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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Well I tried swapping the drags over between my spools. It didn't really make any difference though. The drag is just a little bit sticky, and I'm thinking it's just not a great drag. An upgrade would be nice. Does anyone know if you can get those erskines upgrades for Tica reels?

    I found an old shimano sahara 2000 in the garage this morning & had a go of that to compare. It leaves the other drag for dead. That's a little bit annoying considering that reel cost me a quarter of what the Tica cost. The Tica is still usable though, and it has caught me some very good fish, and copped a flogging from some big unstoppable ones too.

  2. Hi Ken

    I do have a spare spool. I might give that one a go tonight.

    Unfortunately I can't find a picture on the net, and I don't have a digi camera or scanner. I really need to get with the times I think.

    I'll have a go at the spare spool & report back.



  3. Hi Jo

    It's definitely a wet drag. It's a little different to the one in the photos in the drag maintenance article, as it has the one nylon/absorbent type washer, but there are no other washers per se. It's a bit hard to describe, but the other "washer" is more of a bucket shape, with one flat side that is the contact point with the nylon washer.

    I have no idea how to describe it! I need to find a diagram or something. I'll get back to you.

    In the meantime, I've heard somebody mention using graphite powder in a drag to make it smoother. Anybody have any thoughts on this?



  4. Hi guys

    I have a bit of a problem with one of my favourite reels. The drag is sticking a bit when line first starts being pulled off. I need to pull a little bit harder when I first start peeling line off, then it operates smoothly once it starts spinning.

    I read the drag maintenance article on this site & gave that a go, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference at all. I'm pretty sure I did it right because I did the same thing with another one of my spin reels & it made the drag a lot smoother.

    I suppose I should get to the point. Is it possible to get an upgraded drag for this reel, or is there something else I should try first? By the way, it's a wet drag.



  5. Its tough fishing down here when you are a queenslander.


    Sorry Pedro, what I meant was that I have just come home from a holiday in QLD where I did pretty well & caught a few fish.

    I've been fishing around Sydney for a couple of years, mostly around Hornsby/Berowra area. I tried a few different tactics on Saturday, but it was just one of those days. There was too much boat traffic around Roseville I think.

  6. Hi Andy

    Well done! Are you allowed to fish from the pontoon there? I thought we weren't allowed. I've fished around the area a fair bit, but never off the pontoon. I've also never caught any flathead down there. Lots of good bream though.


  7. Hi guys

    Went to Roseville on Saturday morning hoping for a flattie. Fished SP's for a couple of hours with no hits, only follows from baby bream & toadies...

    I switched to bait & tried a while down near the boatramp cos I thought there would be a good berley trail from the cleaning tables. No fish there either. So I packed up & went to drive home & decided to give cottage point a go. No results there either!

    Fished all day for zilch. Very depressing after coming home from QLD & catching heaps. Hopefully my next report will be a bit better.



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