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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. Did you get the fish near the bridge there, we were went through there on the boat the last few days, got a mate that lives just around from woy woy bay.

    Great pics too, the one in the rockpool, how well is the smaller flatty camouflaged next to the bigger one



  2. Hi Rob,

    I have the same set up, 6lb TD sensor and 10lb vanish, i've had a bit of trouble with it breaking but i think thats down to me not having used really light line for a while, i always use a double uni, it helps to put a double in the braid first, takes more time but you'll lose less fish and lures this way. Make sure you're drag isn't too tight as well, backing it off a fraction has helped me.



  3. yea was a great day out

    maybe next time you'll do better than landing 1 out of 5 :biggrin2:

    2 knot failures, 1 wasn't hooked so just the bust off makes it 1/2 which isn't so bad

    Sounds good fun. Out of interest where did you pick up the squid Josh?


    I don't know pittwater too well but it was around the rocks opposite palmy

  4. Hi guys,

    Had a trip up to a mates place at Woy Woy situated on Brisbane Waters, went out on a charter they had organised with the local guide up there. Was quite a good day, got plenty of livies in quick time then took us 20min to get 5 good squid and we went off to the first spot where there was some activity on the surface with birds and the occasional splash so put a squid on the down rigger which was the first time i've been on a boat and used one and i liked it a lot, definitely a great way of catching kings, hooked one rat and got him in only about 55cm then hooked another on a sluggo off the surface on the 6lb gear, got him to the boat and he went for one last run and popped the 8lb leader (forgot to loosen drag there :wacko: ) but it was only another rat.

    Hooked a couple more fish and got them in but all in the 50s so moved off to another wreck and downrigged around there, saw it moving and awaited it to come out the clip and it didn't but was moving still so we bring it up and we've foul hooked a 35cm bream in the top of the head who took the squid head anyway. Kept on going and seemed a bit quiet so we moved towards another wreck and then the rod really goes off, this was a better fish and it was my turn to grab it stupidly i dithered with drink in one hand trying to get the rod out the holder with the other, dropped the drink and got the rod out but it was too late he'd got us caught, couldn't get him out and line got cut :thumbdown: I've now learnt that fish comes before drink, i think i was too used to going lighter on the rats and that bigger fish caught me off guard.

    Kept on going and moved to another spot and got some good tailor but couldn't catch more squid, got a couple more kings but all in the 50s still so moved up into Brisbane waters and got a 44cm flatty on plastics but was pretty quiet otherwise, foul hooked some jackets and caught some weird red cod thing. Didn't bother with pictures guys but it was a good day out and has inspired me to get some downriggers and fish pittwater more often :thumbup:



  5. We've been having lots of trouble with squid, just can't seem to get any for some reason, this has happened before and its quite frustrating. I don't usually bother trying for livies but i think i might start seeing we can't get the squid. :thumbdown:

  6. Hi all,

    Left Roseville about 5am this morning, saw some bait near the spit and stopped for a few casts but to no avail, wish i had stayed there half an hour longer now as people that fished there got fish over 70cm :mad3: instead we went to middle head and tried for squid. Surprise surprise none to be had, not sure what it is again but we just can't seem to get any squid, come to think of it i have no idea why we didn't stop and get those slimies we saw. Moved on and tried a few other squid spots but again nothing. Then headed over in the direction of bradleys head to see if we could see those rats that have been hanging in that area for a while. Didn't look like there was much doing but then the water exploded near the big navy drums, only tailor unfortunately.

    We chased these fish for a couple of hours and landed probably 40 fish biggest about 45cm but released them all as i'm not a fan of tailor. After that we headed over to quarantine and to my amazement there were only about 3 boats there. Got a really good spot right infront of the buoy able to drift baits back to it. Only had our fish market prawns and squid tube, got the burley of mashed prawn head going and immediately there are little brown stripey things and a few kings cruising through the trail, put baits on their nose and of course they don't touch them, accidently foul hooked some of the stripey things and put it back out live but they weren't interested. The fish got a bit more active moved just off the marker and started hitting some bait on the surface next to the boat, threw an unweighted bit of prawn in the middle of them on the 6lb bream gear, left it in the holder as i grabbed the sluggo rod and it starts bending in half, a good fight for a rat, my smallest ever kingfish at 52cm, good to christen that rod with one though :1prop: Decided to put out a whole prawn on the overhead in ratchet free spool, starting screaming off after a few min and hit it into gear and was into what seemed like a much more solid fish. It got itself wrapped around the anchor rope pretty seriously so we went to pull up the anchor to try and untangle it, of course the anchor is now stuck, takes us a while to drive the anchor out, pull it up untangle the line, in the meantime of course the king has found something on the bottom to get us stuck in, it was a bit odd, we could feel the fish and we tried pulling it out as hard as we could, free spooling it, everything for about 15-20min and finally it got too tight and SNAP the rod breaks in half, then of course the line soon follows :mad3:

    The rod was a 15kg Silstar Crystal Blue which bend very well and i was amazed to see that go before the 30lb braid. Here's the remains



    Other half went in the drink.

    Stayed around for another 30-40min saw other boats pick up a couple of rats as well as fisheries checking everyone there for fish/safety gear.

    Moved into MH and right where we saw the bait this morning as we slowed down there was a massive explosion next to us, they were good size kings from the size of the splashes, only stayed up for about 20secs, got a few casts in but no attention.

    No luck in MH.



  7. Sounds like you did better than most out today Vince, we found it pretty slow, kings around but real fussy. I was going to ask if we you were out today, i thought i saw your boat, we we're in our white Triumph Centre Console if you saw us.



  8. Nice work mate.

    What time did you get him? We saw lots of bait on the surface but not being attacked at the end of the 8knot zone when we went through around 530-6 and had a few casts but didn't draw any action. We then went and unsuccessfully squid fished at middle head and saw a lot of birds working back where the bait had been but (regrettably now) continued trying for squid. Were there some good bust ups there?



  9. Thanks heaps for all your suggestions. Much appreciated.

    I think I'll have a go with some smaller plastics/metals and some unweighted bait as well.

    I'll try working the small stick baits slowly but assume you have to retrieve the metals pretty fast to keep them on the surface? And with the peeled prawns/squid etc, are you just casting them out and letting them sink through the schools?

    Thanks again.



    The hits i got on the stick baits were when retrieving it very slow or letting it drift, or early on when you get to the school if you try a really erratic jerking action that fired up a couple the first time they saw it but not after that.

    As with the prawns just wait until you see a patch of them really having a go then throw it in amongst them and letting it drift and leave a bit of slack line as they bite it a few times before taking it down.



  10. Hey mate,

    Thats sounds like the same school of fish i was having a go at on Tuesday. They are just about impossible, unweighted prawns drew the most interest and the only fish, they wise up to the lures, i had them hit and hold it for about 1second quite a few times and they released it straight away realising it wasnt food.

    The baitfish they are chasing are tiny like the size of half a toothpick and they are so slow and easy to eat the kingfish are just swimming around slowly chomping them up without any effort.



  11. Wait until the water warms up around March-April and you get all the sub-tropical species coming in and there should be a few sharks being caught. I find the best place for school sharks is around the markers and reef at Dobroyd. Get some burley going and have out a nice flesh bait or even a live bait and you should get into some. I've got school sharks, bronzie's and hammerheads there all around that time of year when fishing for kingfish and they have taken the bait, often a big strip of squid.

    All these sharks are around 3-4ft so aren't to bad to handle.



  12. what abot box head

    Gotten bait there quite a few times before, have never had a problem getting them. Just get a burley trail going and they should be there in minutes. Generally i find they are big yakkas up around 25-30cm which can be a bit of fun in their own but sometimes you find slimies there as well but normally <20cm.



  13. Sounds like a good but frustrating day Josh. You must have been buggered by the time you finished up... chasing visible fish always has the adrenalin pumping and afterwards it's like some sort of nasty hangover.

    Cheers, Slinky

    We were all excited rushing about for the first hour but after that it was just like why are we even trying, i decided not to have a sleep in the afternoon but go to the cricket nets with mates instead then had to babysit and didn't go to sleep til 1 which now does feel like a nasty hangover

    If you look at the bottom of the picture about a third of the way from the left there is a kingfish smiling to have his pic taken

  14. Hey Josh

    Yeah went out just inside north head to try get some slimeys to drop down for kings. Followed out Al Mcglashen to longy for bugger all but then found them on the surface taking poppers half way back. Just rats but they were eating.....

    Later on the way back from the fish markets from lunch heading over to Clontarf for a swim, we found another pod out the front of Darling Point but sounded as fussy as your ones.

    With line break, drop the drag off a little. The inital hit of a pelegic can pop light lines if the drags aren't super smooth right from the start. You can then tighten it up again once you get past the hit and first run. I lost a saltiga popper from the same thing.


    It seemed to be that initial hit on a couple of occasions but the drag really wasn't that tight and the reel is a new shimano sustain :wacko: i haven't fished 6lb for a long time and i probably was putting a bit too much pressure on it.

    We were floating along in our 17ft white centre console in the middle of that water between middle head and quarantine on your left as you went past.



  15. Well left Roseville about 515 today in the hope of getting some kingfish as usual. Things were looking good, i hadn't forgot anything and my brother wasn't coming out who seems to be a bad kingfish omen so we were hoping for a good day. Saw some fish around the spit on the way out but looked like tailor so kept on moving after a couple of casts. Trolled through the 8knot zone for no fish so moved to one of my favourite squid spots, stayed for 20min without even a follow, saw one small one caught from 1 of the 5 other boats there, then was about to go to my most successful squid spot when some kings start splashing in front of our bow, they looked like decent fish but only stayed up for a minute or so and we only got 2 shots in with a popper for no interest. Then trolled around and got into a monumental tangle :ranting2: was untangling this and i see GregL in his very nice contender cruise past about to get some livies i think??

    Then moved to my fav squid spot for lots of seaweed but not squid. Then decided to go drop some squid and prawn baits for nothing much, couple of nudges but nothing serious. Then saw what i'd been hoping for, a crapload of birds going mental. Anchor up and raced over there, rat kings everywhere, we proceeded to follow these fish and had them all to ourselves for nearly 4 hours. In this whole time we only managed to land 1 FISH :mad3: a measly 60cm as well. We must of tried over 20 different lures from a range of SPs to sluggos, minnows, poppers, blades you name it and we had a couple of hits, both on shortened sluggos with some s-factor trigger on it but they were near impossible to hook or tempt. They were coming up next to the boat waving their tails at us cruising around, it didn't evenly look like they were feeding at some stages they were moving that slowly and leisurely.

    As the day went on my inexperienced mate hooked a couple but lost them when he really should of got them in, he thought he could fight it sitting down and of course it takes him straight under the boat and ping :thumbdown: the other time he could get the lift and wind going properly and somehow gave it a heap of slack and it was gone.

    I managed to get a few takes but had my line snap 3 times :ranting2::mad3: happened at knots twice and in the line once, this was only just after the hook up. It was only 6lb braid but a very good quality braid and they were only rats, the drag was going off but the line still snapped :wacko: .

    Eventually we found the secret formula, unweighted bits of fresh prawn, even then the fish were pathetic and tentative not even looking at anything you literally put on top of their nose but the prawns were getting nibbled and then swallowed every now and then, we both lost a couple with this, again with the line breakage i mentioned earlier so i went up to 20lb braid and managed to hook 1 and gave it to my mate as he hasn't caught many fish let alone a kingfish. I reckon we would of got a few more had we stayed out there but left them somewhat biting having to drop my mate back.

    I tried to get some good photos of the kings in action but this was all i could get on my phone, it was so much more than this!




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