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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Hi Guys,

    Thought it might be a nice way to bring up my 1000th post with a successful fishing report.

    Hit the harbour today out from Roseville at 530 solo as none of my mates were keen on getting up early.

    Got some new squid jigs in the hope it would end my drought, but of course tried 5 spots to no avail, was only going to be out until about 9 as i was meeting mates at clontarf so i got sick of squidding and was about to go on the prowl for some surface action. What do you know as i'm leaving salmon pop up infront of the boat. First cast bang into a nice Sambo


    Followed the school around for quite a while and picked up about 10 salmon and 10 big tailor, some of the hits from the salmon were enormous and just great to watch, they went down but i spotted the school a few hundred metres away and was back into them on my own for a bit, then about 5mins later the other boats caught on and got into a few before the school went down for good.

    Had a tip off from a couple of guides i'm mates with of where the kings had been, so went around for a look, some birds sitting around not doing anything, annoying as usual indicating that the fish were not there, so i was about to go drop some baits at quaratine when in the distance i see a frenzy of birds, raced over there, kings cruising on the surface, much in the same fashion that they'd been impossible to hook on a few weeks ago, 2nd cast though and i'm into one, after a good fight and about 6 pathetic net shots i finally got him in the boat.

    Now i don't really like blatantly giving away locations but the picture i got with this fish was quite a remarkable one and too good not to post i think. I don't think the fish will be there again much as they moved in and out very quickly.


    The school moved off and i picked up one more. I cruised around for a while looking for some more action on my way to clontarf but didn't see anything, so i decided to go have a flick at a marker or 2 on my way.

    Knowing the curiosity of kingfish i went close to a marker and wizzed past making a lot of splash and commotion then quickly got back in position and ripped a sluggo back past it, 3 fish follow it immediately and then next cast i'm on another nice fight and this time into the net first shot.


    Got one more after this and then went and met my mates at clontarf for a bbq and some touch, one of the best days i've had in a while.

    All fish were released as well, kings were just rats and i'm not a tailor/salmon fan.



  2. Thats a nasty little area there, there was a starboard marker missing last week right over the rocks and its a narrow channel to pass through as it is. There was a maritime boat marking it but he seemed to just confuse everyone as they all went around him the wrong way, lucky it was high tide but that conceals the rocks and makes it more dangerous probably.

    Was the tide high or low when it happened?

    If you do end up getting a new engine, i'm pretty sure the evinrude etec 30hp is now available, should be a good little engine.



  3. I'd agree with QLD groper but it does have that barra element with the eyes nearly on top of its head, those gropers though are often hand fed by a lot of people when they are resident fish.

  4. At the risk of being made an look like an idiot, i'm gonna say

    1) 100yrs

    2) Panama



    5)Camels Hair






    What was the point of this Carl?


  5. Thats a great king, one the best i've seen pulled out the harbour in a while, were you on the purple boat?

    I'm gonna head out on Thursday, pulling out something like that would be nice :1prop: .

    For length i would say 90-95cm. If you want to be reasonably sure, measure the length of like your head in the picture and see how many times it fits into the fish in the pic then measure it in real life and multiply it by how ever many times it fit into the fish's length and you should be pretty close.



  6. Hi guys , first post here as with work don't get out much. Being an old pommie freshwater fisherman I had this problem in the UK and they invented a thing called a 'hair trigger' Basically hook on end of line with no bait but a very fine line tied to hook shank with small bait attached the other end.

    Some of these fish are smart (thats how they get big LOL) and can see or feel a large hook.

    This way nothing to warn them and suck it in followed by the real hook and to late then - might work for you sometimes.

    Thats a good one, haven't heard it before but sounds like it could be worth a try, i find its good to always have a reasonably sizeable bait out as well as there will always be one or 2 fish that have a brain snap and hit it, this happens to me on big whole prawns even on the heavier gear.

    How long should the line from the hook be?



  7. Good looking outfit mate, should handle salmon without any problem but as with any outfit if you hook a monster jewie it will test you, but that is up there in terms of quality in beach gear so i think you'll be fine.

    How much did that cost you?



  8. I was fishing last night and a fisho there said last time he hooked up to a small fish, he assumed it was a small whiting so he just left it there in a rod holder without reeling it back and he said he suddenly had a huge pull and landed a 60ish cm flatty, later on when he gutted the fish, there was the whiting.

    Would this also be considered illegal ? Personally i dont think its right, but you cant really help it if say you were away doing something, a fish self hooks and then another fish comes over and takes it

    Seems kind of unethical but lets not go on about it so the topic gets closed, some people think that it is ok but it isn't, i don't do it, i think this is where enough research may not have been done in terms of perhaps creating a maximum type size limit as they have on poddy mullet when using them as live bait is the sole purpose. Its 15cm in this case but i doubt a lot of people know about this or abide by it. Just stick to the fish that don't have size limits like yakkas, slimies i reckon.


  9. I've heard of fingermarks and jacks being caught a couple of times around the lagoon and narrabeen but not for a while. I've seen some really small moses perch around jettys but never caught one.

    Cobia do visit every now and then, there should be a few popping in with other sub-tropics around autumn time like samsons, amberjacks, spotted mackeral, frigates etc... One of my favourite times to fish autumn.

    Those stripy fish are quite common, plenty of little fish like that none of us know about.

  10. Hi Ben,

    It can be a bit of a messy and finnicky job at the best of times but once you've done it a lot then it becomes 2nd nature.

    First of all i cut off the head then i slice the squid all the way up from bottom of the mantle to the top (without piercing in the ink sac) then you see the small circular section at the bottom of the guts and put your thumb in there and pull. You can get all the guts out at once this way. From there you'll have left those 2 yellowish egg sac sort of things, you can just rip these off and then use your knife to scrape any loose bits that may be left and give it a wash.

    After that get your thumb and force it in behind the flaps of the squid, you'll be able to get right underneath and take the flaps off and if you do it gently you will be able to remove just about all the skin in the process.

    There will usually be a little bit of skin left around the bottom and the mantle which can be tricky to get off so just cut off a thin bit of the bottom section and you have a good clean squid tube.

    If you are planning on just eating them then cut of just below the squids beak and keep all his legs attached to that piece, they are good eating.



  11. Nice work Mike, good to hear they've arrived, i read somewhere theres some marlin about to so i guess that warmer current has finally got down here. Lets hope everything heats up to finish off summer.



  12. That should be fine mate, with the smaller jewies like that i wouldn't be worried but even the smaller kingies can give you some grief. Depends a lot on where you're fishing and if there is structure there that they can bust you off on. If there is then you'll need to really lay into them in that first few seconds but if not then take your time, dont rush the fish or overset your drag.

    Good Luck


  13. i do'nt under stand why people use mono as a backing is it the money or am i missing something

    i have 2 bait runners and have a full spool off 30lb braid on 1 and good quality 30 mono on the uther

    putting a knot in the line just adds a weak spot for the line to break

    i.ve had plenty off fish take 150 meters off the spool before i could turn the fish so to use a backing line is just silly i think


    Some people think the braid will slip against the spool, surely that isn't going to matter though because you don't get near spooled very often.

  14. Hi Guys,

    I'm planning on getting some downriggers in the near future and using them for kings in the harbour, our boat has a very narrow back corner and is plastic and i doubt that you would be able to properly mount one on there.

    There is some rail in the back corner which i could mount it on though.

    My question is does anyone use rail mounted riggers for kings? I know they are meant for freshwater lighter stuff but i don't have much choice here...



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