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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. When i think about it you cant really compare it at all betweeen league and soccer or union and soccer. BUT you can compare league and union hahaha

    where league is more skillful because union has players like berrick barnes who couldnt even get a start in the broncos nrl team( even when players like darren lockyer where injured) and know hes starting in the australian team. same as ryan cross (off the top of my head) i dont think he represented australia in league..

    see how this ones goes.. ha :tease:

    Yeh maybe because Berrick was 15, 16 years old when at the broncos, not many kids get first grade starts at that age. League is a better game than soccer but its diminishing due to financial woes and the worsening quality of the game through teams like melbourne bringing in wrestling crap and idiotic selectors and people in charge making stupid rules. Serious changes need to be made in league in order for it to survive but nobody seems to be doing anything about it....

    And if you hadn't noticed the Wallabies are doing pretty well with players like Berrick Barnes and Ryan Cross, they've won 6 out the last 7 games and look in good shape to take out the tri-nations. That is more league selectors not opening their eyes to the quality in front of them as well as not developing and keeping valuable players in the game.

    Again you can't really compare skills because of the different rules and jobs of players in certain positions.

    It would be good to see a league vs union team with say each set of rules per half.

  2. Union

    take the ball back into the 22 mtr, kick out on the full.....different rule for different parts of the world

    I love watching union but not familiar with all the rule changes - help me out Raiders, I'm sure there are more.

    So, union and league over the decades, and still in the present era continue to change the rules - why???? Because they never got it right in the first place and still can't decide how to make the game workable and appealing to the public.

    How many rules have they changed in soccer???? :tease:

    I agree that the league rules are crap but union the rules are being changed as the way the game being played changes over time to make it a better game. E.g. the modern day athlete is fitter and stronger so can endure more and perform at their peaks for longer, that is why they change rules such as passing back into the 22 and kicking out on the full to be not allowed under the ELV's. Most of Australia will be playing the ELV's (experimental law variations) to some extent from next year onwards as will many parts of the world although the northern hemisphere won't be cooperating.

    I'm a union referee so i'll pm you answers to any law queries you may have mariner.



  3. however I do recall when Craig Johnson (ex Liverpool) lined up 5 rugby balls side by side, and proceeded to kick everyone between the rugby posts from the intersection of the 22 mtr and the sideline. Find a rugby player that could come close to emulate that talent - I think you would be hard pressed!!!

    Well thats because soccer revolves around kicking a ball accurately so thats obviously what they practise all the time and it comes more naturally to them. A rugby player has to practise much more aspects as kicking is only a small part of the game which makes that guy look good and it is, as a rugby kicker i know that isn't an easy kick.

    Just thought i'd throw this in there, doesn't prove much but anyway:


    The fake injuries and diving is about getting an advantage for your team by trying to fool the referee. I can't stand it but don't for a minute think it is only in football that this occurs.

    That fake diving cost Australia a chance at the world cup thanks to those cheating italians and idiotic referees.

    Soccer referees are stupid as are the rules.

    A lot of league rules are pretty crap which makes it hard for the refs but they still aren't as dumb as soccer refs and don't blow penalties for things that have no effect on the game or are obviously being milked.

    You dont see any milking or diving in union because it has good rules that you can hardly gain any advantage by cheating. Thats why union is the superior game.

  4. I'll bet more football players can play league than vice versa.

    They wouldn't last a second in a contact sport the way the dive and carry on, its a joke when they do that and is what makes it so hard to watch soccer.

    Both games require different skills and it can't be proven that one is better than the other, only opinions can be put forward which are right to some and wrong to others.

    Unfortunately there is no one answer as to what the best ball game is but my opinion is that its Rugby Union.

  5. unlike with soccer where players don’t wear padding or head protection.

    What about that chelsea goal keeper?? He wears a headgear, i mean its understandable if he has some condition that requires him to wear it but otherwise that is a joke. Soft as, soccer is a soft game and the non-contact part of it is way overemphasised by the diving, acting players and idiotic referees.

    I can't watch a full game of soccer.

    Union, league and AFL are all good but union is the standout that seems to be the best to watch and play as well as referee because the laws make sense and the guys behind the scenes are actually working in order to try and improve the game for both players and spectators which is much more than you can say for whats happening in league.

    Just my thoughts....i'll know others will disagree.



  6. The Shimano Saragosa should do the job pretty well. You'll really pay for it here (like 400-500 i think) but in the states its about 250-300 i'm pretty sure.

    The reel depends more on how much is in your pocket. Theres plenty of options out there.


  7. Fins braid is very good and i like the daiwa sensor and saltiga braids also but they do cost more than others. Tufline can be good but it does fray pretty easily around knots and tips.

  8. The water will gradually warm up as does the air temp. but you'll probably notice bigger changes when we're comfortably into spring around the beginning of October, the Salmon should be very abundant and picky at that time and kingies will start to make their presence felt probably on the surface again being picky feeding on those tiny eyes making it all the more frustrating for us lot :1fishing1:



  9. It does look like a trevally but i don't know of any trevally having fins like that...

    It does have a hint of a surgeon fish about it even though it doesn't look like one, maybe its a surgeon trevally mutation fish :wacko:

    The sharp tail is what a surgeon has......

  10. Hi Josh, the Sol is an ace reel it is smooth as , it handled the reddies I got on the weekend with ease , a beautiful reel, if you are thinking of getting one Josh 'DO IT' they are the goods...

    Thanks Ray. Thats good to hear.


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