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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. That stuff is bloody annoying, it often comes after its been windy or big tides, we get it stuck all over our plastics in pittwater sometimes, just ruins everything.

    If you want to persist through it best to rig your plastic so its weedless, i.e the hook is concealed in the plastic, some have grooves for this to be done.


  2. Yeh we've struggled to find a good net.

    We have the normal environet and whilst its good for the fish it has really small holes in between the mesh (or whatever material it is) and the hooks get caught in there quite annoyingly so i'm still looking for a compromise.

    It happened with a treble getting badly stuck when kings were busting up at my boat about a month ago :ranting2:

    Nice work on the kings anyway, sounds like the rats are starting to trickle in, the madness is bound to erupt soon :biggrin2:



  3. Sounds like a great capture.

    I take it thats the fish is a new Australian record then?? What difference would damage make if its still the biggest.

    Strange its taken so long to get one...there's quite a few blacks caught over 1000lb though isn't there?



  4. Good luck mate, its certainly a worthy cause.

    Our teachers at school did it last year and raised quite a bit of money, would imagine they'll do the same this year.


  5. I saw a monster something chasing in one of the bigger tailor I had hooked but only saw him real quick so I couldnt tell you definitively what it was. Could have been a huge tailor, could have been a king.

    Probably was a king, they have a habit of tailing tailor when hooked and quite often will eat them, then you're in for some trouble :1prop:

  6. I've never heard that before, can't think off the top of my head what it would help doing.

    It needs to be put on the reel firmly and evenly so there are no loops, tangles in the line which could potentially snap during a cast.

    Best to just go down to your local tackle store and get them to put it on for you with there machine, i'd imagine they would know some little secrets should there be any that actually make a difference.


  7. Hi Alasdair,

    I'm assuming you'll be targeting kings, maybe jewies with that sort of outfit??

    If i was you i would probably put some Sufix Perfomance Braid on it, its great quality with a very nice texture and is very well suited to fishing for bigger, stronger fish.

    You could even go up to 40 or 50lb if you wanted, depends on what you're targeting and where you're fishing though.


  8. im deffs looking at brand new becuase ive been told that the welds have cracked can any give me light on that??

    and what are the risc factors if they are cracked im not much of a boatie

    im looking at the stacer range look a sexy ride

    if anybody knows where woy woy is

    im goin to be travelling from woy woy to pittwater for the kings

    and to the hawksbury for jews and hopefully beable 2 attend one of those famous hairtail socials.

    im only 16 mate no kiddies yet :1prop:

    thanks boys


    Dat Woy Woy is right up the back end of Brisbane Waters and has many 'obstacles' on the way to Broken Bay, then Pittwater.

    Check out this map: http://www.waterways.nsw.gov.au/docs/brisbane_front.pdf

    And make sure you know all your boating safety regulations, markers etc... because there are some dangerous sections of that waterway which need to be handled safely in a boat.

    Here is another map showing Pittwater, Cowan and Hawkesbury entrance: http://www.waterways.nsw.gov.au/docs/pittwater_back.pdf

    Good Luck with your boat choice.



  9. I make a double in the braid and then tie a double uni to connect braid to mono and always a uni knot to whatever terminal is on the end except a loop knot for lures.

    Which knot connection did it break at? Make sure you lubricate your knots with some saliva and give a good wash after being submerged in salt water or even tie new knots to counteract the build up of salt crystals within the knots which cause them to fray and ultimately break under pressure.


  10. I have caught barra and kings and i can easily say that a king smashes a barra of the same size. In fact i would say that a 65cm king would pull harder than an 85cm barra. I have never caught a jew but from what i heard they dont go that hard.

    Josh88- How big was your GT, about 20kg? Imagine trying to pull a 20kg king out of the reefy environment that you get GT's in. I would say that it would be impossible!

    Dicko we estimated it to be a solid 50lb, it was a bloody fat fish, just sheer muscle.

    I would agree with you in that a king in that environment is probably a bit smarter and will find a way of getting you stuck in it, I was more implying that i think GT's have that sheer power that from what i've experienced seems unsurpassable but i'm sure others will disagree, just what i think.


  11. Can't offer a realistic comparison as i've never caught a Barra and my biggest jewie is 35cm :05: but i'd still have to say kingfish due to their streamline build and sheer power they display when fighting.

    I know its a bit off topic but i have to say that to me fighting a big GT is the hardest, they go like theres no tomorrow. :1prop:


  12. Nice work Saltrix, always good to do well in a place you don't know that well, great tasting feed as well.

    Is that a cobia or a small shark in the 2nd esky picture?



  13. Hey guys,

    Bday and Christmas are only days apart for me and with them approaching my parents want to know what i'm after. I've been doing a lot of web-surfing of tackle shops in both america and japan looking for some good bargains and i've found quite a few, like Daiwa Certate for $350 compared to the $550++ it can be in AUS.

    What i'd like to know is has anyone bought tackle over the net from countries like Japan/USA and how safe would you rate it + the chance if it breaks and warranty issues etc...

    Any other info on this topic is greatly appreciated. :thumbup:



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