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Day's Fishin

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Everything posted by Day's Fishin

  1. Now thats what I call a great Day's Fishin!!!!!!!!! If only it happened on a regular basis, but then again I suppose it wouldn't be. Regards Jeff
  2. Hi Damo, sounds like you had a decent day out. Just a quick question regards the SGFC comp. I had a moored boat at Watsons bay a number of years ago and watched the weight/in on a number of occasions. The thing that got to me was how some of the boats towed in large sharks weighted them and then dragged them back out to dump them! Do they still do that or is it all tag and release now? Regards Jeff
  3. Your right Stewy, the boat name sure as hell say's it all! Jewfish cutlets on a cold winters day with a couple of coldies and a few good friends what a way to go! Regards Jeff
  4. Thats a nice winter king congrats on catching it from the yak. But why do you use such heavy braid? You could drag the Queen Mary with that size! Regards Jeff
  5. Hi Bruce, a Mako shark is also refered to as a blue pointer shark. I just call them a blue shark. When the pic's come up you will see we had a mako. Regards Jeff
  6. Hi Bruce, Blue shark/Mako shark same beast. Re the pic's, it wont let me upload from my email as that is the only way we could get them onto the computer. I moved them from email to my pictures but fishraider won't upload. I'm waiting for one of my offspring to come to my aid and show me how. Regards Jeff
  7. Hi Stewy, I know a lot wont believe this but Broken Bay in as far as Flint and steel across to Patonga is as clear as I have seen for years. Regards Jeff
  8. Hi Kurt, I would say that you will remember that outing for a long time to come. If it didn't happen you would only have an ordinary salmon catch to remember and relate to in the future. Guess which one will get the most interest? Top vid mate:thumbup: Regards Jeff
  9. We decide to take the day off and hit Long Reef as the weather and sea conditions were perfect for our small 5m boat to go outside. A bad start was the 2 batteries failed to turn over the motor so it was pull the boat off the ramp and swap the one out of the hilux. Still no go. After a little bit of colourful langauge we found the terminals were the fault even though they were both clean. ( I am now going to replace them with brass ones) Heading out from Parsley Bay ramp we hit a solid wall of fog coming from Cowan creek, I had heard that Cowan was having zero visability lately but I never thought it was like that! The run out was as good as you could hope for as even the head swell was small enough to allow us to keep the boat on the plain without the slightest bump. We tried drifting ,but came up short! We then sounded some good broken ground ln 20m of water so dropped the pick. The first hit was a 36cm trev, with a few more smaller ones taken quickly after. It was time to burly as we decided that the area looked promising and would give it a pounding. Within 10minutes off putting the burly over the morwong came on the bite the best being a nice rubber lip weighing 2.1kg. Next species was a nice blue spot flathead 43cm. Heaths rod then decided to try and turn itself insideout. Snagged a rock snapper I said smirking. Heath then informed me that if it was then he was bringing the bottom up to say hi! We both called it for a wobbi as it just hung there most of the time with only giving a downward thrust every now and then. It took about 20-minutes to see what had decided to play tug o war. It was a Port Jackson around the 4ft mark and about 30kg's. Not bad on a bass rod loaded with 6lb braid. After tail grabbing him we hauled him onboard for a couple of pic' and then put him back. We then changed over to pillchards. A cast out from the boat the pili hit the water and couldn't have gone down more than a meter or two when the line peeled of the reel at the rate of knots. A 5minute fight saw a nice but very angry blue shark beside the boat, a quick decision was made to keep her for the bbq on Sunday. She was about 1.2 meters long and very,very angry as the teeth marks on the side of my boat can testify to! After repeated attemps to tail her and nearly losing a hand on numerious occasions, I sank the gaff which gave Heath the chance to grab her tail and bring her aboard. Thats the last time I bring a blue shark on board a small boat while it is still in the land of the living. Our tally for 4hrs on the water was 1 Blue shark, 1 Port Jackson shark, 3 morwong, numerious trevs, 1 blue spot flathead @ 43cm and a lot of parrot fish. To add to the day we seen 2 whales one of which breeched within about 50meters of our boat. For a bad start to the trip it ended pretty good. Regards Jeff I have a couple of pic's which I took on my phone and now trying to upload them. I will add them as soon as I can.
  10. I think you will find that it's a yellow fin leather jacket. Great eating. Regards Jeff
  11. I had a tinny with a small crack where the trailer roller sat. We took it to a metal fabrication place to be welded. That lasted for about 30minutes before it opened up again. I then took it to a friend of one of my sons who works for a company that does most of the welding at the Richmond airbase. The boat came back with a bigger whole in it then when it went in? The reason according to them was the salt had got into the metal? We ended up using a piece of alloy pop rivereted and filled both sides with a roofing tar. It hasn't leaked since. Regards Jeff
  12. Jewhunter put up a bit about the river, go back over posts and you will get the info your after. Regards Jeff
  13. I quite like the show at least you can have a laugh. I think the title is a bit of tongue in cheek! The guy actualy laughts at himself. It' better then the mad fish kisser that caught smaller fish and bragged how good he was. The only good parts of his show were the australian locations and some of his good co/host. i.e. Starlo and Mushy. Hey Groper, that was proved to be spliced wasn't it,. I remember watching it and said what a load of cod's wallop! Regards Jeff
  14. I agree with you in part! The drop kick is still has to get his day in court where if found guility then lock him up. He may only be a small player in a larger group and its better for him to be out and watced by the police, just maybe he will give up some more of his buddies, and then they can get them out of circulation as well. Regards Jeff
  15. Day's Fishin


    Hi Sam, the first ones are life jackets and will be ok for close inshore boating. The second ones are buoncy vest and not life jackets and are only suitable for skiers etc. When purchasing life jackets don't look at the price get ones that are suitable for what you are doing. What's your life or the life of one of your passengers worth???? Regards Jeff.
  16. According to the local paper 3 men, none wearing life jackets, were in a small tinny with a dog, getting groceries for thier houseboat when a large boat went past and the wake capsized them. One man and the dog got onto the capsized tinny. The operator of the ferry who witnessed this tragedy said he seen the other 2 men go under the water and didn't resurface. Regards Jeff
  17. Sounds like the transom let go with the weight of the motor causing the glass to snap which sounds like a loud bang. Just my guess. At least they were more lucky then the 2 guy's who drowned ar Wisemans last week, neither had jackets on and couldn't swim????????????????????????? I guess the new rules for jackets have a lot of merit if followed. Rergards Jeff
  18. The boat is looking good. I will send you a pm re the prop. Regards Jeff
  19. What a great trip Ray. You sure pack a lot into your outings. An esturay fishing comp, a wedding, work in a tackle store and outside fishing to top it off. The photo's say it all, well done mate. Regards Jeff
  20. A nice little session, good to hear the kings are still around even if they are rats they still are great sport fish to catch. We fished the harbour a couple of weeks ago during the blow and only caught a couple of small bream. The saving grace was one huge leather jacket snagged on a bait jig. Regards Jeff
  21. Usally the higher the number the greater the resistence strength of the rod. e.g. a rod that has 12/50 on it would have a resistance strength of up to 50lb. Some rods have S50, these would be a slow action rod with 50 lb resistence. through to EF50 which would be a extra fast action rod with 50lb of resistence. Slow action rods will flex the full length of the rod. Moderate action rods will flex the top half of the rod. Fast action rods will flex the top third of the rod. Extra Fast rods will flex only final quarter of the rod. Taking the above into granted you will see that the people you see in stores grabing a rod and turning it back onto itself usually wouldn't have a clue what they are doing as most rods are not capable of doing this and will break or fracture. The culture for doing this started way back when the ugly stick made it's debute and the sales people made a great deal out of showing anyone who would be in the shop how the rod could turn back and touch itself without breaking. ( Mind you I seen a few break over the years). Regards Jeff
  22. It depends on what damage you have done? If you have only bent the blades a bit just hammer them back as close to oringial as you can and they shouldn't be a problem. If you have broken a piece off don't waste your time and money having it welded as new prop's are not that expensive. Regards Jeff
  23. They don't use soap so they might as well stop using white bread as well. Regards Jeff.
  24. I'm fairly sure that it relates to the weight that the manufacturer suggest it can handle. If it has a letter before the number then it will also relate to the weight. I.E. L will represent light weight M medium and H for heavy etc. Regards Jeff.
  25. Make sure you use marine bearing hi temperature grease and you slap it into the bearing on the palm of your hand before installing them. A lot of bearing failure is due to the bearing being put on with a bit of grease just slapped on the outside of the bearing where it does absolutely nothing. Check your bearings after your first run to make sure they haven't come loose slightly and re-adjust if necessary. Regards Jeff
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