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Bruce the Postie

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Everything posted by Bruce the Postie

  1. How did that happen , i havn't even finished the post yet ??? Bruce
  2. G'day Guy's, Here's a few pics of the guts of my old seafarer, she's a bit grubby at the moment but now that ihave sorted out posting pics , i thought i would put them up for scrutiny anyway. Cheers , Bruce
  3. G'day Floating Medic, That thing must go like stink with all those horsies on the back !!! . I'll try and bung up a few pics of the inside of mine to show you there is still plenty of life in theese old girls yet. Cheers Brother, Bruce
  4. [at tachmentid=28373]Here's a pic of my boat , she's a 1970 seafarer Ventura seen here at Lobster Beach on Australia Day 2008 Oop's, meant to put this in the members boats thread, but was so thrilled about sorting out the picture posting deal that i stuffed up !!!!!!. Sorry guys. Bruce
  5. G'day Guys, Seem's as though i have been doing the right thing, but it allways comforting to have a bit of collective wisdom to point you in the right direction. Thanks again for all your help. Bruce
  6. G'day all, I have dual batteries in my boat connected to an isolater switch and i have allways disconnected them before charging, is this really nesessary or can i leave them connected and just alternately charge them. Thanks, Bruce
  7. Thanks for all your input fellow raiders, Instrument lights are now all sorted, they will only come on when the nav lights are on so there is no unwanted light in the cabin. they also run back to the switch panel so no need for another fuse in-line, and everything runs back to the isolater switch so no continual drain on the battery. I think i am now much more cleverer than i thought i was because at no stage did i let all the smoke out of the wires , and i was also able to develop that all important 3rd joint in my arm that i'm sure will come in very handy when undertaking a lot of other jobs!!!!. Thanks again, Bruce
  8. No size limit, Fantastic live bait for Kings and Jews !!!!! Bruce
  9. G'day Huey, Thanks for that mate i'll give it a go . Cheers , Bruce
  10. G'day humesy, I have had one of the Bias jobbies for 3 years or so and have found it to be a pisser!!!. Yes it can fold down and compared to some of the other options it has been a bloody good investment. Cheers Bruce
  11. G'day all, Having just installed a new switch panel and tidied up the wiring behind the dash, i thought i would have a go at making the gauges light up (they haven't done this since i bought the boat 7 years ago). My intention is to have them come on when i turn on the nav lights. All the gauges are fitted with globes and all globes seem to be fine my problem lies in not knowing where to connect the power to . Any help with this problem would be great. Thanks Bruce
  12. Me and my mates have always called our carbon fibre rods lighting rods , first sign off any storm activity electrical or otherwise and they get put away quick smart !!!!!!! Cheers Bruce
  13. Personaly, i reckon The toughest bastards are all those ones that won their freedom before i could get them in the boat ! . Cheers Bruce
  14. Butterfly Perch maybe ?
  15. I agree Ray, this sort of thing is chronic on Avoca rocks, many times trolling past this area i have seen theese grubs at work and it's not just litter they leave behind as more than once we have witnessed the pigs backing one out on the rocks and not even bothering with the paperwork . FILTHY PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bruce
  16. Mako's are awesome fun on light gear, but be careful as mako's are one of the few sharks that can bite their own tail. By the way at that size and a bit bigger they aren't half bad on the tooth!!!!!. Bruce
  17. Mullet is good, so are fresh flathead frames. I am sure you would already know this but make sure the bait is not within reach from outside the trap, pot, net cause crabs are clever bastards and like nothing better than a free feed. Bruce
  18. No worries Mate, by the way what do you use to bait your traps with ? Cheers Bruce
  19. G'Day Marty, Have not been out myself for a few weeks (waiting for the holiday crowds to die down ) but was doing OK along the weed banks at the southern end of the lake off Killarney Vale thru to Chittaway. Hope this helps. Cheers Bruce
  20. G'day Choad, Give this a go, Take 1 brown paper bag fill with chosen burley ( pellets,bread , prawn, heads and the like work well ) get a heavy hand line with 12 o/z sinker attached, place sinker in bag, close throat of bag with a couple of 1/2 hitches, punch a couple of holes in bottom of bag and drop it to the bottom,give it a sharp pull or two , wind up line and and whacko ! burley deposited right where your bait is. Works for me. Cheers Bruce
  21. G'day mate, and merry Christmas. Do it , it will be one of the best $37 you have ever spent !!!!!!! Bruce
  22. Give fisheries a ring , they will send 'em to your door. While you are on the phone ask them for some of the other handy stuff such as crab measure's ,booklets etc all free for the asking. Bruce
  23. Like Macca said , join a club you won't regret it . Bruce
  24. We have caught plenty of cuttles upto about 5-7 kgs, their beak is more like a pair of bolt cutters than pliers a real nasty piece of work, the trick is to gaff 'em in the mantle and hang 'em OUTSIDE !!!!!!!! the boat until they have exhausted the gallons of ink they produce. Not only are they tasty buggers ,but smart as , next time you get one watch him as he comes to the boat,they will look you straight in the eye just before the bastards ink you. Bruce
  25. Prawns and crabs havn't been to shabby either!!!!!! Cheers Bruce
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