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Posts posted by Josh88

  1. I really hope its manly, i'm so sick of melbourne and they way the act.

    I thought Bellamy and the CEO were way out of line saying what they did at the press conference after the game. He wonders why it looks like melbourne are being targeted, maybe because they most heavily use the wrestling to such a point that its dangerous and ruining many aspects of the game.

    I reckon they got what they deserved in terms of the fine and i'm happy that Smith got suspended now hopefully they'll lose the final and i think most people will feel better.

  2. slinky, re using the same thickness, will i get any casting advantages if i use lower diameter braid? i prefer to try and cast as far as possible, in case the school is out further.

    no mono, yes spining wheel, cheers. why not an alvey? i assume line twist?

    new question!!

    1) how much should i be paying for 300m?

    2) what knots are recommended for swivels and hooks?

    3) any tips if i want to snell with braid? or is it just the same as mono?

    1)300m braid should cost about $60-$70 in tackle shops but could be more or less, depends on brand.

    2) The uni knot with atleast 6 or 7 wraps is a good knot more terminal attachments.

    3) Haven't tried snelling with braid, would just use mono/flurocarbon as leader and do it, if you try it i'd just say you'd need quite a few more wraps to avoid slipping.


  3. yeh i've seen this one a few times before, used to be able to get over 30 pretty easy, a mate at school got to 100seconds!! The army or air force has doing that for 2 minutes as a requirement :1yikes:

    Got 25secs exactly this time.


  4. Fishing wise it was a terrible day for us, did well last week while the kings and tailor were active in the lower harbour and was expecting today to be similar......so much for that.

    Over looking for some surface action past the bridge and nothing was there, did have a couple of dolphins swim next to the boat as we passed under the bridge which was pretty cool but trolled around for 45min for not even a touch.

    Next went to north head and troll down past quarantine, got in a monumental tangle with 2 of the 3 rods out trolling and consequently lost a lot of line, whilst attempting to untangle this though the third rod gets absolutely hammered and drag is screaming off and their is some serious weight there, it was only 20foot deep which made me thought perhaps we've caught the bottom but the boat was stopped and drag was screaming off and something was shaking its head on the other end.

    We got reefed due to the shallower bottom and lost this fish which was a huge disappointment as it was BIG.

    Next went into north harbour to try for some squid and couldn't find any, then went to my favourite spot and got a great big squid first cast but nothing after that.

    Over to clarke island and the sounder looked promising but nothing was to be had, 2 big baits out one with ratchet set so any serious touches would've been known about. We were more or less watching the rods the whole time and didn't see either one move yet we bring them up half an hour later with nothing on the hooks.

    Does anyone know how the bait just disappears without any movement shown on the rods???

    Just to make matters worse were pulling up the anchor and it comes up with nothing on the end :ranting2:

    Got bored after this and decided to drive around through a lot of wake at the entrance to middle harbour then went home....


  5. Top session Josh.

    All in middle harbour?

    Yeh thanks guys, not in middle harbour at all. Don't want to reveal this spot as you don't often find kings here. Sorry.

    Will have another look for camera tonight.



  6. Hi guys,

    Sorry for the late report, been looking for the camera with pics from Friday but haven't found it...

    Left roseville just before 6am on my own after having about 7 mates turn down the offer of coming out due to having exams :1badmood: anyway that just meant more fish for me :1prop:

    Knew they would be at the place i was going, a somewhat unusual spot x for kingfish but they're on the move something must have attracted the whitebait here. There were gulls everywhere and kings and tailor popping there heads up frequently. Threw a pilchard pattern CD-9 out the back and was on within 5minutes, what a great start, quickly boated a 68cm king that put up a soft fight until he got into the boat.

    About 30min later again on the cd9 hooked another king, this one was much bigger and the reel was screaming like there was no tomorrow, fighting him for about 10min got him near the boat and he was in excess of 80cm but he screamed off on another run and pulled the hooks...damn. Only took another couple of minutes before i was on again and another good sized fish pulling hard, the fish started dancing on the surface with its tail and i couldn't see it well with the sun's glare which made me think it might be a good salmon but it was a good 70cm king.

    That was dinner sorted now for some more fun...got 5 or 6 tailor all on the cd9 between about 8-10am all over 50cm but none kept. The kings flared up again for about 10minutes and got into another good one, after a strong fight boated a pb 77cm king, this one was hooked badly in the eye and we had extra people for dinner so kept him as well.

    Was very pleased with the day i had and just to top it off tried for squid for 5min and picked up 2 big ones which made me very happy that night.



  7. Gday guys,

    Finished my exams today so have a week off.

    Am planning on going out on the harbour on Friday to hopefully find some salmon and kings on the surface, any suggestions as to lures in regards to what they're feeding on at the moment and general areas would be much appreciated.

    Also will probably go have a fish landbased at roseville on probably thursday hopefully for a jew on sp, again any suggestions are appreciated.


    Josh :1fishing1:

  8. We call it the Attitude Adjuster

    We use it on most fish we are going to eat unless like you said it has a difficult shaped head, in which case a brain spike is probably going to be more effective.


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