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Posts posted by trev

  1. =Target,Aug 19 2005, 09:10 PM]

    You dobbing me in there George ???  :1naughty:

    For a 6-7 weight you might want to look at single foot wire guides

    Single foot I like that idea!

    Also, if you are looking at salt water use, I would suggest steering away from wood inserts in reel seats, try a full aluminium seat, and even look at a removable fighting butt if you want to get into the salmon.

    Good point about the wood will look into alloy.

    Dont need to go for silk, just use NCP A  - much easier and you wont get fading.  If you want guide show through, use nylon A thread.

    My only reason for silk was for weight reduction?

    By the way, CD blanks are rated as some of the best fly blanks in the mid price market(ie excluding the real specialist stuff)  If you dont want to build it up - I'll buy it off you  :1clap:  What colour is the blank??  blue?

    The blank is brown well I guess really copper in colour. I can't really sell it as it was a gift and I am looking forward to building it up but thanks for the offer.

    Have fun

    Have fun I sure will. and thanks for the advise



  2. Joe,

    It's a 2 pc rod.

    Yep snake guides ? silk thread to bind. not sure about real seat? I have done a bit of wood turning in the past and I know my dad has a block of rosewood in his workshop :1naughty: I am in no hurry to get started I just want to do it right!



  3. Out of interest has anyone ever made up a fly rod?

    I have been given a blank composite developments. Markings say:

    2102 6-7wt 100%graphite graphiteIII.

    I was hoping to build it up over Christmas sometime. I have built several rods before from 1pc 12ft beach to small spin sticks but never a fly rod. I will do a few net searches but was interested in other raiders experiences.



  4. Got to agree with Iain here. That is how I used to do most of my fishing when I started. Catch little yackas and hardy heads and send em out as live bait caught lots of decent flathead and a few small jew when a youngster.

    Take a small bucket to keep your live bait in remember to change the water occasionally. Once you have some live bait and have sent one out re rig your light gear and chuck som SP's arround for fun.

    Good luck



  5. Weiry,

    You should call in to the site sponsor Bass Angler. They are just next door to you at Penrith. They also offer discounts to Fishraiders on some gear!

    Australian Bass Angler 103 -107 Batt Street Penrith NSW 2750

    Telephone 02 4721 0455

    There is a link to them at the top of the page.



  6. Well after my 13yr old daughters birthday party a sleep over with 4 new teenage girls I needed a break from the giggling laughing and greenday at full volume. I know the tides were not what I would like but headed off at about 3:30pm to Iron Cove.

    Got there and tide was rising but had a long way to go.

    Started chuckeing watermelon 3 " hawgs damn near dredged the edge of the river for no fish. after about 3.5 hrs of tossing lures also tried small single tail and a squidgie then back to 3" hawg I was resigned to a no fish outing and as it was dark and cold I was about to call it quits when I finally came up solid on a whiting of 36cm(sorry no pics yet) a new personal best :1clap: The fish hit the hawg real close to shore and then zig zagged out tacking drag. but after that no real fight at all. I walked a bit further fanning out casts and then had a good take on the lure. The fish came straight to the water surface and went for a short fast run which made me think it was a tailor as I was retrieving a little fast but nope a flathead of 38.5 cm.

    I decided to keep fishing following this success I had one good hook up that swam straight out from the shore but lost it.

    Only two fish but both good fish and am I happy with a PB whiting on SP You bet I am.

    Cheers and good luck 2mro at the salmon social all.


    mmmmmmMMMM now 4 a nice :beersmile:

  7. Friday Night

    :1happybday: My beautiful Eldest Daughter's 13th B'Day Four of her girlfriends sleeping over :wacko: will drive me nuts


    Cooking Breakfast and then lunch for 5 13yr olds whilst they watch chick flicks with :wife:

    Sat Arvo might get to chuck some SP's arround somewhere


    Church in the morning then cricket training in the Arvo.

    Hopefully watch a bit of cricket amongst it all.

    Good luck to all at the social. I will hopefully get to one of these one day. I hope the Sambo's show up and maybe a few surprises amongst them.



  8. I'm with Chris looks like the Nepean cause of the mountains.

    My other thought was it may be somewhere on the way to your Dads farm in Young.

    But I am stumped.

    Tell us the place Tell us the place



  9. " turned around and the rod was going nuts! Ran down to grab rod and realised that it was a bloody seagull attracted by the berley. Got the bird in and had to cut the line to free it, but managed to retrieve hooks and sinker and excess line."

    :1welcomeani: Neil.

    Mate those gulls really put up afight on light tackle :1clap:

    Well done on the sambo.



  10. Thanks those articles were reallyhelpful, I headed back down there early this morning and caught 2 nice flathead, with a minnow type soft plastic, Released both.


    Sensational Reeso. Well done on the SP Flatties.



  11. If I could find one again I would say the Little dig lure.

    These were a soft bibbed lure that had a real nice action a little like a tadpolly the bib was malliable aluminium and you could adjust the angle and get different depth and action. I caught heaps of flat head and bream on it in the lane cove river trolling from a canoe in the 80's. It caught heaps of bass in the nepean. It was always the first lure I tied on back then. sadly lost to a snag :05:

    Now I am fast falling in love with the soft plastics paddle tails and the hawgs in watermelon.



  12. Most of the time hooks just rust away if the fish is hooked just in the mouth, but if it is hooked in he throat or gut it will most definetily die quick.

    If the fish is gut hooked and bleeding the best thing to do is put it out of its misery.




    I have caught a tailor off the beach and a flathead in lanecove that when cleaned had hooks in the guts old black and rusty but still there. Pretty freaky



  13. I do the same, I use the spare skirts you can buy for spinnerbaits for the leg material (although the first ones I made I used the stretchy threads from the inside of an old occy strap).  You can really trick up your SPs.

    On of the best ones is to get the small size berkley frogs in green or black and put legs on them and cast them with a flyrod in against the pylons as a crab imitation. Use them unweighted they just drift down wafting from side to side. You do need good polaroids as sometimes the takes are very hard to detect unless you see them.

    Also working on developing a very good looking ( to me at least, havent tried it on the fish) baby squid imitation. Those little legs should look great.

    Regards POGO



    I have tied a sqid pattern using white rubber from my daughters hair ties and hot melt glue for body. I don't do anywhere near enough fly fishing though so have not caught anything on it but it looks the goods in my mates lure testing tank (AKA swimming pool)



  14. Shame about losing the big girl Trev...But its good to get out there!

    Whats the SP with the legs???? You have a pic of it???


    Joe I don't have digital camera and as yet can't link the phone to the computer. I will be at my parents tomorow so will take a snap there and post it tomorrow.

    To explain though. I got a single tail grub and pulled some rubber legs through it with a needle, thought it might add to atraction/ action and seemed to work. I will post a pick tomorrow.



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