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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. They should not be called marine parks or sanctuary zones - they should be called net-free zones.

    Any users of that water must be restricted to line fishing methods only, bound by size limits. Bag limits apply to recreational fishos as per usual. This is a fair compromise and involves no more work to police than a marine national park. Government can still claim a big victory, the greens could still be happy that the major destructive force has been removed and rec fishos still can access their best spots and be bound by their usual bag and size limits.

    We should be proposing a compromised solution - it may make more sense to all as there are no outright losers - everybody compromises a bit - it's like being married....

    Well said I think.

    Voted with the majority.

    For the people that voted as the minority, by voting that way are you saying you think rec fishos should be banned or just that the question is not the right solution and you think a different one is necessary?



  2. Its probably my 2nd favourite braid behind the daiwa braid i've now got, most braids experience colour fading and thats not a sign of weakness, a lot of braids are the same colour underneath and just coated in yellow, green, pink or grey on top.

    Fins like Tufline can fray around knots a little bit but nothing too much to worry about, if you think its too serious just put a bead in front or over the knot.


  3. I don't know a great deal about them mate but they generally occur around the full moon and i think new moon as well and when you look at the tidal predictions for these times you'll usually see a big fluctuation in tidal movement.

    Last Saturday was the full moon (i think) and the tide was 0.36m low and 2.02m high compared to an average tide of around 0.6m low to 1.3m high.

    We fished the h'bury on Saturday without much luck, just bottom rubbish and a lot of things seemed pretty inactive compared with previous days, may have been to do with the big rain and dirty water though.



  4. Sometimes you'll come across good buys like that steve but you never know what you may end up with, i've bought stuff of there claiming to be good braid and it was bloody mono so i don't go near ebay any more, much better to get it from a tackle shop be it in person or online.


  5. Hi guys,

    We've got a Garmin GPS/Sounder i think its a 450s model, and one of the gold pin like things that fits into the plug connected to the transducer has snapped and hence it won't turn on.

    Just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem and if they know any solutions and should it come under warranty?



  6. I have used the frozen hawkesbury squid from tackle shops and have caught numerous jews last season. This season I haven't seen much of it about and it is quite expensive about $28/kilo.

    Also worth noting I bought another brand of frozen squid as well not sure what it was called but it looked quite good green eyes no pink on the squid but the hawkesbury squid outfished it consistently until i gave the other one up and the hawkesbury squid was very pink no green eyes and to be honest didn't look all that fresh. But I do know that it did work consistently.

    I think there are definitely less squid around in the H'bury area this year compared to the same time last year.

    Last year at Cottage Pt we managed nearly 200 arrow squid over about 9 days of which we would of only kept about a quarter tops for bait each day and they were a decent size for arrow squid. This year we only managed 40-50 over 8 days and they were all really small, some were so small we put them back so that would explain the lack of it and high price.



  7. Good luck with it Rob, I've just used the advantage rod with a SOL on a friends combo and its very nice to use, i think the synthetic grips are probably better, i've just got a similar rod in the Daiwa Saltwater series and its my first synthetic after a few corks and i can't wait to try it out. The cork tends to need too much attention if you really want to look after it and becomes to brittle.



  8. Nice work Dave.

    If that secret reef is where i think it is we've done really well on slimies there before with the odd yakka and squid taking deep baits which have got us a few kings.

    Good to see there are still some sized ones in amongst the rats.



  9. I kept my salmon last weekend. It was the first time I caught one, so took it home and had it for dinner.

    I cooked it in the oven with butter and herbs but wasn't overly impressed with the flavour. Maybe it's just me, but the bream and trevally I've caught have been clearly superior in flavour. Maybe it's better as sashimi with some soy and wasabi, but a whole salmon is a LOT of sashimi.

    Salmon aren't a well renowned eating fish, quite a poor one that makes a better bait than dinner really.

    Are these fish that are eating bread holding under the boardwalk that goes along the outside of luna park or over near the ferry wharf?



  10. Hi Craig,

    We've got a few crystal blues and think they are very good rods. We have a 2-4kg, 6-8kg and a 15kg jig stick. All are great rods that are extremely durable with a solid bend in the rod and i think are great value for money.

    I don't like the 2-4kg for lure fishing as it is quite floppy and slow tapered so casting can be innacurate and when you're ripping a lure back in the rod is flying all over the place, fighting a fish though it is great and bait fishing its great.

    The 6-8kg which is virtually the same as the 10kg you're talking about is my favourite out of the 3, excellent rod for kingies, so far have a 100% record on it with about a dozen or so caught.

    The 15kg i've only used a couple of times and is an overhead but is a solid rod and as i said like the others is great value for money imo.



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