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Everything posted by michaelrdoyle@gmail.com

  1. Hey dude I'm certainly no expert WRT sounders, but bear in mind Furuno sounders are meant to be of exceptional quality, professional, whilst the other brands mentioned are "consumer" (And I think price reflects this). So switching brands may mean a quality drop (despite the new one having heaps of cool features) This doesn't mean the Lowrance won't be good - they're excellent, but perhaps not as excellent. BTW - I have the Lowrance 339, which is a similar colour unit, but with a plotter included. I've really enjoyed it. Of course - I always wonder what the Furuno equiv would be like (after I win the Lotto of course!) Mike
  2. I'm sure that Lobsters undersized! Sounds like a great day :-) Mike
  3. Hey Dhutchy No idea about the best lights - but I would be thinking about how to power them. A 10,000,000 candle power light would draw a lot of power. Perhaps someone in the know could tell us if this is a prob on a boat battery... Mike
  4. Best to check the website of the airline. Virgin Blue are here. Basically, each "oversized item" (which is what your rods are) is counted as 5kg of luggage - no matter how heavy. VirginBlue will take a length of up to 3m. I used PVC Pipe bought from Bunnings with a screw on cap. Total cost about $20, bargain, and rigid and protects my rods good. Cut to the size of my rods. Mike
  5. Sorry I can't help you more - I'm not much of a shore fisherman. An article on Salmon can be found here (unfortunately from a boat). Mike
  6. G'day Ray Welcome to Oz. I'm not familiar with the territory - but that area of NSW is absolutely gorgeous. I have no idea about the lake, but certainly off the beach you could be targetting Australian Salmon (don't taste great - but lots of fun). But if I were you, and had some $$$ I would be thinking about getting a charter to take you jigging for King Fish fishing off Terrigal. I can't recommend one (though I'm sure someone can) - but I'm told there's plenty of Kingies around, and they're awesome fish, very very hard fighters, and very very tasty. It will be a day you'll remember. Mike
  7. Before you start - have you confirmed that's all that is under the floor? Have you actually pulled up the floor to check? It's worth checking - as often your boat will have foam under the floor which helps enable the boat to float when capsized - very important in an emergency! Worth thinking about if you really want to remove (or reposition) the foam. Pulling up the floor will also allow you to work on it out of the boat - which ensures you don't accidentally cut something you don't want to cut! Mike
  8. Available here. I don't think they need an observer boat - but certainly need lights, to be visible, and to keep an eye out. They have right of way - but both vessels are responsible for a collision if either could have taken steps to avoid it. If you have a motor, and aren't anchored, then you are a powered boat underway. So if you're drifting - you still need to give way to non-powered boats. Check out here (in particular the bold - waterways site) that points this out. Of course this doesn't excuse them being idiots or rude. They still need to be visible and keep a look out. We all need to share, and often it doesn't take much to keep out of each others way - if both groups try. Sounds like a good call! Mike
  9. And interesting enough - as a swimmer, you have right of way over them. Mind you - hard to argue that when you're sitting at the bottom of the harbour. Mike
  10. From the boating Handbook (available here): So since you are a power vessel, and underway (assuming you were drifting and not anchored), and they are a sailing vessel, you must give way. But note that in an accident, both captains can be found responsible. It is the responsibility of all vessels to avoid collisions at all costs. Mike Edit: Oops - I realised you were talking about rowing, and not sailing. However, the situation still remains - power must give way to unpowered. Drifting is considered to be underway. It's a hard situation - and both vessels need to be careful. That's absolutely right. Just because the unpowered vessel has right of way, doesn't mean they aren't responsible at all times for keeping a lookout for dangers. Mike
  11. Thanks dude. Was keen to hear - especially about the Banks. Shame you didn't pick up some Winter Kings - I've heard they have some huge ones there in winter (only heard - never actually gotton one myself there in winter - though not from lack of trying). Blue jigs - I'll have to grab a couple. Last time I was there they were going nuts on all the bery bright fluro ones (pinks etc). Mike
  12. Well done. JB? Off Honeymoon bay? Did you head to any other spots? Anything happening? Mike
  13. All it needs is some new runners, a reel, and it can serve a duel purpose ;-) Mike
  14. hehehe We call it "the Priest" too! A small hard-wood baseball bat (about a foot long). Very effective for nasties. Mike
  15. I saw something similar once out at the banks (off Crookhaven/Jervis). Fishing trawler, with half a dozen blokes on the back with poles with a think line on them - would dip the hook into the water, and with one smooth movement flip the fish up in an arc over their heads into the boat, and then bring the hook back into the water. Then repeat (straight away). I think it was bonito they were hammering - but a cool sight. Mike
  16. I'm stunned they dared to bring a shark that big onto their boat. But I'm guessing their experts. I certainly wouldn't dare! Mike
  17. 1m+ kingfish. (2008/9) Dolphin Fish. (2009/10) Tuna (2010/11) Marlin (2011-2015) in that order - dates are just rough planning dates :-) Currently hunting my 1m+ kingy (was hoping to hit it last summer - but not this summer) Mike
  18. You know - they were selling these at the Boat Show! I now know where they got the idea from! hobiecat Mike
  19. Current reports say the guy was not launching a boat, but driving along an overpass, crossed three lanes of traffic, and came off. But you're right - when launching a boat always make sure windows are down, seatbelt off, and NO KIDS in the car. Mike
  20. Another update, available from SMH and LiveNews. A ute, which was travelling north on General Holmes Drive towing a boat trailer, careened down an incline and plunged into the Cook's River, near a boat ramp at Kyeemagh. The driver was trapped in the car, and struggled to get out as the car sank. Another man stripped off and tried to help, but missed getting to the car by seconds. As soon as the car sank it disappeared under the murky water. Police and Ambulance drivers got the man out 20 minutes later, and took him to St George hospital but died. A tragedy. Mike
  21. More links: Daily Telegraph St George Leader Things are still confused. St George leader is claiming the man is alive (but in critical condition). Mike
  22. Apparently, a car towing a boat has gone in the water at Kyeemagh boat ramp, botany bay. (First reported at 1:30pm Friday). One person got out, and according to the report one person didn't. Current SMH article: http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/trappe...6492707189.html Has anyone heard any more news? Mike Article was updated whilst I was posting. After 20 minutes searching, Police pulled the second guy from the car, and is performing CPR. From the (updated) article: Police divers have performed a dramatic rescue after a person was trapped under water when a car towing a boat trailer plunged into the Cook's River near Sydney Airport's air traffic control tower. Emergency services searched for the driver for 20 minutes and then shortly before 2pm the driver was pulled unconscious onto water police boat. SMH watched as the police boat then sped away with a police diver performing CPR on the unconscious person.
  23. I aim to go.... But then again, I've aimed to go the last few years, and never managed it. You can often get cheap tickets from your local boatshop. Mike
  24. That's the one with the Culburra Beach Surf club on - basically Penguin Head to Currarong. I don't really know the exact spot of the gravel bed (and can't read my sounder well enough to actually pick gravel from sand). However, here's what I know: - It's a big bed, running North <--> South. - best use is when wind & current helps you drift along it, or anchor and lay a burley trail along it over several hours. - Could possibly run from Nowra Hill (search for the GPS spot), which is about 4km east of Crookhaven Heads, all the way to a point several KM south of Pengiun Head. I've been told to draw a line form Nowra Hill all the way to the light on the South East point of Lake Wolloombola. - Often people anchor up 1-2km out from Pengiun Head, or the Surf Club. As you can see - it's a big area. I've fished a few times in that genereal area, and have had some mixed results. Sometimes great, sometimes slow as. If you nail down a better co-ord, I'd love a GPS point - it's such a big area to check out. Mike
  25. Hey Dude I was down there a couple of weeks ago - but never managed to hit the banks despite some good weather. However - there's likely to be plenty of Bonito, perhaps lots of Bronze Whalers, perhaps some big kingies - few and fair between, but worth the fight. Perhaps even Tuna. Talking to a local, he recommended the gravel beds 1-2km in front of Warrain Beach, apparently lots of big snapper there at the moment. But I only hit JB - which was pretty quiet. Good luck - I'm keen to hear how you go. Mike
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