but only had one hit with no hookup unfortunately. After that we drifted some squid around Clifton Gardens. Again there was more surface activity and these fish looked bigger. I tied on a 6" sluggo and had a few hits on the surface from what I thought looked like rat kings, but then all we could seem to interest were more tailor. One of the other blokes, Lee, caught a nice tailor, and we had a few more hits but it was really hard to hook up for some reason.

    We tried a few of the marks around the harbour, and eventually found some kingies around the wedding cakes. Landed 4 and lost one. They were all in the 55-57cm bracket. Unfortunately it was not me that landed any of them, so I'm still a kingfish virgin :ranting2: . My mate Nathan had never caught a kingy before today, and now he's caught 3 so he was a very happy camper. What a bastard!

    Anyway, it was a good way to spend the last day of summer, and I can't wait to get out again. I'm moving to Woy Woy next Saturday, so I'm really looking forward to doing some exploring up there in the very near future.

    Bye for now.


  11. Hi Ben

    I know what you mean about the weight of the Tica. I have the smaller Taurus 2000s, and I couldn't believe how much it weighed when I got it. (I got it off the net, so like you, I hadn't seen it in the flesh before I owned it).

    The drag on mine is a little bit sticky at the moment. You might be interested to know that I'm sending the spare spool to Jack Erskine so he can see if he can do anything about an upgrade. If you want, I'll let you know how I go. I imagine this will take a few weeks before I get it back.



  12. Hi everyone

    Went to apple tree bay after tea last night, cos it stopped raining.

    It's a really big fresh. The water was brown & there was heaps of leaves & sticks floating around.

    I got a couple of legal size bream that were released, & a few littlies. There were a lot of mullet around, too. I've never had any luck chasing mullet & I didn't try. There were a few poddies around too so I think I'll have to take the fish trap with me next time.

    Oh, one other thing I noticed was how very warm the water is. When handling the bream, they felt quite warm in my hand, which is something I've never noticed before.



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